Vegetable dyeing techniques

Vegetable dyeing techniques

“青,取之于蓝,而青于蓝”,《荀子·劝学篇》中的这句名言,就是指用蓝草制成的靛蓝可染出更青的颜色� �植物染亦称草木染,采用天然植物、中药材、花卉、蔬菜、茶叶制成染料,为织物染色� �根据相关资料,早在四五千年前的新石器时代,我国就已掌握了植物染料的提取、染色技术� �轩辕黄帝时代,已开始用草木之汁染色制衣� �植物染在唐朝达到鼎盛,成为当时社会主要的染色技…

Fibers that change color depending on light

Fibers that change color depending on light

经过了两年多上百次试验,在教授级高级工程师谢跃亭带领的研发团队不懈努力下,新乡化纤股份终于研制出了一种随光线不同变换出不同色彩的纤维。它有一个雅致的名字——“幻彩丝”。   “幻彩丝”是在生物质纤维基础上,经过改性而成的一种新型功能性纤维。它不但可以由白色转变为各种艳丽色彩,也可以在一种带有底色的基础上,由一种颜色基调瞬间转变为另一种颜色。利用该纤维在不同光…

Surface dyeing of cotton knitted fabrics using reactive dyes

Surface dyeing of cotton knitted fabrics using reactive dyes

世界上首创成功应用活性染料对棉针织布进行表面染色,并制造具有时尚牛仔服装水洗效果的T-恤.还具有低碳环保生产的优点。   本研究发明了应用活性染料对棉针织布进行表面染色的技术。经表面染色的针织布可以做具有牛仔服装水洗效果的时装。因只进行表面染色,染料及化学助剂的用量不到常规染色方法的一半,可显著降低污染,绿色环保。   因为带液量低,节省焙烘能源。此技术将常…

Medical functional textiles

Medical functional textiles

纺织业景气一片低迷,但医护机能型纺织品却大放异彩� Emmanuelle Butaud-Stubbs, Director General of the French Textile Industry Federation, said: “The application of functional textiles has seen signifi…

2015 – The deadline for carbon eight waterproofing agent, are you ready?

2015 – The deadline for carbon eight waterproofing agent, are you ready?

</p </p 2015年,是碳八的大限� Just after the recent “Toxic Gate” (fluorine compounds contained in clothing, such as PFOA, PFOS, etc.) incident at the 2014 Brazil World Cu…

Where can I buy low-temperature, environmentally friendly, and washable waterproofing agents?

Where can I buy low-temperature, environmentally friendly, and washable waterproofing agents?

The waterproof effect of FCB060 at low temperature: Under normal water-based conditions, the cross-linking temperature will reach 160-170°C to have excellent waterproof effect; how…

Causes and prevention of aurora (calender mark, strip mark)

Causes and prevention of aurora (calender mark, strip mark)

Form: </p 布面呈现有规律或无规律的点状、条状或块状亮光。 <br / Cause:<br/ ①压辊布包得不平整,压辊布已损坏,呢毯起皱,造成有规律的极光。 ②压辊布内裹入纱头或其他杂物,与布面摩擦产生极光。 ③定形整理时,出风口处幅宽与中位幅宽接近,在织物边部产生极光印。 ④烘燥整理时,揿布过重,与织物摩擦产生无规律的经向极光。 …

Methods to improve the cleaning effect after textile printing and dyeing processing

Methods to improve the cleaning effect after textile printing and dyeing processing

纺织品色牢度差,经固色剂处理尚不能见效;或多组分混纺交织物上染料沾污严重;或纺织品上有各种异味等。这主要与印染加工的全过程,尤其是后一道清洗工序有着十分密切的关系。为此,笔者根据长期生产实践的经验.归纳出以下几点: </p 1.清洗染物的水要清 这里讲的”清”是指清净的软水。如江、浙两省很多企业都用河水.应将水中的藻类物、泥沙和杂质过滤去除,对硬度偏高…

Identification of clothing fabric components

Identification of clothing fabric components

辨别服装面料成分得简易方法是燃烧法。做法是在服装得缝边处抽下一缕包含经纱和纬纱得布纱.用火将其点燃.视察燃烧火焰得状态.闻布纱燃烧后发出得气味.看燃烧后得剩余物.从而断定与服装耐久性标签上标注得面料成分是否相符.以分辨面料成分得真伪。 </p 1. Cotton fiber and linen fiber</p </p   棉纤维与麻纤维都…

What should we pay attention to when making polyester, nylon, cotton and their blended fabrics waterproof and oil-proof?

What should we pay attention to when making polyester, nylon, cotton and their blended fabrics waterproof and oil-proof?

1. The pre-processed fabric must be refined and clean. The residual surfactant will affect the waterproof effect. The pH of the fabric before finishing must not be alkaline;</p …
