Functional textiles market has huge potential
Functional textiles refer to textiles that, in addition to their own basic use value, also have antibacterial, anti-mite, anti-mildew, anti-virus, anti-mosquito, anti-moth, flame-r…

New successes emerge in functional textiles
中国大陆功能性纺织品的快速发展,使得功能性纺织品的研发呈现出高涨态势� As people’s consumer demand for certain special functional textiles continues to increase, the research and development of functional text…

A brief discussion on the application of nanomaterials in textiles (1)
随着信息技术和生物工程的崛起与不断发展,纳米功能材料及纳米技术成为各国研究的热点� Due to the unique structure and performance of nanomaterials and their wide application prospects in practice, nanotechnology has deeply p…

A brief discussion on the application of nanomaterials in textiles (2)
纺织品行业已成为我国第二大出口创汇支柱产业,目前该行业主要以量取胜,只有不断开发新产品,提高产品的档次和功能,才能获得持续稳定的发展。而科技的进步始终是全球纺织服装产业升级的根本动力,纳米技术为纺织服装产业注入了新的活力。 纳米是一个长度计量单位,1纳米(μm)等于10亿分之一米,纳米粒子一般是指粒径在0.1~100μm之间的微粒。纳米粒子可通过光学、催…

The principles and uses of cool fabrics
Principle: </p 凉感面料通过吸收热量来调节温度,凉爽因子给人的皮肤一种凉爽的舒适感。凉感面料分为:涤纶凉感面料和尼龙凉感面料。 Purpose: </p Cool-feeling fabrics are suitable for underwear fabrics, shirt fabrics, bedding fabrics, m…

Thermal thermal fabric
The English name of thermal thermal insulation fabric is: “Hot-Fabric”. Thermal thermal insulation fabric can absorb external heat such as visible light and infrared ra…

New environmentally friendly waterproofing agent
何为环保� As we all know, fluorides such as PFOA and PFOS are of concern to everyone, because if these fluorides exceed the standard, they will cause some degree of harm to the human b…

Antibacterial hygiene
是利用抗菌剂、防臭剂或抑菌剂处理织物,从而获得抗菌、防腐、防臭、保持纺织品清洁卫生的加工。 </p The purpose of antibacterial hygiene: </p 1.Reduce cross-infection in public places and prevent infectious diseases;</p 2…

Anti-mildew finishing
目的:提高织物对霉菌的抵御能力,增加使用寿命。 </p Anti-mildew finishing textiles include scope</p (1)Military supplies: military uniforms, field work tents, equipment coveralls; < /p (2)产业布:建筑纺…

Outdoor fabrics are waterproof and repellent
When traveling outdoors to cope with changing weather, waterproof jackets, pants and even shoes are very important. However, I believe many people are not particularly clear about …