China garment – garment brands, garment information, garment media Garment News Five national departments: Textile and clothing industries will create 200 well-known brands worth tens of billions by 2025

Five national departments: Textile and clothing industries will create 200 well-known brands worth tens of billions by 2025

A few days ago, five departments including the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Commerce, the State Administration for Market Regulation, the Food a…

A few days ago, five departments including the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Commerce, the State Administration for Market Regulation, the Food and Drug Administration, and the Intellectual Property Office jointly issued the “Digitalization to Support the “Three Products” of the Consumer Goods Industry (2022-2025)”, proposing that by 2025, Cultivate 200 smart manufacturing demonstration factories in textile and clothing, household appliances, food and medicine, consumer electronics and other industries, and create 200 well-known brands with a scale of tens of billions. Better meet and create consumer demand, enhance the driving role of consumption, and promote the consumer goods industry to accelerate towards the mid-to-high end.

The consumer goods industry is an important livelihood industry and a traditional advantageous industry in my country. It is an important support for ensuring and meeting the increasingly diversified consumption needs of the people. It plays an important role in attracting employment, earning foreign exchange from exports, and promoting economic development. . In 2016, the State Council proposed to carry out the “Three Products” special action to increase varieties, improve quality, and create brands in the consumer goods industry. Since the implementation of the “Three Products” special action, the core competitiveness and innovation capabilities of the consumer goods industry have continued to increase, and product supply capabilities and adaptability to demand have been continuously enhanced. Steadily improving, a good atmosphere has been initially formed for all sectors of society to jointly promote the “three-quality” work. The “Fourteenth Five-Year Plan for the National Economic and Social Development of the People’s Republic of China and the Outline of Long-term Goals for 2035” clearly states that promoting manufacturing products to “increase variety, improve quality, and create brands”, the “three-product” strategy has become the leading high-end consumer goods industry An important starting point for quality development.

The “Action Plan” combines the current industrial development reality and technological evolution trends, and establishes the main goal of digitalization in the next four years to help the consumer goods industry increase varieties, improve quality, and create brands. By 2025, the digital technology integration and application capabilities in the consumer goods industry will be significantly enhanced, and a number of new, famous, and high-quality products will be cultivated, and the variety leadership, quality competitiveness, and brand influence will continue to increase.

The specific goals are:

First, innovation capabilities will be significantly enhanced. The penetration rate of digitalization in enterprise operation and management, the penetration rate of enterprise digital R&D and design tools, and the proportion of enterprises applying e-commerce all exceed 80%. The integrated innovation and integrated application capabilities of key links such as smart design, flexible manufacturing, and supply chain collaboration have been greatly enhanced, and the digital transformation of the consumer goods industry has accelerated.

Second, the supply level has been significantly improved. The technological innovation system with enterprises as the main body has been further improved, product supply has become increasingly abundant, quality and performance have continued to improve, and 200 smart manufacturing demonstration factories have been cultivated in textile and clothing, household appliances, food and medicine, consumer electronics and other industries, and 200 tens of billions of scale have been built. Well-known brands, product service quality and customer satisfaction continue to improve.

The third is to continuously optimize the development ecology. Create 50 “three-level” strategic demonstration cities with remarkable results in digital transformation, distinctive characteristics, and strong radiation. Public service capabilities such as platform-based design, personalized customization, networked collaboration, and service-oriented extension have been steadily enhanced, 50 digital service platforms have been cultivated, and 300 typical cases of application scenarios with strong demonstration and driving effects have been promoted.

The “Action Plan” proposes 10 tasks in three aspects: increasing variety, improving quality, and creating brands through digitalization, and sets up columns to improve innovation capabilities, digital design capabilities, and digital green collaboration capabilities. , six major projects to improve quality control capabilities, improve smart supply chain management capabilities, and improve brand cultivation capabilities.

Among them, the content that explicitly mentions textiles and clothing is:

In the innovation capacity improvement project, it is proposed to build an intellectual property service platform. Support the establishment of intellectual property service platforms based on blockchain and artificial intelligence technology in industries such as clothing, home textiles, household appliances, brewing, watches, and glasses, and provide design patent retrieval, copyright registration, and copyright certification for designers, brands, etc. , piracy monitoring, infringement evidence collection, legal rights protection, promotion transactions and other “one-stop” services.

