China garment – garment brands, garment information, garment media Garment News Shantou Textile and Garment Industry: Establishing the city based on industry and strengthening the city through industry, forming a new pattern of group development

Shantou Textile and Garment Industry: Establishing the city based on industry and strengthening the city through industry, forming a new pattern of group development

Textile and clothing is the largest pillar industry in Shantou City, mainly home clothing, knitted underwear and craft sweaters. It is the largest underwear and home clothing produ…

Textile and clothing is the largest pillar industry in Shantou City, mainly home clothing, knitted underwear and craft sweaters. It is the largest underwear and home clothing production base in China, forming a comprehensive business including twisting yarn, weaving, dyeing and finishing, warp knitting, A complete industrial chain of embroidery, accessories and finished products.

Among them, the output of underwear and home clothes accounts for about 45% of the country. There are a large number of famous brands of underwear and home clothes such as “Fenteng”, “Romantic Spring”, “Oslan Dai”, “Qiulu” and “American Standard”. The number of famous homewear brands ranks first in the same industry in the country, and famous brand products account for more than 75% of the country. In 2021, there were 688 textile and garment enterprises above designated size in the city, achieving a total industrial output value of 114.419 billion yuan, accounting for 34.3% of the city’s total industrial output value; the industrial added value was 24.657 billion yuan, accounting for 33.2% of the city’s industrial added value.

In the “14th Five-Year Plan” for the high-quality development of the manufacturing industry in Guangdong Province issued by the Guangdong Provincial Government, the modern light textile industry is listed as one of the province’s 20 strategic industrial clusters, and it is clearly List Shantou as the core city for the development of “modern light textile industry” in the east wing of the coastal economic belt. In the next five years, the city will build a textile and clothing industry cluster with an output value of over 200 billion yuan.

Four major projects

Integrating resources and smoothing the industrial cycle

In December 2021, the Shantou Textile and Garment Industry Association was established, and the development of Shantou’s textile and garment industry has entered a new era. During this period, a new pattern of group development was formed. After the establishment of the association, it proposed to build “four major projects”: a global textile procurement center, a textile industrial park, an exhibition center, and a textile and garment industry headquarters building to integrate resources and smooth the industrial cycle.

The global textile procurement center is initially located in Gurao Town, Chaoyang District, covering an area of ​​233 acres, with a construction area of ​​500,000 square meters, supporting office buildings, finished product trading markets, fabric wholesale centers, high-end business hotels, textile Talent apartments and brand office headquarters, etc.

The Textile Industrial Park is located in Gurao Town, Chaoyang District, with a planned land area of ​​1,100 acres, close to the global textile procurement center, and nearly ten types of high-standard factory buildings to meet the different needs of production companies, with 58,000 square meters of living facilities. District, to create a modern textile and clothing industry chain and supply chain hub that integrates production and life scenes and has a benchmark effect.

Exhibition Exhibition Center. The “China·Chaoshan International Textile and Garment Expo” is held in April every year to expand the influence of regional brands, gather people, logistics, capital flows, and information flows to create a new barometer, weather vane and new engine for economic growth in the national textile and apparel industry. The exhibition center is initially located in the Overseas Chinese Experimental Zone, covering an area of ​​194 acres and a comprehensive professional exhibition and trade center with a construction area of ​​51,000 square meters. It is planned to build a comprehensive convention and exhibition center that integrates conferences, exhibitions, events, catering, hotels, commerce, entertainment, leisure and other functions.

The planned construction area of ​​the textile and garment industry headquarters building is 120,000 square meters. Design and build “one base and two centers” including an industrial service base, an industrial intelligent manufacturing center, and an industrial think tank center, striving to become a new landmark in Shantou and provide top-level support for the development of the textile and garment industry.

Promote printing and dyeing enterprises to enter the park

Establish a model of synergy and efficiency

A total of more than 7.2 billion yuan has been invested to build Chaoyang and Chaonan Textile Printing and Dyeing Environmental Protection Comprehensive Treatment Centers to Industrial production, unified water supply, unified power supply, unified steam supply, waste heat power generation, and solid waste resource utilization implement unified pollution control, transformation and upgrading, and environmental improvement. The construction of production facilities such as water supply engineering, electric power engineering, gas engineering, heating engineering, and sewage treatment in the Chaoyang District Textile Printing and Dyeing Comprehensive Environmental Protection Treatment Center, as well as the construction of park roads, staff dormitories, management centers, general workshops, communication engineering and other supporting facilities are basically completed. The park There are 49 companies settled in it, and 35 companies have put into production. At present, various infrastructures such as sewage treatment plants and heating pipe networks are operating stably, and sewage discharge and steam supply are gradually increasing.

