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Cotton Processing Overview Cotton Processing Requirements

Overview of Cotton Processing Requirements for Cotton Processing (1) Maintain the natural quality and properties of cotton fiber The natural characteristics of cotton fiber, such a…

Overview of Cotton Processing Requirements for Cotton Processing

(1) Maintain the natural quality and properties of cotton fiber
The natural characteristics of cotton fiber, such as length, uniformity, fineness, maturity, strength, etc., have an impact on the quality of spinning yarn and gauze, and the consumption of raw materials. For this reason, in the process of sub-cotton finishing, the original natural quality of cotton fibers cannot be damaged, and sub-cottons of different grades and different lengths cannot be mixed and finished. The length, uniformity, and maturity should be improved to the extent possible. Consistency, fibers cannot be broken; and the loss of effective fibers must be minimized. Short lint cannot be rolled into lint, nor long fibers can be mixed into short velvet.
Therefore, during the ginning process, indicators such as cotton seed hair rate, infertile cotton content rate, and ginning garment loss should be controlled within the prescribed standard range and cannot be too large or too small.
(2) Reduce impurities and defects in cotton fibers
Seed cotton is easily mixed with some impurities due to natural conditions or human factors during the processes of spinning, picking, drying, storage and transportation. During the finishing process, due to the process configuration, Various reasons such as vehicles, technical equipment, and operating techniques can easily produce some new impurities and defects. These impurities and defects not only affect the safety production and ginning quality of the ginning factory, but also affect the product quality, raw material consumption, production costs and safety production of the cloth industry. Therefore, in each process of sub-cotton finishing, new impurities and defects generated during finishing must be minimized, and external impurities and new impurities and defects must be eliminated as much as possible.
(3) Peel more velvet and peel better velvet
Peel velvet according to the cotton grade. During the stripping process, it is necessary to strengthen the cleaning and velvet cleaning work to reduce the impurities of the lint, improve the quality and grade rate of the lint, and achieve light stripping in the first pass, more stripping in the second pass, and strive to complete the stripping in the third pass. On the premise of ensuring quality, we strive to reduce the residual cashmere rate and increase the total cashmere yield of cotton.
(4) Improve production efficiency and reduce material consumption
At present, the production efficiency of my country’s cotton finishing equipment is still relatively low, labor conditions are poor, problems such as process flow and equipment matching have not been fully solved, raw materials, energy The consumption is still relatively large. This requires us to learn and draw lessons from domestic and foreign advanced technologies and equipment, conscientiously promote advanced experience, improve processes and equipment, improve corporate quality and technical level, improve production efficiency, reduce raw material and energy consumption, and improve the economic benefits of enterprises. Improve working conditions and achieve civilized production.
(5) Pack them separately according to different grades, lengths and categories
Cotton of different grades and lengths, linters of different categories and levels have different economic and use values ​​and should be packed separately to ensure that It is beneficial to the use of industrial sectors and also beneficial to improving the economic benefits of ginning plants.
(6) Do not damage the cotton seeds and ensure the purity and quality of the cotton seeds.
Keep the cotton seeds in good condition and do not damage or minimize the damage to the cotton seeds, which is conducive to ensuring the quality of the cotton seeds themselves. , reducing the impurity content in lint and lint, and also conducive to improving the germination rate of reserved cotton seeds. The reserved cotton seeds should also be divided into varieties and generations, stored and rolled separately to prevent mixing and ensure the purity of improved seeds. and quality.
(7) Ensure safe production
Cotton is a flammable and mildew-prone item. A considerable number of cotton finishing equipment are non-standard mechanical products. Most of the finishing personnel are seasonal workers, which change greatly. These are all It is a factor that is not conducive to safe production. Therefore, from the moment cotton enters the factory to the time lint and lint leave the factory, we must always be vigilant and take various effective measures to ensure that cotton, linters, cotton seeds and other materials do not catch fire, become moldy, are not lost, and do not cause work-related injuries. and equipment accidents to ensure personal safety, material and equipment safety.

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Author: clsrich
