China garment – garment brands, garment information, garment media Garment News Finishing and maintenance of British-style clothing fabrics (Learn how to properly care for British-style clothing fabrics)

Finishing and maintenance of British-style clothing fabrics (Learn how to properly care for British-style clothing fabrics)

British style clothing usually uses a wide variety of fabrics, including wool, velvet, tweed, plaid, etc. To ensure the durability of your garment’s texture and appearance, p…

British style clothing usually uses a wide variety of fabrics, including wool, velvet, tweed, plaid, etc. To ensure the durability of your garment’s texture and appearance, proper care is crucial. The following are some suggestions for the care and maintenance of British-style clothing fabrics:

1. Wool and flannel: These fabrics require professional dry cleaning to avoid shrinkage and deformation. During normal use, you can gently brush away dust and stains, and air dry regularly.

2. Tweed: Tweed is usually more wear-resistant, but care needs to be taken to avoid friction and scratches. It is recommended to gently brush away dust and avoid frequent cleaning to prevent the fabric from losing its original texture.

3. Checkered cloth: Checked cloth clothing should avoid exposure to sunlight to prevent the color from fading. When cleaning, it is best to choose dry cleaning and avoid using a washing machine to avoid deformation of the fabric.

4. Avoid hanging for a long time: Hanging for a long time will cause wrinkles on the clothing. It is recommended to use hangers on clothing that has been worn and does not need to be washed immediately. , avoid hanging it for a long time.

5. Note when storing: After cleaning and completely drying, fold the garment and place it in a ventilated, dry and clean place. It is best to use cotton paper or cloth to wrap the garment and avoid contact with plastic bags to avoid damage to the fabric.

6. Regular inspection: Regularly check whether zippers, buttons and other accessories of clothing are loose or worn. If necessary, repair or replace them in time to keep the clothing in good condition. state.

Please note that due to the special nature of fabrics and garments, I strongly recommend following the cleaning instructions on the garment label for cleaning and maintenance, and consulting if necessary Advice from a professional dry cleaner or clothing expert.

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Author: clsrich