The environmental protection infrastructure construction of the Chaonan District Textile Printing and Dyeing Comprehensive Environmental Protection Treatment Center has been fully completed. Before the end of January 2022, the sewage treatment plant (total treatment capacity of 155,000 tons/day) has an average daily processing capacity of approximately 70,000 tons. The cogeneration project uses 5 furnaces and 4 machines. Currently, 4 furnaces and 2 machines have been put into operation, supplying steam daily. About 6,600 tons, the daily grid-connected power is about 520,000 kWh; 138 companies have settled in the park, and the total industrial output value in 2021 will be about 8.272 billion yuan. The park has been rated as an “Environmental Pollution Third-Party Treatment Park”, “Guangdong Province Circular Transformation Pilot Park”, “China Textile Printing and Dyeing Circular Economy Industrial Park Demonstration Base”, “Guangdong Province’s First Batch of Characteristic Industrial Parks”, and is listed as one of the “One Belt, One Road” projects of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment. “One of the top ten typical cases of synergy and efficiency in pollution reduction and carbon reduction.

Make up for shortcomings

Actively bring into play the cluster effect of the industrial chain

At present, the development of Shantou’s textile and garment industry still faces great difficulties, and four major bottlenecks need to be Key breakthroughs.

First, there is a lack of leading and key enterprises. At present, although Shantou City has more than 680 regulated textile and apparel companies, there is currently only one listed company, Hongxing, with revenue of just over 1 billion (1.131 billion) yuan. Due to the lack of leaders, companies blindly follow trends and imitate each other, resulting in serious homogeneous competition, unclear product differentiation, copying each other’s business and management models, and over-reliance on the competition model of low cost, low price and quantity, resulting in low competitiveness in the regional industry. powerful.

Second, the industrial structure is not reasonable. According to incomplete statistics, there are more than 7,000 textile and garment enterprises in Shantou City, but enterprises above designated size account for less than 10%. Traditional workshop-style small and medium-sized enterprises are the majority, and most enterprises are still concentrated in the manufacturing and processing link. Although some large-scale enterprisesThe above-mentioned companies have made great achievements in research and development, design, brand promotion, marketing, etc., but their overall competitiveness is still far behind that of international first-tier brands.

Third, the overall grade of the product is low. Most textile and apparel products are made of ordinary fabrics, and the research and development and application of new materials need to be strengthened. Fabric printing, dyeing, and post-finishing technology still lag far behind foreign advanced levels.

Fourth, insufficient industrial land limits the development of industrial chain clusters. Insufficient industrial land and limited factory land have led to the lag in the development of textile and clothing industry chain clusters, and the comprehensive competitiveness within the cluster needs to be further improved. The value-added chain of the high-end textile and apparel industry is underdeveloped. Surface and auxiliary materials basically rely on imports and external supplies. There is a lack of a professional market for textile and apparel raw and auxiliary materials that adapts to production development. It is difficult to form a professional product display platform and an industrial chain cluster effect.

Under the strong guidance and promotion of the government, Shantou’s textile and garment industry is undergoing industrial upgrading. In the future, “entity + Internet + new model” will be used to promote the industry to develop in a higher and better direction.

First, accelerate digital transformation. Promote the digital transformation of the industry, strengthen the R&D and manufacturing of textile and clothing raw materials, accessories, products, equipment and other advantageous links in the industrial chain, and optimize the construction of a number of regional industrial clusters integrating R&D, design, production and other functions.

The second is to increase efforts in brand cultivation. Carry out vertical integration, mergers and acquisitions, production capacity docking, and joint research on the upstream and downstream of the textile and apparel industry chain and supporting small and medium-sized enterprises, vigorously introduce a number of high-level chain-replenishing, strengthening, and solidifying projects, stretch and thicken the industrial chain, and strive to create new A group of well-known brands have promoted the overall brand improvement of the industry.

The third is to promote innovative and coordinated development. With the development idea of ​​”grasping leading products, grasping the industrial chain, grasping the industrial system”, focusing on the three core products of knitted underwear, home clothing, and craft sweaters, we will promote the construction of production and design bases in Chaoyang, Chaonan, Longhu, Chenghai and other areas. Deepen the deep cooperation between Shenzhen and Shantou, leverage Shenzhen’s “Design+” to empower the development of Shantou’s garment industry, and jointly create a “front store and back factory” economic cooperation model.


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Author: clsrich
