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Aksu City takes multiple measures to help cotton farmers to increase income

This is a critical period for cotton topping, irrigation, top dressing, and pest and disease control. It is also a period when cotton’s vegetative growth and reproductive gro…

This is a critical period for cotton topping, irrigation, top dressing, and pest and disease control. It is also a period when cotton’s vegetative growth and reproductive growth go hand in hand. Aksu City has taken multiple measures to pay close attention to cotton field management. According to the cotton seedling growth and variety layout, , in accordance with the topping principle of “when the branches arrive at different times, when the branches arrive at different times”, cotton fields in various towns and villages are being topping one after another.

On July 6, in the cotton field of the home of Maimaiti Eshan, a villager in Youkaksati Village, Karatal Town, Aksu City, a group of volunteers wearing red vests People were busy shuttling back and forth, and the scene looked busy.

Maimaiti Aishan’s family has planted 20 acres of cotton. His wife has been taking care of a sick child in the hospital recently. There is a shortage of labor and cotton topping work is urgent. When he was very anxious, the volunteer service team came to his cotton field and worked in groups to “share the work”. Maimaiti Aishan said: “When I have difficulties at home, the cadres of the work team and the volunteers in the village come to help me. Now it is such a hot day to help me top the cotton. I am very grateful to them.”

In the cotton field of villager Maimaiti Yiminyazi, he and volunteers are busy topping the cotton. Due to good management, this year Maimaiti Yiminyazi’s family has 25 The acres of cotton are growing well, and some of the cotton has begun to bear flower buds. Volunteer Mayinur Reheman said: “Timely topping can promote the production of more peaches and early autumn peaches in the cotton. When the cotton is mature, the yield of cotton can be increased.”

It is understood that topping is the key factor in cotton production. An important link in the planting process, it can effectively inhibit the growth of the main stem, facilitate thickening growth and accelerate fruit development, make cotton produce more bolls and increase boll weight, which is of great significance to improving the quality and efficiency of cotton. The Aksu Municipal Urban Management and Administrative Law Enforcement Bureau’s “Visit Hui Gathering” work team in Yukaksati Village, Kalatale Town, seizes the farming season and actively organizes party members and village cadres to form a volunteer service team to focus on cotton topping to ensure a high yield. A solid foundation for a good harvest.

Wusman Kasmu, the first secretary of the “Visiting Huiju” work team of the Aksu Municipal Urban Management and Administrative Law Enforcement Bureau in Yukaksati Village, Karatal Town, said: “In the field of cotton management, At each key node, we will organize volunteer service teams to carry out volunteer assistance activities to help the masses with cotton topping, weeding, fertilization, pesticide application, etc. to ensure a bumper cotton harvest. Let the volunteer service team become a good helper for the villagers.”

At present, the field management of 1.02 million acres of cotton in Aksu City has entered a critical period of topping. Agricultural technology extension technicians go deep into rural fields to provide on-site guidance and supervision for cotton topping work, and guide cotton farmers according to the growth conditions of cotton fields. , to achieve the goal of “beating strong seedlings early, beating weak seedlings late, and beating strong seedlings at the right time”; at the same time, combine topping with chemical adjustment, combine topping with water and fertilizer, and combine topping with pest and disease control; ensure cotton field management All work has been implemented to lay a solid foundation for increasing cotton production and income.


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Author: clsrich
