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Xingcheng: Swimming in the world, creating swimwear standard setter and fashion vane

Some people say that for every four swimsuits sold in the world, one is produced in Xingcheng City, Huludao. This is indeed true. Xingcheng City, as one of the three major swimwear…

Some people say that for every four swimsuits sold in the world, one is produced in Xingcheng City, Huludao. This is indeed true.

Xingcheng City, as one of the three major swimwear bases in my country, is a characteristic industry that Liaoning Huludao strives to build. In September 2010, Huludao Xingcheng was awarded the title of “Famous Swimwear City in China” by the China Textile Industry Federation and the China National Garment Association, becoming a beautiful business card of this city.

In recent years, governments at all levels in Liaoning Province have attached great importance to the construction and development of Xingcheng swimwear industry, proposing to build Xingcheng swimwear into the setter of swimwear standards and the vane of swimwear development, and build it into one of the world’s largest swimwear enterprises. All.

It is reported that Huludao and Xingcheng City have issued a number of policy opinions to support the development of the swimwear industry, implemented special support funds to support the development of the swimwear industry, launched the release of the swimwear industry index, organized a swimwear industry development forum, and invited domestic Experts from industries, universities, and innovative and creative enterprises conducted in-depth discussions on the current status of the industry and new advantages for future development, R&D design, brand creation, and establishment of industrial funds.

Three years of epidemic, accelerated changes

In 2019, Chinatex Asset Management Co., Ltd. organized the China Textile Construction Planning Institute to prepare the “Three-Year Action Plan for the Development of Huludao Xingcheng Swimwear Industry” ( 2019-2021)》. In the past three years, with the vigorous promotion of the government, the development of Xingcheng swimwear has achieved certain results.

According to statistics, as of the end of 2021, there are 4,828 registered market entities for swimwear companies in Xingcheng area, including 1,659 production companies and 15 companies above designated standards, achieving an average annual output of 170 million pieces (sets) , employing more than 60,000 people. With mature and stable sales channels, its products are exported to more than 140 countries and regions including Russia, the United States, Africa, South Korea, and Southeast Asia, accounting for more than 25% of the international market share, nearly 40% of the domestic market, and 80% of online swimwear shipments. %. There are more than 30,000 online stores, covering domestic and foreign Internet sales platforms such as Alibaba,, Vipshop, and Amazon, with annual online sales reaching 4 billion yuan.

Since 2011, Xingcheng has held eleven consecutive International Swimwear Beach Expo and nine International Swimwear Exhibitions. Since the outbreak of the COVID-19 epidemic in 2020, the Xingcheng City Government has innovatively developed and held the China International Swimwear Online Cloud Exhibition, which has achieved good results and provided mature experience and practices for holding large-scale expositions under irresistible conditions.

“China Xingcheng Swimwear Industry Index” is the first industry index for Chinese swimwear. It is compiled and released based on the screening, data collection and analysis of specimen companies, 2019-2021 A total of 12 issues of the index are released annually to provide scientific data basis for the government to grasp the status of industrial development, formulate industrial policies, guide industrial development, and provide information consulting services to swimwear manufacturers and market parties to help them improve the scientific nature of their business decisions. Leading the development trend and fashion trends of the swimwear industry.

In addition, Xingcheng also has a specialized base for production and R&D operations. The R&D center cooperated with Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology to create the Beifu Industrial Park. Starway Industrial Park focuses on deeply exploring the international market and has created one of the only two comprehensive industrial Internet 5G secondary nodes in Liaoning Province. Yinghua Industrial Park focuses on brand operations, mainly building an international swimwear platform to incubate brands. It has a mature e-commerce operation system. Swimwear e-commerce has continued to grow with the development of the swimwear industry. Xingcheng swimwear sales online stores have reached 30,000, the construction of A-type bonded warehouses has been completed, and 17 overseas warehouses have been put into operation.

