What is air conditioning fiber fabric?

What is air conditioning fiber fabric?

The earliest use of air-conditioning fiber was developed for making space suits. Its greatest feature is that it can automatically adjust the temperature of clothes according to hu…

What is island fiber?

What is island fiber?

Sea-island fiber is a polymer dispersed in another polymer. The dispersed phase in the cross-section of the fiber is in an “island” state, while the matrix is ​​equival…

EU “new ban”

EU “new ban”

昨日(25日)通报说,近日,欧盟委员会发布2016年第26号法规,要求纺织制品中壬基酚聚氧乙烯醚(NPE)含量不得高于0.01%(100ppm)。法规的过渡期为5年,即从2021年2月起,不符合限量要求的产品将不允许在欧盟市场销售或进口。 此次禁令将对服装、室内纺织品、纱线、织布等重点产品出口造成严重影响。 The impact of this new re…

Combustion performance—45 degree method

Combustion performance—45 degree method

【引言】 纺织材料及其制品通常具有高度可燃、易燃性,该特点备受广大人民所关注。与此同时相关技术机构制定出纺织品燃烧性能测试方法,国内外监管部门也纷纷出台相关的法规,对纺织品燃烧性能作出严格的规定。今天,小编首先为大家介绍一下纺织品燃烧性能–45度法。 </p 【原理】 在规定的条件下,对45度放置的样品表面进行点火1秒钟,燃烧至标志线火焰所…

Clothing on the market that easily exceeds formaldehyde content

Clothing on the market that easily exceeds formaldehyde content

One category is non-iron clothing</p 因为需经过整理的免烫服装可能使用含甲醛的免烫整理剂,并且其中部分产品甲醛含量较高。 </p The second is denim clothing</p 牛仔的树脂整理(如在褶皱处的定型)的制作过程中可能使用甲醛,对身体产生危害。 </p The third …

[New] 2016 version of antibacterial standards

[New] 2016 version of antibacterial standards

<tbody <tr style="height:22.3500pt; <td colspan="2" style="width:440.9000pt;padding:0.0000pt 5.2500pt 0.0000pt 5.2500pt ;border-left:1.0000pt solid win…

The harm of perfluorinated compounds in textiles to the human body

The harm of perfluorinated compounds in textiles to the human body

近来,有媒体报道称,从市售超越对折的泳衣中检出对健康和环境有害的化学物质全氟化合物(PFCs),其间不少是世界知名品牌。那么,全氟化合物究竟是何物质?国内是否有有关的法规对其进行束缚?记者采访了有关人士。 </p 全氟化合物是一种有着特别特性,可使资料防油、防污和防水的含氟化学物,也是一种很难降解的有机化学污染物。全氟辛酸铵(PFOA)和全氟辛烷磺酸(…

Why do some people say that carbon six waterproofing agent does not contain PFOA and PFOS?

Why do some people say that carbon six waterproofing agent does not contain PFOA and PFOS?

首先,我们来了解清楚什么是PFOA和PFOS? PFOA代表全氟辛酸及其含铵的主盐,是英文PerfluorooctanoicAcid的缩写,PFOA是一种人工合成的化学品,通常是用于生产高效能氟聚合物时所不可或缺的加工助剂。这些高效能氟聚合物可被广泛应用于航空科技、运输、电子行业,以及厨具等民生用品。当PFOA分解后会在环境或人体中释放出来,对环境和人体造成…

Highly waterproof and oil-proof finishing of wool fabrics

Highly waterproof and oil-proof finishing of wool fabrics

羊毛面料色泽自然柔和、保暖效果好、是制作高档西服和大衣的首选面料。高品质生带动纺织科技化,即赋予纺织面料多功能性,如防水、防油、防污、抗静电、抗菌防螨、抗紫外线等。接下来我们通过一组数据着重说明如何赋予羊毛面料高防水高防油效果: </p <tbody <t <td colspan=" Dosage: 30g/l BX1 na…

Advantages and Disadvantages of Bamboo Fiber

Advantages and Disadvantages of Bamboo Fiber

Bamboo fiber is a green, ecological and environmentally friendly fiber extracted from bamboo through high-tech means. It refers to the main component of bamboo (lignin, cellulose, …
