Do you know the 6 common color fastnesses in printing and dyeing?
General concept of color fastness</p 染色牢度是对染色、印花织物的质量要求。因为染过色的织物在穿着和保管中会因光、汗、摩擦、洗涤、熨烫等原因发生裉色或变色现象,从而影响织物或服装的外观美感。染色状态变异的性质或程度可用染色牢度来表示。织物的染色牢度与纱线结构、织物组织、印染方法、染料种类及外界作用力大小有关。它可分为…

Highly oil-proof and waterproof finishing for automotive interior fabrics
无纺布,又称不织布,是新一代环保材料,具有拒水、透气、柔韧、不助燃、无毒无刺激性、色彩丰富等特点� �无纺布若置于室外经自然分解,其长寿命只有90天,置于室内在5年内分解,燃烧时无毒、无味、且无任何遗留物质,从而不污染环境,宜于洗涤� �它直接利用高聚物切片、短纤维或长丝通过各种纤网成形方法和固结技术形成的具有柔软、透气和平面结构的新型纤维制品� �它具有塑…

Functional finishing process
Functional finishing process</p 1.拒水(water—repellenting) 用化学拒水剂处理,使纤维的表面张力降低,致使水滴不能润湿表面的工艺过程称之为拒水整理,又称透气性防水整理。适用于雨衣、旅游袋等材料。织物的拒水整理 效果还与织物的组织结构有关。经过拒水处理的织物仍能保持其透气性。但不同的拒水整理剂对纤维的适…

Introduction to special uniform fabrics
Introduction to special uniform fabrics</p 1. Fire-retardant fabrics: </p “Praban (Praban) is a durable finishing flame retardant for cotton fibers. The British “…

Water-repellent, oil-repellent, easy to remove and finish
Water-repellent, oil-repellent, easy to remove and finish</p 不久前市场关注的Teflon不粘锅有毒事件,其元凶是全氟辛酸铵(PFOA)Per-fluorooctane Ammonium C7F15C00-NH4+),使人们联想到拒水、拒油整理剂也有全氟辛基组分。由于八碳的氟碳化合物是难生物降…

Fabric functional finishing technology
Fabric functional finishing technology</p 1. Flame retardant finishing</p After the carcinogenic tris(aziridyl)phosphine oxide (TEPA) and tris(2,3 dibromopropyl)phosphonate (…

Functional finishing during development
Functional organization during development</p 1. Application of nanotechnology</p Emerging nanomaterials have a series of unique functions and are undoubtedly a bright spot a…

Textile antibacterial finishing and development trends
当基本的条件如营养、水份、氧气以及合适的温度都具备时,纺织品是微生物生长的极好媒介物,其硕大的表面积有助于微生物的生长。为了减少有害微生物对人的危害,防止在人与人、人与动物、动物与动物之间的传播,我们必须人为地控制纺织品中微生物的生长繁殖。 耐久性抗菌整理是一种很有效的方法。它可减少微生物降解织物产生的气味,可以杀死或抑制细菌,减少对人体的危害,起到卫生保健…

Why do pure cashmere sweaters pill easily? Is there any way to eliminate it?
为什么纯羊绒的毛衣容易起球?有什么办法可以消除? 如何防止绒线织物起球? 起球是绒线制品的共性� During the wearing and use of velvet fabrics, the short fibers protruding from the surface of the fabric are easy to tangle into ba…

What are the main issues that need to be paid attention to in the dyeing and finishing technology of moisture-absorbent and sweat-wicking fabrics (pure and blended)?
1. Moisture-absorbing and sweat-wicking polyester fibers are mainly special-shaped fibers, and most of the surfaces have micro-groove structures. The surface area of the same fin…