The concentration of many well-known brands in Xingcheng is also one of the advantages of the region. Xingcheng Swimwear Industry Cluster has now formed a series of light sports products such as swimwear, yoga wear, beachwear, cycling wear and fabric accessories, with 1325 registered trademarks, including 3 nationally known trademarks, 10 Liaoning Province famous brand products, There are 28 famous trademarks in Liaoning Province. Brands such as “Diezi”, “Kaidilong” and “Bonis” have been registered in Italy, France, Russia, South Korea and other countries.

In the national e-commerce sales of swimwear, Xingcheng shipments account for 80%, and sales on domestic and foreign Internet platforms such as Alibaba,, Vipshop, Amazon, eBay, and Wish have achieved full coverage. In 2021, the Douyin platform authorized the Huludao e-commerce live broadcast base and changed its name to “Huludao Douyin E-commerce Live Broadcast Base”. Currently, more than 90 companies are stationed there. It has brought together 1,000 anchors and 20,000 products to become a nationally renowned live broadcast and short video economic headquarters that integrates advantageous products and logistics distribution, Internet celebrity training and anchors, new media resources and big data integration. Realize the new business format system of “buying nationwide and selling nationwide”.

Strengthen platform construction and stimulate transformation vitality

For a long time, the Xingcheng City government has attached great importance to the development of the swimwear industry, continued to increase support and support for swimwear companies, and actively promoted public service platforms Project construction, continuous improvement of service functions, deepening product research and development, and extending the industrial chain.

With the help of Yinghua’s “Small Town Brand Park” big data analysis platform, we will promote swimwear brand incubation, actively carry out creative planning and promotion of Xingcheng swimwear regional brands, and gradually build Huludao Xingcheng into a national swimwear brand incubator Center, this project started construction in August 2019. The first phase mainly adopts a self-operation model, introducing the entire industry chain into it, and at the same time introducing well-known international and domestic brands to settle in. At present, we have negotiated with 4 Spanish brands and more than 10 domestic brands, and the Xiaocheng Brand Park has entered the trial operation stage.

Starway Swimwear Super Industrial Park opened in 2019��, and constantly adjust the product structure. We must pay attention to the improvement of the technological content and cultural connotation of clothing products; we must pursue high-end and branded clothing tastes; we must pursue fashionable and personalized clothing styles; we must adopt novel and diversified clothing fabrics; we must achieve high safety performance , high environmental protection clothing quality.

By optimizing the layout and adjusting the product structure, Xingcheng swimwear production and sales will occupy a larger share of the market, further enhance the popularity of Xingcheng swimwear across the country, and attract upstream and downstream companies from outside the region to settle in Xingcheng.

The second is to enhance the company’s technological innovation capabilities and promote the sustainable development of swimwear. Guide enterprises to follow the development path of “high technology” and “specialization, specialization and innovation”. Encourage swimwear enterprises to strengthen industry-university-research cooperation and independent innovation, develop specialized and special new products, apply specialized and special new technologies, improve product grade and quality, increase product visibility and market influence, and enhance corporate competitiveness and overall quality.

By cultivating a group of “specialized, special and new” and “high-tech” small and medium-sized enterprises, we will guide swimwear companies to focus on their core businesses, focus on subdivided areas, increase investment in research and development, and improve professional production, services and collaboration. Supporting capabilities, improve the market share and professional level of enterprises, and enhance the ability of small and medium-sized enterprises and large enterprises to integrate innovation and collaborative development.

The third is to promote the quality improvement and upgrading of swimwear companies. In accordance with Liaoning Province’s overall policy of “digital Liaoning, building a strong province through intelligence”, we will accelerate the intelligent and digital transformation of Xingcheng Swimwear. Relying on the advantages of Xingbiao Yi Network Technology Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of Dawei Group, to build and operate the comprehensive secondary node (Huludao) for national industrial Internet logo analysis, with the support of logo technology and the guidance of design innovation, we strive to create “original, Fashion, smart manufacturing, green” digital swimwear industry cluster. Continuously accelerate market transformation, industrial upgrading and supply chain creativity, starting from quality upgrading, industrial chain integration, digital transformation, new retail models and other directions, leading Xingcheng swimwear brands, commercial enterprises and traditional professional markets to find new directions and build a new future.


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Author: clsrich
