Excellent supply promotes upgrading | Zhuzhou, Hunan: Activate development momentum and help recovery of apparel consumption

Excellent supply promotes upgrading | Zhuzhou, Hunan: Activate development momentum and help recovery of apparel consumption

Hunan is a province rich in natural textile resources such as cotton, linen, and bamboo. As Hunan’s traditional advantageous industry, the textile industry has made great con…

Shanghai releases action plan for high-quality development of fashion consumer goods industry

Shanghai releases action plan for high-quality development of fashion consumer goods industry

As an important part of Shanghai’s “3+6” new industrial system, the development of the fashion consumer goods industry is an important support for fully launching…

Shaanxi Yanchuan: Planting mulberry and raising silkworms has embarked on a new green “silk” road

Shaanxi Yanchuan: Planting mulberry and raising silkworms has embarked on a new green “silk” road

In the harsh winter, on the mountains of Yanchuan County, Shaanxi Province, there is a scene of mulberry garden construction in full swing. In Fengjiawan Village, Wen’anyi To…

Keqiao: Tens of thousands of cadres join thousands of enterprises to help the printing and dyeing industry gain momentum for recovery

Keqiao: Tens of thousands of cadres join thousands of enterprises to help the printing and dyeing industry gain momentum for recovery

A few days ago, reporters came to Zhejiang Ellis Dyeing and Finishing Co., Ltd. located in Ma’an Street. Workers in the workshop were busy and busy. It is understood that wit…

The Global Fashion City Index is released!  Shenzhen once again beats Tokyo and ranks among the top five in the world

The Global Fashion City Index is released! Shenzhen once again beats Tokyo and ranks among the top five in the world

Shenzhen once again beats Tokyo to become one of the top five fashion capitals in the world! ——This is the news from the opening ceremony of the 8th China (Shenzhen) International …

Global apparel trade may grow slightly by 0.8% to 1.5% next year

Global apparel trade may grow slightly by 0.8% to 1.5% next year

In an environment of rising inflation, high energy costs and tightening global supply chains, major international economic institutions such as the World Bank and the International…

Shaoxing Foreign Trade Enterprises: How effective is the “going overseas” action?

Shaoxing Foreign Trade Enterprises: How effective is the “going overseas” action?

Recently, foreign trade companies have set off a wave of organizing groups to go overseas to find orders. In July this year, a foreign trade textile company in Shaoxing seized the …

Cotton planting costs in Xinjiang continue to increase

Cotton planting costs in Xinjiang continue to increase

On December 13, 2022, at the seventh session of the Fourth Standing Council held by the China Cotton Association, Su Xuhong, deputy secretary-general of the Xinjiang Autonomous Reg…

“China’s Textile Hometown” Gaoyang, Hebei: Digitalization helps products become popular overseas

“China’s Textile Hometown” Gaoyang, Hebei: Digitalization helps products become popular overseas

“We have upgraded all the original looms to advanced rapier looms, and the digital transformation of the workshop will be completed soon, which will greatly improve the productqual…

Guangzhou: Intangible cultural heritage fragrant cloud yarn adds charm to the ancient buildings in Shamian

Guangzhou: Intangible cultural heritage fragrant cloud yarn adds charm to the ancient buildings in Shamian

Nostalgic European-style doors and windows, thick wooden railings, elegant cement flower-stepped bricks… In a historical building on Shamian Island, Guangzhou, Guangdong, mod…
