Fabric made from soured milk
According to CNN, Europeans throw away large amounts of expired milk that is not suitable for human consumption every year. Now, a German company is turning expired milk into high-…

Protective clothing nano fabric
Nanotextiles for protective clothing? Recently, the Textile Nanotechnology Laboratory of Cornell University in the United States has produced a new type of fiber fabric specificall…

APEO alkylphenol polyoxyethylene ether
Appendix 17 of REACH imposes corresponding restrictions and regulations on the use, circulation and discharge of alkylphenol polyoxyethylene ether APEO. The restrictions on APEO in…

Dressing cloth that can prevent wound infection
Do we often hear about “wound infection” in our lives? In response to this phenomenon, Egyptian scientists developed silver ion dressing cloth to prevent wound infectio…

GB/T14577-1993 Determination of water repellency of fabrics – Bondisgate rain method
This standard is equivalent to the international standard ISO9865-1991 “Textiles – Determination of water repellency of fabrics by Bondisman rain test method” 1. …

Water repellency: Rain test AATCC35: 2000
1. Purpose and scope 1.1. This method works on any fabric with or without a water-repellent finish. This standard can be used to measure fabric Impact water penetration resistance …

Environmentally friendly hydrocarbon resin fluorine-free waterproofing agent
As people’s quality of life improves, the requirements for environmental protection and quality in all aspects of clothing, food, housing and transportation are also getting …

Where can I find fluorine-free waterproofing agents that are washable?
What fabrics need to be made? Field military uniforms, firefighting, special military clothing, protective equipment, military tents, sleeping bags, mountaineering clothing, ski cl…

AATCC 127-2003 Water Resistance: Hydrostatic Pressure Method
1. Purpose and scope 1.1 This test method is used to determine the resistance of fabrics to water penetration under hydrostatic pressure. It is applicable to all types of fabrics, …

Advantages and disadvantages of scouring process
Rope-shaped cloth cooking pot: high-temperature cooking All kinds of cotton fabrics, especially fabrics with tight texture and high scouring requirements, such as poplin, satin, et…