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Accelerate innovation drive to promote the upgrading of Hubei Tianmen textile and garment industry

The fourth survey of Hubei Provincial Federation of Social Science’s “2022 Social Science Experts City and County Tour” was launched in Tianmen City from July 8th…

The fourth survey of Hubei Provincial Federation of Social Science’s “2022 Social Science Experts City and County Tour” was launched in Tianmen City from July 8th to 11th. A research team composed of more than 10 experts and scholars from the Provincial Federation of Social Sciences Work Department, Academic Affairs Department, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Provincial Academy of Social Sciences, Tianmen Federation of Social Sciences, etc. conducted in-depth research on “Tianmen Textile and Garment Industry Upgrading” According to the survey, the Tianmen textile and apparel industry was systematically analyzed and researched, and on this basis, targeted and operable countermeasures and suggestions were put forward.

Textile and clothing are the traditional pillar industries of Tianmen. At present, Tianmen has built industrial production systems and trade marketing for cotton spinning, chemical fiber, non-woven fabrics, clothing, clothing e-commerce, and “Hanpai Clothing Town” system. At present, Tianmen’s textile and garment industry is showing a good momentum of strong repatriation of enterprises, continuous expansion of industrial scale, increasingly complete industrial chain, steady advancement of technological transformation, and accelerated expansion of the trade market. At the same time, there are also problems such as the overall small scale of the industry and the sporadic industrial layout. , weak support for pillar industries, insufficient motivation for corporate innovation, and difficulty in forming brand effects. The textile and garment industry in Tianmen City should focus on the main line of upgrading and high-quality development, and deepen reform and innovation.

Accelerate the digital transformation of industries

Promote networking, digitalization, and intelligent transformation. Further implement the “Pillar Industry Enhancement Plan” and “Ten Billion Enterprises” technological transformation projects, promote “three-chain integration”, extend the industrial chain, enhance the value chain, and integrate technology chains; further implement the network, digitalization, and intelligence of the textile and apparel manufacturing industry Transformation project, accelerate the deployment of new digital application facilities, transform and upgrade complete sets of textile and clothing equipment, and create a benchmark demonstration enterprise for intelligent manufacturing in the textile and clothing industry at the provincial level and even nationally. Focus on supporting enterprises such as Tianmen Textile Machinery to build intelligent textile complete equipment production bases. Taking the industrial park as a unit, we will explore the establishment of a comprehensive service platform for smart park operation and management to improve the intelligent level of park management and enterprise production. Implement the overall intelligent upgrading and transformation of the industrial system, and actively use new technologies, new processes, and new equipment to transform the traditional textile and clothing industry. Encourage enterprises to accelerate the implementation of intelligent transformation and make full use of automated and intelligent production equipment to rebuild production processes. Accelerate the integration and application of digital systems in clothing design, manufacturing, management, warehousing, logistics and distribution, and promote the transformation of traditional clothing manufacturing into advanced manufacturing and high-end manufacturing.

Accelerate the research, development, promotion and application of new technologies. Support the development of industrial Internet platforms for the garment industry, guide small and medium-sized enterprises to “go to the cloud”, and explore the use of “cloud service coupons” to subsidize enterprises’ actual cloud costs at a certain percentage. Give full play to the main role of enterprises in scientific and technological innovation and guide enterprises to increase investment in research and development. Fully support the Tianmen Textile and Apparel Industry Technology Research Institute and its achievement transformation work, encourage apparel companies to work with universities, research institutes, design manufacturers, intelligent manufacturing solution providers, etc. to carry out technical research and accelerate key links and key aspects of intelligent manufacturing in the apparel industry. Technology research and development and pilot applications. Encourage garment enterprises to actively apply for national high-tech enterprises and promote the incubation of “golden seeds” of technology-based small and micro enterprises in the garment industry. Implement the action plan for the growth and cultivation of high-tech enterprises, and support qualified enterprises to develop flexible production, small batch personalized customization, network collaborative manufacturing, and services based on intelligent production equipment, informatization of production management and control, and collaborative networking of the industrial chain. New business formats and models such as manufacturing.

