Advantages and Disadvantages of Milk Fiber

Advantages and Disadvantages of Milk Fiber

牛奶纤维是以牛乳作为基本原料通过高科技制作工艺精炼而成的,它是一种有别于天然纤维、再生纤维和合成纤维的新型动物蛋白纤维,又叫牛奶丝、牛奶蛋白纤维。 ​<br / Advantages: Compared with traditional cashmere: softness is equal to or better than cashmere; br…

Super water-repellent finishing of umbrella cloth

Super water-repellent finishing of umbrella cloth

雨伞用布主要有三种:涤纶、PG布、尼龙� �texnology®FCSA雨伞布防水剂,产品性质比较稳定,初始防水效果好,用量少� A large amount of production practice has proved that on chemical fiber fabrics such as polyester and nylon, the do…

Plastic bottles turn into jeans

Plastic bottles turn into jeans

近日,一篇《你穿的每一条牛仔裤都在毁灭我们的未来》的文章在朋友圈里刷屏� The article stated that jeans are extremely destructive to the environment. “A pair of jeans consumes 3,480 liters of water in a lifetime.” “Th…

Seaweed can also be made into clothing, which feels smooth and will not burn.

Seaweed can also be made into clothing, which feels smooth and will not burn.

<section <sectio <secti Seaweed can also be made into clothes! And the skin comfort when worn on the body is 15% higher than that of cotton. %。近日由青岛大学专家组承担的“海藻资源制取纤维及深加工产业…

Advantages and Disadvantages of Wood Fiber

Advantages and Disadvantages of Wood Fiber

木纤维:木纤维是以优质的天然树木为原料,经特殊的高科技工艺处理,把树木中的纤维素提取出来,再经制胶、纺丝等工序而制造出的再生纤维素纤维。 ​<br / Advantages: Both wood fiber and bamboo fiber products have antibacterial, antibacterial and deodorant…

Advantages and Disadvantages of Microfiber

Advantages and Disadvantages of Microfiber

超细纤维:一般把纤度0.3旦(直径5微米)以下的纤维称为超细纤维。 ​<br / Advantages: The fabric feels extremely soft: fine fibers can increase the layered structure of the silk, increase the specific surface a…

They say linen fabric is good, but what’s so good about it?

They say linen fabric is good, but what’s so good about it?

亚麻属于自然界中天然的环保素材,它质量轻盈,触摸起来也非常柔软,经久耐用,舒适感十足;同时也越来越引起人们怀念,向往和追求大自然中的真、善、美。这种潮流甚至发展到“自然即美”的境地。亚麻风格的高境界,就是他展现给人们的自然特征,麻优点很多…… 1. Breathable</p 亚麻的散热性能是羊毛的5倍,丝绸的19倍,在炎热的天…

What fabrics to wear in summer to keep you cool?

What fabrics to wear in summer to keep you cool?

这两天下着小雨,夏天好像离我们还有点远。但是别忘了前几天30°的气温,对空调的渴望,它很快就会卷土重来。 今天小编给大家介绍一下夏天穿什么样的面料衣服凉快。帮你度过一个清爽、凉快的夏天。 夏季天气炎热,外衣基本都要贴身穿着,因此衣物材质要耐磨、轻薄,透气散热性也要好,对皮肤还无刺激性。此外,材质的吸湿性对衣物的凉爽程度有很大影响。 从衣服材质上看,棉、麻、丝…

Why should cotton fabrics be preshrunk?

Why should cotton fabrics be preshrunk?

纤维素纤维织物吸湿透气,服用性能良好,但缩水率大,常给消费者带来诸多不便。而织物经过预缩整理,可以使织物经向提前收缩,从而降低成品织物的缩水率,以满足服装加工的质量要求。 国际市场对高档产品的经纬向缩水率均有要求,而常用的橡毯预缩机,对织物的纬向没有收缩作用� In order to ensure that the weft shrinkage index …

Complete knowledge of fabric color fastness

Complete knowledge of fabric color fastness

Color fastness refers to the degree to which a garment’s color fades and stains. The mandatory national standard GB18401-2003 “National Basic Safety Technical Specifica…
