China garment – garment brands, garment information, garment media Garment News Live e-commerce helps home textiles break through, and Nantong anchors the next industrial outlet

Live e-commerce helps home textiles break through, and Nantong anchors the next industrial outlet

In the Internet+ era, online channels have become the main channel for new retail of home textiles. The consumption characteristics of Generation Z consumers’ “fan econ…

In the Internet+ era, online channels have become the main channel for new retail of home textiles. The consumption characteristics of Generation Z consumers’ “fan economy and interest consumption”, and the support of the epidemic on the Internet, have transformed home textile products from durable goods to fashionable fast-moving consumer goods. According to statistics, the penetration rate of retail e-commerce in China’s home textile industry in 2021 is close to 30%. Home textile e-commerce sales exceeded 100 billion yuan, of which live broadcast e-commerce sales were nearly 30 billion.

Amid the rising tide of home textile live streaming e-commerce, Nantong, the capital of China’s home textiles, is actively seeking to break through traditional home textile marketing channels and lay out a new track for home textiles. As the first launch area of ​​”China·Nantong Home Textile Live Broadcasting Ecological Industrial Park”, Xianyifang·Live Broadcasting Ecological Center will lead Nantong home textiles with brand-new industrial thinking and open up new channels for the development of home textile live streaming e-commerce.

Introducing Hangzhou’s e-commerce experience to create a new ecology of home textile live streaming

Hangzhou, the capital of China’s live streaming e-commerce, has started early and developed rapidly with the help of its superior e-commerce foundation. Currently, Hangzhou ranks first in the country in terms of the total number of live broadcast experts, and its home textile live broadcast marketing volume ranks among the top three cities in China. In the process of building a new live streaming e-commerce platform for Nantong Home Textiles, Nantong Home Textiles is introducing Hangzhou’s advanced live streaming e-commerce operation model and MCN organization through learning, visiting and communicating with Hangzhou live streaming e-commerce, and integrating home textile & live streaming e-commerce industry resources , build an online and offline omni-channel industrial ecosystem, and aggregate industry potential for development.

Shen Jiandong, head of Xianyifang·Live Broadcasting Ecological Center, said that Nantong Home Textiles will use its mature industrial foundation to create an intensive live broadcasting position for the home textile industry, thus changing the current individual style of home textile live broadcasting. status, forming industrial scale advantages and professional operations.

Breaking through the traditional channel model to lay out a new track in the home textile industry

Internet + media and smart devices such as mobile phones have changed the relationship between “people, goods and places”. Establishing a new retail model adapted to live broadcast e-commerce ultimately lies in the reconstruction of the three major elements of “people, goods, and place”.

Shen Jiandong said that the Xianyifang Live Ecological Center being built will organize the upstream and downstream resources of the industry with new retail as the main axis, and serve the marketing ecological innovation of Nantong home textile enterprises. Focusing on the four core values ​​of “public and private joint ventures, online and offline integration, front-end and middle-end integration, and internal and external system integration”, we organize marketing ecological resources to provide strong support for the establishment of an enterprise’s omni-channel marketing system. Through the integration and construction of industrial platforms, a government-enterprise linkage model is formed, and the advantages of industrial clusters are used to form strong support for basic service providers such as logistics services, investment and financing, and e-commerce platforms, and to maximize the marketing paths of enterprises.

Leverage the advantages of government-enterprise linkage to build home textile live broadcast + new scenarios

Systematic industrial model innovation is inseparable from strong policy support. Nantong Home Textiles will strengthen the establishment of relevant supporting policies to clear all obstacles to the development of live broadcast e-commerce.

Use a government-enterprise linkage approach to formulate special support provisions for live streaming e-commerce in the textile industry; professional institutional training and incubation, vigorously cultivate home textile live streaming e-commerce talents, and enhance subsequent human resource reserves; “Ministry of MCN organizations and brand merchants” has introduced a two-sided support policy to make good use of the industrial herd effect brought by “brand leaders”; from R&D, product selection to logistics delivery, it provides a package of solutions to eliminate the worries of home textile live broadcast companies. Nantong Home Textiles will establish a new home textile live broadcast scenario through policy support, provide more professional live broadcast tools for corporate customers’ marketing live broadcasts, make marketing live broadcasts more diverse, and allow C-end users to have a more immersive live broadcast experience.

Undertake the mission of upgrading Nantong home textiles and open up a new chapter for Times Home Textiles. Xianyifang Live Ecological Center is jointly built by Xianyifang Real Estate and China Home Textile Industry Association. It is the launch demonstration area of ​​China Nantong Home Textile Live Ecological Industrial Park. Future projects will be based on Nantong’s well-established home textile industry chain, introduce Hangzhou’s live broadcast e-commerce experience, and build a “home textile live broadcast ecological center with closed-loop operation of the entire ecological chain” to achieve “one bed to one home” home textile full category supply and live broadcast Full-dimensional e-commerce services, full insight into self-sustained operations, and comprehensive coordination of the upstream, midstream, and downstream of live broadcast e-commerce. At the same time, Xianyifang·Live Broadcast Ecological Center will integrate and link the head live broadcast e-commerce platform and home textile vertical e-commerce platform through cooperation with “MCN organizations, Douyin Kuaishou and other e-commerce resources in the future, from “store broadcast tutoring” to “Stop-based talent training, full-media resource promotion of e-commerce festivals, a two-wing model of store broadcasting and upstreaming, and seamless integration of professional operations on the cloud” have made live streaming e-commerce a new engine for the growth of home textile production and sales. .

Follow the trend of live broadcast e-commerce and empower the industry with a new business model. Xianyifang·Live Broadcast Ecological Center will play a huge leading role in the upgrading and development of the home textile industry and the innovation of ecological models. We look forward to it playing a leading role in the home textile industry. Industrial development brings more enlightenment and leads home textiles to a better future.


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Author: clsrich