In the digital design capability improvement project, intelligent design and simulation optimization are proposed. Promote intelligent formula management systems in printing and dyeing, leather, printing, painting and other industries to optimize raw material selection and formula design. Support industries such as household appliances, consumer electronics, furniture, home decoration materials, and light textile machinery to apply technologies such as 3D modeling, simulation, and virtual testing to carry out product design, function development, process optimization, and test scenario applications.

In terms of digitalization helping to “increase varieties”, it is proposed to promote personalized customization and flexible production to reshape product development and production models. Support advantageous enterprises in industries such as clothing and home textiles, household appliances, furniture, home improvement materials, specialty foods, and laundry supplies to collect and analyze consumer data to mine users’ personalized needs, build a consumption-driven organizational model, carry out personalized customization and flexible production, and realize supply and demand. Efficient docking and precise delivery.

In the digital green collaborative capability improvement project, the promotion of green and low-carbon products is proposed. Encourage enterprises to carry out green product design in accordance with the concept of the full life cycle, promote green and low-carbon technological innovation, strengthen the application of key green design technologies, promote 200 green and low-carbon products in the fields of energy-saving home appliances, efficient lighting, environmentally friendly furniture, fiber products, etc., and enhance green consumption experience and continuously improve resource and environmental benefits.

The level of green manufacturing has improved. Driven by data, we will promote the green transformation and improvement of industries such as chemical fiber, printing and dyeing, leather, papermaking, batteries, medicine, furniture, home decoration materials, and laundry supplies, promote the application of 200 green process technologies, promote the construction of energy management systems, and realize dynamic monitoring and control of resources and energy. Optimize management�.

Resource utilization efficiency is improved. Apply technologies such as the Internet of Things, big data, and cloud computing to carry out information collection, data analysis, and flow monitoring of product production, consumption, and recycling, and enhance industry resources such as textiles and clothing, household appliances, furniture, plastic products, glass products, papermaking, and batteries. usage efficiency.

In terms of digitalization helping to “improve quality”, it is proposed to increase digital transformation efforts to empower enterprises to improve quality and efficiency. In industries such as clothing and home textiles, household appliances, furniture, home decoration materials, leather and papermaking, food and medicine, we will accelerate the cultivation of smart manufacturing demonstration factories to achieve full life cycle quality control and coordinated development of production, sales and use.

In the quality control capability improvement project, intelligent online monitoring and detection are proposed. Promote the application of machine vision and other technologies and intelligent testing equipment in textile, clothing, household appliances, furniture, home improvement materials, detergents, food, medicine and other industries to achieve intelligent online monitoring, analysis and result determination of product quality, and reduce the rate of defective products.

Remote operation and maintenance of equipment and predictive maintenance. In chemical fiber, packaging and printing, API, food and other industries, promote online equipment operation monitoring and predictive maintenance to reduce equipment failure rates and ensure production quality. Improve the reliability and stability level of basic products in the home appliance industry and consumer electronics industry, and strengthen the technical research on overall product reliability standards, product reliability design, and test testing and evaluation

In terms of digitalization to help “create a brand”, It is proposed to accelerate the integrated development of product design, cultural creativity, technological innovation and brand building, effectively integrate Chinese cultural elements into Chinese brands, deeply explore the connotation of brand cultural value, and explore the evaluation of corporate brand value. Encourage advantageous enterprises to integrate domestic and foreign resources, support cross-border e-commerce in overseas marketing and promotion, and consolidate and enhance the international competitiveness of Chinese brands. The “Action Plan” also encourages the innovative development of national fashion brands. Excavate traditional cultural genes and intangible cultural heritage such as Chinese culture, Chinese memory, and Chinese time-honored brands, strengthen research on the consumption orientation of new consumer groups, innovate consumption scenarios, and promote the construction of national fashion brands. Rely on cross-border e-commerce to expand brands overseas and develop diversified markets.


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Author: clsrich
