LED active warning clothing
In order to improve work safety while on duty or when dealing with traffic accidents, traffic police generally wear reflective vests and raincoats to improve their visibility. Howe…

The difference between organic cotton and pure cotton
Organic cotton is a kind of pure natural pollution-free cotton. In agricultural production, organic fertilizer, biological control of pests and diseases, and natural farming manage…

Warm clothing for sports
不管是专业运动员还是普通运动爱好者,每天都要经历体温的上下波动,他们需要一件运动装备——会根据不同强度活动来帮助他们自然调节体温的衣物。耐克希望设计出一件既保暖又透气,且提升美感的衣物。 为此,他们的设计师、纺线专家、计算机编程师和编织机技术人员走到一起,以研制开发新一代技术针织衣。首先,设计团队将棉织物与尼龙材料相结合,开发出一种具有丰富质地和表面结构的全…

Flame retardant material grade
What are flame retardant materials?</p 阻燃材料是能够抑制或者延滞燃烧而自己并不容易燃烧的材料,广泛应用于服装、石油、化工、冶金、造船、消防、国防等领域。阻燃材料主要有有机和无机,卤素和非卤。有机是以溴系、氮系和红磷及化合物为代表的一些阻燃剂,无机主要是三氧化二锑、氢氧化镁、氢氧化铝,硅系等阻燃体系。 阻燃材料的制…

Aramid makes fire-fighting suits no longer spontaneously ignite
日前,在湖北荆州监利火灾中,一名消防员因其消防灭火服被引燃不得已跳楼逃生。灭火服如何不自燃,再次成为业内关注的热点话题。 阻燃性是对消防灭火服基本的性能要求。延长消防灭火服面料的耐高温时间以及离开燃烧物的续燃时间一直是消防灭火服有待攻克的难题。 其实,对于消防阻燃面料离开燃烧物后的续燃时间,各国都有明确规定� The D6413 “Sta…

‘Almost invisible’ RFID tags
资讯通信技术企业–富士通先端科技北美公司(FujitsuFrontechNorthAmerica)开发出一种低成本,超高频的无线射频电子成衣标签(RFID),缝在成衣上几乎看不见。 该公司称,富士通WT-A522L标签约为典型衬衫领撑(collarstay)的大小,是半透明的,加装在质地透薄的衣服上几乎看不见。该标签亦提供保护,防止假冒和欺诈…

Making indigo dye using E. coli
天然染料由于无毒无害、无污染等特性在纺织业中得到越来越广泛的应用� �日前由美国犹他州立大学的JixunZhan博士领导的一组研究人员利用大肠杆菌制造出了一种称为indigoidine的靛蓝染料� �研究人员首先使用另外一种细菌产生蓝色染料,然而发现后的数量有限� �随后他们将对大肠杆菌进行基因改造,终成功产出大量的靛蓝染料� �Indigoidine靛蓝染…

Business suits, a fixture in elite men’s wardrobes
When traveling for business: </p Are you still worried about opening your suitcase and seeing a wrinkled suit?</p Are you still troubled by the sudden rain on the way to meet…

How to improve the high added value of worsted wool fabrics?
Friends who are familiar with worsted wool fabrics know that worsted wool fabrics are mainly made of pure sheep wool, and can also be mixed with a certain proportion of wool-type c…

A brief analysis of the causes of wrinkles in cotton knitted fabrics due to dip dyeing
1. The mechanism and factors that produce wrinkles in cotton knitting</p 1.1 The mechanism of wrinkles<br / 棉纤维是一种吸水性很强的纤维.它具有湿变形的特点,用棉纤维制成的棉针织物有此特点。棉针织物的染色加工多数都是湿热的染整加工过程在湿态…