Repair biochemical protective clothing can automatically repair minor damage
According to the China National Defense Science and Technology Information Network, the U.S. Army’s Natick Soldier Research, Development and Engineering Center (NSRDEC), the Univer…

Textiles made from wood
在瑞典有一个新的研发计划,探索研发以使用木材或是回收的生物基为基础开发新的纤维以做成纺织品的可能性。 According to the Swedish Trade and Investment Board, the program, called “Building Swedish-Made Textiles,” has receiv…

“New generation” clothing made from recycled waste
服装原材料除了棉、毛、皮、腈纶等等,还有什么?塑料垃圾。对,你没看错! 总部在西班牙马德里的服装公司Ecoalf回收利用塑料瓶、渔网、轮胎等废旧物品生产外套、马甲、背包等“新生代”服饰,大受市场欢迎� �Ecoalf与200艘渔船签订合同,让他们无偿帮助收集海上垃圾,仅两个月,公司就收到两吨塑料垃圾和两吨其他垃圾� �废塑料经整理、煮沸、分类,撕成小碎片…

Characteristics and uses of hydrophilic and easy-to-remove finishing agents
易去污整理剂分为亲水易去污和拒水易去污。在这里,我们来谈谈亲水易去污整理剂有什么样的特点以及它的用途主要体现在哪些方面? 特点一:可以赋予疏水性涤纶耐洗涤的吸水性;其用途:适用于内衣、运动服等要求吸汗速干的面料。 特点二:可以赋予涤纶耐久的防污性;其用途:适用于桌布、地毯、各种脚垫等清洁性要求高面料。 FCK002 hydrophilic and easy-…

Anti-wear fabric technology
机能性纤维制造商Pertex研发出采用菱形长纤纱相互交织的新技术,创出耐摩布料。 Pertex表示,相互交织的长纤纱提供稳定的结构,使得布料具耐摩性及更好的疏水性。 具体来说,以CS10技术所制的Pertex布料,较传统采圆形长纤纱制成的布料高出两倍以上的耐摩度,布料也更耐用、柔软及防绒。 户外成衣品牌如Berghaus、Montane、Mamm…

Relaxing clothes
Most office workers will feel exhausted physically and mentally after a long day of work. What they want to do is to go home quickly, take a shower, and then read a book or TV to r…

What is the fourth generation waterproof jacket?
随着户外运动的普及,在冬天穿冲锋衣的朋友越来越多。 冲锋衣原本是:为了适应户外极端天气而设计的功能性服装,重要的3个功能:防风,防雨和透气。 很多朋友会问:既防水又透气?这不是矛盾吗? 就像塑料袋:防水了就不透气。随着科技的发展,现在已经可以通过在布料背面附着不同的涂层或者复合防水膜,来达到上述的功能: </p At present, the gene…

Bacteria make clothes, the more you sweat, the more breathable they become!
Clothes contaminated with bacteria can be found everywhere, but clothes made of bacteria are unique: The BioLogic team at MIT has created a smart piece of clothing. The more you sw…

Summary of suits and suit fabrics
Pure fiber fabrics</p 1、纯涤纶花呢。表面平滑细洁,条型清晰,手感挺、爽,易洗快干,穿久后易起毛。宜做男女春秋装。 </p 2、涤粘花呢(快巴)。涤纶50~65%、粘胶丝50~35%,毛型感强,手感丰满厚实,弹性较好,价廉。宜做男女春秋服装。 </p 3、针织纯涤纶。质地柔软,弹性好,外观丰满、挺括,易洗快干。宜做男女…

The difference between waterproof fabrics and water-repellent fabrics
Fabric waterproofing usually refers to the waterproof functionality of the fabric itself. After the initial compact fabrics and coated waterproof fabrics, waterproof fabrics are no…