The topping work of 647,500 acres of cotton in Tiemenguan City is in full swing

The topping work of 647,500 acres of cotton in Tiemenguan City is in full swing

 ”Spring competes with the day, and summer competes with the time.” It is now a critical period for cotton topping, irrigation, top dressing, disease and pest control, …

United States: The high temperature in Texas has eased and new cotton is growing smoothly

United States: The high temperature in Texas has eased and new cotton is growing smoothly

From June 30 to July 6, 2023, the seven major domestic markets in the United States The average spot price of standard grade is 76.77 cents/pound, up 4.08 cents/pound from the prev…

Jinjiang printing and dyeing is “green”

Jinjiang printing and dyeing is “green”

In the “three-star” green factory of Fengzhu Textile, there are 200 square meters The m-shaped shaping workshop realizes natural ventilation without the help of equipme…

How can Jingchu Textile cover all aspects?

How can Jingchu Textile cover all aspects?

Modern textile is one of the nine emerging characteristic industrial chains that Hubei is focusing on developing. Hubei has comparative advantages in raw materials, production and …

Jinghe County: The time is right for cotton topping and agricultural technology to help promote a bumper harvest

Jinghe County: The time is right for cotton topping and agricultural technology to help promote a bumper harvest

Right now, it is the critical season for cotton topping, so as to effectively guide farmers to do a good job The current cotton topping work is in-depth implementation of various t…

Leshan City, Sichuan: Provincial, city and county three-level linkage promotes high-quality development of fiber spinning industry

Leshan City, Sichuan: Provincial, city and county three-level linkage promotes high-quality development of fiber spinning industry

Recently, the Sichuan Provincial Fiber Inspection Bureau and the Leshan Municipal Market Supervision and Administration Bureau “About Further The signing ceremony of the Memo…

When fashion meets environmental protection, look at the new visual marketing ideas of international brands

When fashion meets environmental protection, look at the new visual marketing ideas of international brands

Today, with the prevalence of online consumption, the offline showrooms and store layouts of fashion brands are still It has a great impact on consumer shopping experience and bran…

Shawan City: Optimizing the textile industry to promote high-quality economic development

Shawan City: Optimizing the textile industry to promote high-quality economic development

In recent years, Shawan City has worked hard to build a modern industrial system relying on local advantageous industries. Actively promote the development of the textile industry …

Shishi Printing and Dyeing Industry: Chasing “Green Dividends”

Shishi Printing and Dyeing Industry: Chasing “Green Dividends”

Recently, Shishi City officially released the “Shishi City 2023 Green Printing and Dyeing Improvement Action Work Plan” 》. The plan requires that through the improvemen…

Lancang Bamboo Pond: Silkworms spin out “silk” that makes them rich, and the silkworm farmers are happy

Lancang Bamboo Pond: Silkworms spin out “silk” that makes them rich, and the silkworm farmers are happy

Nowadays, mulberry leaves are lush and silkworm cocoons are harvested. At the cocoon purchase point in Zhutang Township, Lancang County, there is an endless stream of silkworm farm…