Enhance the level of coordinated industrial development

Optimize the development layout of related industries and enhance the overall effect of industrial clusters. Focusing on industrial fields such as fashion consumption and health protection, we will actively undertake industrial transfers in the Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta and other regions, integrate the city’s textile and clothing resource advantages, and build Hubei’s key textile and clothing industry clusters and important brand clothing production bases in the central region. Focus on supporting the construction of Longteng fashion and clothing characteristic towns to create a national benchmark clothing production and processing export base, a gathering place for independent clothing brands, and a clothing design entrepreneurship incubator. Based on the overall pattern of all factors, all industrial chains, and all regions, we will accelerate the construction of a new regional development pattern of “market leadership, regional coordination, park support, and industrial linkage”. Relying on the Tianmen Economic Development Zone, we will build a century-old brand Hanpai women’s clothing production base, build an intelligent manufacturing brand children’s clothing production base, and a clothing e-commerce internet celebrity base. Relying on the Hanzheng Street women’s clothing brand and taking the production and processing of Han style fashion women’s clothing as the core, we will create a full clothing industry chain integrating design, display, e-commerce, procurement, logistics, and supporting fabrics and accessories.

Work together to cultivate leading enterprises and deepen and strengthen industrial chain collaboration. Deeply promote the “transformation of individuals into enterprises, small-scale upgrading, regulation reform, and stock listing” in the textile and garment industry, cultivate “specialized, special and new” small and medium-sized enterprises, increase internal training and external attraction, cultivate a high-quality enterprise echelon, and focus on cultivating and supporting a group of enterprises. We will build textile and apparel enterprises with output values ​​of over 100 million, one billion, and tens of billions, and create a group of “meritorious enterprises” with strong innovation capabilities, competitive advantages, and industrial responsibilities. High-level and high-standard projects are introduced, and efforts are made to break the constraints of the intermediate links in the Tianmen textile and apparel industry chain. Actively promote the development of embroidery, thread industry, padding, zippers, accessories and other industries closely related to the clothing industry. Accelerate the construction of a number of professional markets for raw materials and excipients, open up domestic and international supply channels, create a smart and efficient comprehensive industry procurement platform, and improve the rapid response capabilities of the supply chain. branchEnterprises holding industry chain nodes focus on market segments, proactively integrate into the production network of major projects, and establish alliances with large enterprises and groups to form a stable development pattern in which large, medium and small enterprises are interconnected and supporting each other.

Innovation-driven to promote upgrading

Create regional characteristic brands and innovate the development of marketing models. Build a number of textile and clothing characteristic industry enterprises, create a number of characteristic industrial clusters and brands, and encourage enterprises to strive to create national and provincial industrial cluster regional brand cultivation pilot and demonstration areas. Continue to support the organization of textile and clothing expos, clothing design competitions, high-end industry forums and other activities, guide enterprises to participate in well-known domestic and foreign industry exhibitions, and enhance the visibility and influence of Tianmen’s clothing industry. Encourage enterprises to innovate marketing channels, strengthen the construction of comprehensive and vertical e-commerce platforms, promote the deep integration of online and offline, create online malls, and build smart markets with professional operation management and strong radiation capabilities. Vigorously develop independent brand manufacturing and encourage enterprises to develop and produce new products with good quality, high added value and large market potential. Target well-known domestic and foreign clothing manufacturing and design companies, carry out extensive docking cooperation, and strive to introduce a number of well-known domestic and foreign brand companies to settle down. Support enterprises to actively strive to become national-level industrial brand demonstration enterprises. Organize enterprises to strive for provincial and national “quality benchmarks”. Promote the use of advanced quality management models and management systems, and strive to benchmark domestic and foreign advanced levels.

Create a good ecosystem for industrial upgrading and upgrading in an all-round way. Strengthen the construction of industrial public service platforms and improve the level of supporting services such as technology research and development, creative design, quality testing, and marketing. Improve the public service capabilities of industrial clusters, promote resource sharing among enterprises within the cluster, give full play to the advantages of scale, and reduce overall costs. Strengthen the construction of 5G networks, artificial intelligence, industrial Internet, Internet of Things and other infrastructure in industrial parks, encourage parks and clusters to integrate various resources, and build an integrated online and offline public service platform. Promote “cloud” production management applications and create an upgraded version of the textile and apparel industry. Strengthen the guiding role of the government and the support of science and technology credit, venture capital, etc., vigorously develop science and technology intermediary services such as achievement transformation, intellectual property rights, and legal consultation, support the cultivation and introduction of science and technology intermediaries and science and technology agencies that gather professional services, develop large-scale development, and standardize operations. Results operating organization. Implement the entrepreneur quality improvement project, build the “Tianmen Leading Entrepreneurs” cultivation platform, and select a group of outstanding young entrepreneurs to participate in the “Entrepreneur Growth Class”. Encourage enterprises to introduce high-level talents, focusing on enterprise management talents, highly skilled talents, and professional and technical talents, establish talent-oriented training bases, and cultivate “craftsmen” who focus on professionalism and strive for excellence, as well as outstanding talents in the field of economic development.


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Author: clsrich
