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Shaanxi Zichang: Promote industrial transformation and upgrading to create a high-quality cocoon and silk base

On August 2, 2022, the spring cocoon quality joint inspection and research team of the Shaanxi Provincial Fiber Quality Monitoring Center and the Shaanxi Sericulture and Silk Indus…

On August 2, 2022, the spring cocoon quality joint inspection and research team of the Shaanxi Provincial Fiber Quality Monitoring Center and the Shaanxi Sericulture and Silk Industry Association conducted an investigation and inspection on the quality of spring cocoons in Zichang City. The research team conducted an on-site inspection of Jianyucha, Some cooperatives and sericulture farmers in Nangoucha and other towns believe that Zichang City has a relatively complete cocoon silk industry chain, product structure and quality characteristics, and is representative of the province. Relying on the technical capabilities of the Shaanxi Provincial Fiber Quality Monitoring Center, Zichang City Develop high-quality cocoon silk base and explore the development path of modern sericulture industry under the new situation.

The research team consists of Wang Weidong, Deputy Director of the Provincial Fiber Monitoring Center, He Xin, Chief of the Cocoon and Silk Section of the Provincial Fiber Monitoring Center, Liu Yang, Vice President and Secretary-General of the Provincial Sericulture and Silk Industry Association, and Director of the Office of the Provincial Sericulture and Silk Industry Association. A delegation composed of Jiang Qingjun and others focused on inspecting the quality status and implementation of standards of some cooperatives and sericulture farmers in Jianyucha, Nangoucha and other towns in Zichang City to learn about the production and operation status of sericulture enterprises in Zichang City during the epidemic. Marketing status, understand the needs of grassroots sericulture enterprises, and solicit opinions and suggestions from sericulture enterprises on industry development, so as to promote the healthy development of the sericulture industry in Zichang City.

The sericulture industry in Zichang has a long history. According to county records, it has a history of nearly three thousand years. It is the dominant traditional industry of Zichang. Zichang is also a must-pass place on the northern line of the Silk Road and is the national “Shaanxi Province”. “Northern Ecological Mulberry Demonstration County”, “Eastern Mulberry Moving West Demonstration County”, the first batch of “Sericulture Demonstration Base Counties” in Shaanxi Province and “Shaanxi Province High-Quality Cocoon Production Base”. In 2019, it won the “Shaanxi Province Sericulture Industry Technology System Modern Sericulture Demonstration Base” is an important base for the production of sericulture and silk industry in Shaanxi Province. As a traditional characteristic industry, the cocoon and silk industry has a unique vertical unified management model of “production, supply, marketing, people, finance, and materials”, which has created a series of perfect systems such as sericulture, harvesting and drying, silk reeling, and silk processing. industrial chain. “Zi Chang Cocoon” has met the export standard as early as 1993. It has been identified by the Sericulture Industry Product Quality Supervision, Inspection and Testing Center (Zhenjiang) of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of China. The silk quality is the highest grade 6A, meeting the standards for silk used by international luxury brands. As an important reference data for objectively and impartially assessing product quality and determining the price of dried mulberry cocoons and raw silk, the quality inspection of dried mulberry cocoons and raw silk quality not only makes the mulberry cocoon silk industry chain more complete, but also further promotes the development of mulberry cocoon silk in Zichang City. industry development.

After this investigation, the research team believes that the high-quality silkworm cocoons produced in Zichang City have broad market prospects and that Zichang City has great potential for the development of the sericulture industry. In the next step, the Shaanxi Provincial Fiber Quality Monitoring Center will issue certificates to high-quality silkworm cocoons and high-quality silk quilts produced in Zichang City, further increasing the commercial value of “Zichang Silkworm Cocoons” and promoting the increase in income of silkworm farmers. At the same time, it will provide a basis for subsequent applications for “Zichang Silkworm Cocoons”. The geographical trademark “Growing Silkworm Cocoon” has laid a solid foundation and is of positive significance to Zichang City’s work in building a high-quality cocoon and silk base.


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Author: clsrich
