What are the main types of special finishing?
Special treatment: Methods to achieve special treatment: add corresponding additives before setting, or use a coating machine to apply the corresponding coating </p 料进行涂层。 A防水处理…

Europe is the third largest flame retardant market in the world, accounting for 22% of the global market share.
根据国外市场研究机构ResearchandMarkets发布的报告,到2020年欧洲阻燃剂市场将以5.3%的稳健速率增长,超21亿美元。欧洲是全球第三大阻燃剂市场,占全球市场份额的22%。 按照应用,阻燃剂能被分为以下类型:电子及电气应用,建筑,电线电缆,汽车,纺织及其他。其中大的两个领域分别是建筑和电子电气应用,总计占据整个市场的45%。 电子电气…

The impact of nanotechnology on the development of human society
将铁制成纳米材料,其强度将提高十倍,韧性将提高几十倍,用这样的材料制造的汽车重量将会降低近90%� � </p 将纳米材料涂于眼镜、镜子、窗玻璃的表面,正常环境下永远不用清洗� � </p By applying nanomaterials to clothes, the clothes will not stain dust and do no…

Deconami’s homepage
德科纳米,是旗下的品牌–德科纳米事业部� The main business direction of Deco Nano Business Division is functional finishing additives, including: Waterproof and oil-proof agent, Easy stain remov…

A white shirt that’s not afraid of getting dirty

Does “sunlight” wash away stains?
澳大利亚皇家墨尔本理工大学的研究团队日前研发出一种促使特殊纳米结构生长的新方法,用其制成的纺织品在阳光下曝晒,可直接降解掉上面的污渍。这意味着,以后衣服脏了放在阳光下可“洗”净,洗衣机有可能被淘汰。 据物理学家组织网22日报道,这项研究为增强纳米纺织品未来自行清理其上污渍和污垢铺平了道路,该成果发表在新一期《先进材料界面》期刊上。 该团队带头人拉马纳…

Three elements for the development of composite materials
Composite materials should seek development from improving structural efficiency, process efficiency and reducing costs. At present, the development trends of composite materials t…

Why is C6 waterproofing agent not as effective as C8 waterproofing agent?

workwear fabrics
工装面料是专门为工作者需要而特制的工作服面料。 它能有效保洁、防污染、防护身体免遭机械外伤和有害化学药物、热辐射烧伤,包括防护性、耐洗涤性、防菌防霉性、耐化学药物性、耐热性等。 随着工装工作服的流行,现在的工装面料行业也越来越受关注! </p Characteristics of workwear fabrics</p 1. Economy<…

Identification of commonly used textile fibers
The combustion characteristics of several common fibers are compared as follows: </p Cotton, linen, viscose fiber, cupro fiber: </p 靠近火焰:不缩不熔;接触火焰:迅速燃烧;离开火焰:继续燃烧;气味:烧纸的气味;残留物…