natural antibacterial agent

Antibacterial mechanism of chitosan and its derivatives
关于壳聚糖及其衍生物的抗菌机理尚有诸多未明之处。根据现有的研究结果,壳聚糖及其衍生物之所以能够抑菌,主要是由于它们与细菌的细胞质膜发生了一定的反应,破坏了细菌正常的生理功能。尽管如此,壳聚糖及其衍生物在抗菌机理上还是存在一定的差异。 (1)The mechanism of antibacterial effect of chitosan: the catio…

Safety of Chitosan
由于壳聚糖及其衍生物的应用日益广泛,因此其安全性也引起了人们的普遍关注� Numerous studies have been conducted on the safety of chitosan, including acute toxicity tests, subacute toxicity tests, teratogenicity and car…

Detailed explanation of waterproof and breathable fabric lamination technology and waterproof and breathable fabric expansion technology
1. The concept of fabric-film interface</p 从三层复合面料的角度看,防水透湿层压面料是由一层或多层织物与高聚物薄膜通过粘合剂粘结在一起,形成兼有多种功能性复合面料。无论织物和薄膜的性能多好,如果不能很好粘结形成一个整体,或者粘结后层压织物的耐剥离性很差,显然这种织物没有实用价值。界面的结构的性质与粘结效果密切相…

Factors affecting the breathability and moisture permeability of composite fabrics
The breathability and moisture permeability of composite fabrics can be expressed by moisture resistance. When there is a water vapor concentration difference (or water vapor parti…

Waterproof and breathable fabrics waterproofing principle
面料防水性是指织物对液态水透过时的阻隔抗恨性能� Traditionally, the term “waterproof fabric” is used to describe a fabric that is completely impermeable to water under the application of water…

“Outdoor Sportswear Jackets” National Standard Released
随着人们健康生活意识的不断增强,户外运动爱好者越来越多,冲锋衣深受广大消费者喜爱,市场规模越来越大。为规范产品生产,保证产品质量,国家标准委2016年4月25日发布了《户外运动服装 冲锋衣》(GB/T32614-2016)国家标准。据悉,本次发布的标准对冲锋衣的安全、产品基本性能、功能性指标做出了规定。同时,为了保护儿童健康,标准还特别规定了适用于儿童的安全…

Hydrostatic Pressure Resistance Test Standard
Hydrostatic pressure (Water Proofness abbreviated as: WP): The outdoor fabric industry is accustomed to calling it water pressure resistance. The unit is expressed in mmh2o. It ref…

Moisture permeability test standard
Moisture Proofness (abbreviated as: MP): Moisture permeability is expressed in units of g/m2/24h. It refers to the formation of a specific humidity difference on both sides of the …

What are the characteristics of bamboo fiber fabrics?
The raw material of bamboo fiber yarn is selected from the high-quality mountain and wild moso bamboo fiber in the south. The short fiber yarn produced from bamboo pulp fiber is a …