China garment – garment brands, garment information, garment media Garment News Xinjiang: The 14th Regiment’s 10,000 acres of cotton production test has been carried out, and the golden autumn harvest is just around the corner

Xinjiang: The 14th Regiment’s 10,000 acres of cotton production test has been carried out, and the golden autumn harvest is just around the corner

In August, the golden autumn harvest is in sight, and the Xinjiang mission field is about to usher in the harvest season. In order to accurately grasp this year’s cotton yiel…

In August, the golden autumn harvest is in sight, and the Xinjiang mission field is about to usher in the harvest season. In order to accurately grasp this year’s cotton yield, in recent days, with the guidance and help of agricultural technicians from the 14th Regiment of the First Division, each company has begun to conduct field testing of cotton yields in the fields.

On August 22, in the cotton field owned by Zhang Zhengjun, an employee of the fourth company, the two committees of the company selected points according to regulations and used methods such as checking, measuring, and counting to measure The number of seedlings emerging, the number of seedling bolls, and the scientific calculation of cotton yield.

According to technical personnel, this time the yield measurement will adopt random or simultaneous sampling methods to scientifically measure each field to ensure that each field is measured. Without going through the motions, with comprehensive coverage, no duplication, no leakage, no dead ends, the actual yield of each cotton field is measured truly, effectively and in a timely manner, and employees participate in the entire process to ensure that the cotton yield measurement work is progressed in a solid manner.

“Judging from the current production measurement and sampling situation, the number of cotton harvested plants and bolls in some companies has slightly decreased compared to last year. This is due to the impact of this year’s extreme weather. . But due to the early preventive measures in place, generally speaking, most cotton output this year is pretty good.” said Wang Pengfei, member of the Fourth Company Committee.

After measuring the yield, Zhang Zhengjun’s cotton yield per mu is estimated to be 480 kilograms. During the production measurement process, technical staff also provided targeted guidance on field management for the upcoming cotton fluffing period in September.

“The weather this year is not very good for cotton. Fortunately, with the help of technical staff, I feel at ease. In the later management of cotton fields, I will follow With the guidance of technical staff and controlling the time of watering and applying defoliants, we may be able to increase production,” Zhang Zhengjun said. According to him, thanks to the guidance of technical staff this year, he has overcome the adverse weather effects such as strong winds and high summer temperatures. Currently, his 80 acres of cotton land are growing well and are in the budding and peach-bearing stage.

It is understood that this year the 14th Regiment planted more than 60,000 acres of cotton. Up to now, 55% of the cotton production testing and sampling work in the group field has been completed. Each company is carrying out cotton production testing work in different directions in the cotton field in an intense and orderly manner to ensure that the cotton production testing work will be completed by the end of August.

It is reported that at present, the 14th Regiment has established basic situation files of cotton fields of each company, and registered them according to cotton plant type, variety, plant height, daily growth, etc. , in order to further understand and scientifically analyze the technical management effects and yield situation of cotton production, cotton price subsidies provide accurate and reliable data support. </p

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Author: clsrich
