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Nantong International Home Textile Industrial Park bears great trust and strives to build a world-class textile industry advanced zone

Aiming at the functional high ground and sprinting at full speed, we keep a close eye on the depth of reform and make steady efforts. On the 23rd, on the occasion of the first anni…

Aiming at the functional high ground and sprinting at full speed, we keep a close eye on the depth of reform and make steady efforts. On the 23rd, on the occasion of the first anniversary of the establishment of Nantong International Home Textile Industrial Park, the park’s first special plan, “Jiangsu Nantong International Home Textile Industrial Park Comprehensive Transportation Planning and Design”, formed the design results and was officially released. This move means that the construction of the new city in the park has taken another substantial step.

Home textiles are Nantong’s iconic traditional advantageous industry and a unique business card of the city. One year ago, on November 23, bearing the great trust of the Nantong Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government to build a world-class advanced textile industry zone, Nantong International Home Textile Industrial Park, the city’s youngest functional sector, was announced. This year, the Thirteenth Party Congress of Nantong City proposed: Support the high-end, intelligent, green and service-oriented transformation of the textile industry, create a world-class textile industry advanced zone, and amplify the global influence of the “Nantong Home Textiles” brand. At the same time, it was pointed out that relying on the International Home Textile Industrial Park and the Airport Area to create a national airport economic demonstration zone.

There is no need to whip up the whip and work hard. At the beginning of the establishment of the Home Textile Park, it set a high-level positioning and loudly proposed the goals and tasks of “building a world-class home textile industry cluster and building an international industry-city integration demonstration new city” and building a development blueprint of “four centers and one new city”, that is, a world-class international home textile A business center, a world-leading innovative and creative design center, a world-leading high-end home textile research and development center, and a global high-quality goods distribution center, to create a world-class home textile industry cluster pioneer area. At the same time, focusing on the “three-dimensional reshaping” of life, business, and ecology, we will create an international industry-city integrated development demonstration new city that is suitable for living, working, business, and tourism.

If you want to set a benchmark, industry comes first. Data show that in the first three quarters of this year, the park’s two major markets achieved a transaction volume of approximately 170.7 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 20.2%, continuing to rank first in the national home textile professional market; the taxable sales of the home textile industry were 13.842 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 28.17%. Behind the data lies the hard work and wisdom of pioneers and pioneers in the home textile park.

“To start the ‘active battle’ for high-quality development of the park, we focus on the three key points of ‘new city construction, industrial transformation and market upgrading’ and strive to promote the construction of new cities in the park. A major breakthrough, a major upgrade in industrial development, and a major transformation in the market landscape.” said Qian Suomei, deputy secretary of the Party Working Committee and director of the Management Committee of Nantong International Home Textile Industrial Park. Over the past year, the home textile park has seized opportunities, targeted world-class industrial clusters, and promoted transformation and upgrading. Focusing on “Big Data +”, the park focuses on improving the quality and efficiency of the home textile industry chain, and carries out digital empowerment in design, manufacturing, sales, logistics and other aspects.

At present, the home textile industry big data innovation center is officially launched, supply chain pilot platforms such as shared sampling centers are accelerating site selection and construction, and intelligent benchmark factories are gradually advancing. The Nantong Home Textile E-commerce (Live Broadcast) Public Service Center is currently in the process of selecting a location. Focusing on the cultivation and upgrading of new business formats, the park focuses on two national-level pilot projects, vigorously promotes the integrated customs clearance of market procurement and trade methods, actively strives for the establishment of a provincial cross-border e-commerce demonstration park in the park, and strives to create an online and offline ecosystem for the cross-border e-commerce industry. chain. From January to October this year, market procurement trade customs declaration exports reached US$593 million, and cross-border e-commerce exports reached US$19.8424 million.

Aim to be world-class and become a strong and refined “city business card”. The Home Textile Park inherits and develops the cultural connotation of Nantong’s home textiles and builds its reputation to the outside world. It has successfully held major events such as the “New Infrastructure” Development Seminar for the Nantong Home Textile Industry and the China Down Bedding Industry Conference. On March 17 this year, the park organized a group for the first time to participate in the 2021 Shanghai Home Textiles under the name “Nantong Home Textiles”, which greatly enhanced the influence and popularity of Nantong Home Textiles. From October 18th to 22nd, the “Zhang Jian Cup” 2021 China International Home Textile Product Design Competition and the first China Nantong International Home Textile Fashion Week event made the home textile park the focus of the industry. This home textile event has many highlights. While helping Nantong Home Textiles introduce top international design, it also perfectly creates a new business card for the Nantong Festival in the form of a carnival.

From scratch, from existence to strength, Nantong Home Textiles has gone through more than 30 years. Standing at a new historical starting point, how to continue to write a good answer to the new era? “We will continue to work hard to build a world-class home textile industry cluster with the largest scale, the best quality, the most comprehensive platform, and the latest business formats.” Pan Jianhua, deputy mayor and secretary of the Party Working Committee of Nantong International Home Textile Industrial Park, said that the park will strive to enhance innovation and creation We will use our strength as an engine to promote the high-quality development of R&D and design; we will promote the high-quality development of the manufacturing industry based on making the real economy bigger and stronger; we will promote the high-quality development of new business forms with the guidance of accelerating market transformation and upgrading; we will take the integrated development of port, industry and city as the basis. Focus on promoting high-quality development of new cities.


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Author: clsrich
