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Classification and difference between wet cleaning and dry cleaning (distinguish the difference between wet cleaning and dry cleaning)

Wet cleaning and dry cleaning are two different cleaning methods. Their classification and differences are as follows: 1. Classification: – Wet cleaning: Also known as water …

Wet cleaning and dry cleaning are two different cleaning methods. Their classification and differences are as follows:

1. Classification:

– Wet cleaning: Also known as water washing, it is a method of cleaning clothes or fabrics using water and detergent.

– Dry cleaning: A method of cleaning clothing or fabrics using solvents instead of water.

2. Difference:

– Cleaning principle: Wet cleaning uses water and detergent to remove dirt from the dirt through mechanical agitation and friction. Washed out of clothing. Dry cleaning uses solvents, which can dissolve grease and other stains and evaporate quickly after cleaning.

– Item applicability: Wet cleaning is suitable for most daily clothes and fabrics, and can clean cotton, silk, linen, etc. Dry cleaning is suitable for water-sensitive clothing, such as sweaters, suits, down jackets, etc.

– Washing effect: Wet cleaning can clean clothes more thoroughly and remove stubborn stains and odors, but it may cause wear and tear on some clothes. Although dry cleaning cannot completely clean clothes, it can remove grease and other stubborn stains while causing less wear and tear on clothes.

– Washing time: Wet cleaning usually takes longer because it involves the use of water, soaking and rinsing. Dry cleaning is usually faster and can be completed in a short time.

– Environmental protection: Wet cleaning requires a large amount of water and detergent, which may have a certain impact on the environment. The solvents used in dry cleaning can be recycled, reducing water consumption.

These are the classifications and differences between wet cleaning and dry cleaning. The choice of cleaning method depends on the material of the clothing, the type of stains, and personal needs and preferences.

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Author: clsrich
