China garment – garment brands, garment information, garment media Garment News What kind of fabric is tribute cotton? What are the advantages and disadvantages of tribute cotton?

What kind of fabric is tribute cotton? What are the advantages and disadvantages of tribute cotton?

Gongmian is actually a very broad concept. It is a type of cotton cloth that was paid tribute to emperors in ancient times. Generally speaking, tribute cotton is a type of textile …

Gongmian is actually a very broad concept. It is a type of cotton cloth that was paid tribute to emperors in ancient times. Generally speaking, tribute cotton is a type of textile mainly used in the field of clothing and home textiles. The main component of tribute cotton is cotton. , currently more popular is blending with polyester (the proportion of polyester is between 30-40%). Of course, some poorer quality tribute cotton uses purified fiber, but because the processing process of tribute cotton is more complicated, the production cost is also relatively high. , but tribute cotton also has many advantages and some disadvantages. Next, the editor will introduce the tribute cotton fabric to you in detail.

What kind of fabric is tribute cotton? What are the advantages and disadvantages of tribute cotton?

Advantages of tribute cotton:
Gong cotton is essentially cotton. Although it has undergone specific processing procedures, it still retains some characteristics of cotton, such as Tribute cotton feels very soft, and the color of the cloth is better than pure cotton. The fabric has a tight structure, which makes it less likely to shrink. Currently, tribute cotton is mostly used in bedding. High-end clothing such as suits will also be produced with tribute cotton.

Secondly, tribute cotton is friendly to human skin. This type of fabric will not irritate the human body and cause allergies, and it can absorb human sweat and evaporate it quickly. This is why tribute cotton fabric is extremely comfortable.

Gong cotton has good warmth retention properties like cotton. After processing, its anti-static performance is also greatly improved. When used as a quilt cover and pillowcase, it is not easy to generate static electricity in winter.

Disadvantages of tribute cotton:
First of all, the price of tribute cotton is higher than that of ordinary cotton. Its price is not acceptable to every consumer. The price of tribute cotton is blended or chemical fiber. Cotton has many shortcomings. For example, its breathability will be much worse. If you have enough budget, it is best to choose cotton as raw material.

The difference between tribute cotton and pure cotton: tribute cotton can be made from pure cotton after special processing, but the raw materials of tribute cotton are not limited to pure cotton. This is the main difference between tribute cotton and pure cotton.

The above is the material related to tribute cotton compiled for everyone. I hope you will have a deeper understanding of tribute cotton after reading the article. If you still want to know the price of tribute cotton, you are welcome to enter the mall () to check the price of specific products.

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Author: clsrich
