The principles and uses of cool fabrics
原理:凉感面料通过吸收热量来调节温度,凉爽因子给人的皮肤一种凉爽的舒适感。凉感面料分为:涤纶凉感面料和尼龙凉感面料。 </p Usage: Cool-feeling fabrics are suitable for underwear fabrics, shirt fabrics, bedding fabrics, mountaineering cl…

The magical properties of bamboo fiber
1.Bactericidal, bacteriostatic, antibacterial<br / 您有没有发现,我们早上用干净的毛巾洗脸,到下午或晚上再洗脸时,会有味道?对吗?我们知道,细菌每秒钟千万、亿万的繁殖,那是大量细菌繁殖的结果! </p 2.2. Deodorizing and highly adsorbent<br / 竹纤…

Why does bamboo fiber have antibacterial and antibacterial properties?
Bamboo contains a substance called “bamboo quinone”, which is a natural antibacterial component present in bamboo and has natural antibacterial, anti-mite, and deodoriz…

The difference between moisture absorption and quick drying and moisture conduction and quick drying
Moisture-absorbing and quick-drying fibers generally have a high specific surface area, with numerous pores or grooves on the surface, and their cross-sections are generally of spe…

The difference between one-way moisture conduction and moisture conduction and quick drying
导湿快干织物是通过增加蒸发面积,使汗液在织物上快速扩散达到快干的目的� One-way moisture conduction is faster than that of fabrics because the inner and outer fabrics have different hydrophilic properties. That is, t…

One-way moisture guide technology
The one-way moisture-conducting function of the fabric is developed on the basis of moisture-conducting and quick-drying. It means that moisture and heat are quickly transferred fr…

AATCC130 easy stain removal rating standard
AATCC标准的权威性和通用性,我们选其作为测试标准� During the test, prepare two 38×38cm fabric samples, adjust the humidity for 4 hours (temperature 21±1°C, relative humidity 65±2%), place them flat on a…

The principle of easy decontamination and finishing of textiles
1.Classification and causes of stains: </p 衣服在穿着的过程中,会受到来自内、外两方面的污渍沾污。污渍成因主要概括为四个方面:(1)穿着过程中浮游尘埃的污染;(2)汗液等分泌物的污染;(3)微生物的污染;(4)洗涤过程中的再污染等。 </p 2.Easy decontamination finishing…

How to correctly distinguish between real silk, mulberry silk, spun silk and imitation silk
Silk generally refers to silk, including mulberry silk, tussah silk, castor silk, cassava silk, etc. It is a protein fiber. Silk fibroin contains 18 kinds of amino acids that are b…

“Ice linen” fabric
“冰麻”是一种针织服饰用的面料。它是由70%粘胶长丝和30%锦纶丝采用交并加捻而长。织造后,经湿热处理,使具有热塑性的锦纶组分产生急剧收缩,粘胶则充分暴露在表面,使内部具有疏水性,外部具有亲水性。采用这种纱线织成的服饰,穿着凉爽,故有“冰麻”之美誉。 </p The advantages of “Bing Ma” are mai…