Application of aramid fiber in high-tech fields

Application of aramid fiber in high-tech fields

高性能纤维及其复合材料是发展国防军工、航空航天、新能源及高科技产业的重要基础原材料,同时在建筑、通信、机械、环保、海洋开发、体育休闲等国民经济领域具有广泛的用途。“十三五”期间,高性能纤维由于“中国制造2025”的推动,将迎来重要的发展机遇期。本期开始,本报将开设专栏,就芳纶、碳纤维等高性能纤维的性能特点、在下游领域的应用情况等进行介绍。   芳纶纤维早由美…

Global specialty fiber market size in 2020

Global specialty fiber market size in 2020

According to a report recently released by, an international market research organization, the global specialty fiber market reached US$11.26 billion (approximately…

skin clothing

skin clothing

皮肤衣,指的是轻质的梭织茄克,具有透气、排汗、耐磨、轻盈等特性,是像人体皮肤一样会呼吸的户外服装。随着越来越多人加入户外运动的行列,皮肤衣受到越来越多人的青睐。对于一些初次购买皮肤衣的朋友来说,选择什么牌子的皮肤衣成为了困惑他们的问题。而近日,阿迪达斯皮肤衣受到了很多户外运动爱好者的推崇。   阿迪达斯皮肤衣之所以受到好评,不仅因为它使用的材料有着舒适的接触…

Smart wearable devices measure heartbeats and can be connected to monitoring doctors at any time

Smart wearable devices measure heartbeats and can be connected to monitoring doctors at any time

苹果iwatch智能手表、小米手环……各种可穿戴设备让人感觉时尚又新鲜,但是,很多人戴了一段时间就扔了� �其实可穿戴设备未来应该和医院结合,成为人们的生活必需品� Yesterday, at the “11th Jiangsu Science and Technology Forum” co-sponsored by the Jia…

Test methods for moisture-wicking fabrics

Test methods for moisture-wicking fabrics

Hydrophilicity (water absorption): </p Water dripping method: Use a rope or rubber band to fix the fabric to the mouth of the beaker. Make the tip of the buret about 1.0±0.1cm a…

What is a waterproof and breathable membrane?  What is its purpose?

What is a waterproof and breathable membrane? What is its purpose?

防水透湿膜是一种新型的高分子防水材料� �它以聚氨基甲酸酯(TPU)为主要材料,导入亲水基� �薄膜表面无微孔,故可以防风拒水� �因为薄膜有亲水基,通过吸湿传导,从而具有透湿的功能� �常用于服装面料,家纺复合,登山服,滑雪鞋等领域� Extended reading: -du…

How waterproof and breathable membrane works

How waterproof and breathable membrane works

防水透湿膜的技术早是从欧美国家开始引进的,然后在台湾,韩国开始发展壮大。大约2003年左右,国内也有厂家开始生产,也是以台资厂或合资厂为主,近几年内资厂也有生产,但内资生产的品质和台湾、韩国产的防水透湿膜还有一定的差距。内资的各个厂家的产品质量参差不齐,且没能形成一个统一的质量标准。 Extended reading: https://www.yingjie…

How moisture-wicking fabrics work

How moisture-wicking fabrics work

尼龙吸湿排汗面料、涤纶吸湿排汗面料的工作原理:吸湿排汗面料被我们常称为“吸湿快干布料”或“可呼吸面料”,它的英文一般叫“MoistureWickingFabric”,“MoistureAbsorptionPerspirationFabric”� Moisture-absorbing and sweat-wicking fibers generally hav…

Waterproof and breathable fabric technology

Waterproof and breathable fabric technology

防水透湿织物技术发展过程的主线是涂层和层压织物,辅线则是高密织物� Since coated fabrics and laminated fabrics can achieve high waterproof and moisture permeability, they can also be provided in different grades (s…

Highly absorbent fiber

Highly absorbent fiber

