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Basics of clothing structure (introducing the principles of clothing construction)

Basics of clothing structure refers to the relevant knowledge that introduces the principles of clothing construction. Garment construction refers to the process of making fabrics …

Basics of clothing structure refers to the relevant knowledge that introduces the principles of clothing construction. Garment construction refers to the process of making fabrics into clothing products with specific functions and shapes through processes such as cutting, sewing, and decoration. Below I will introduce you to the basics of clothing construction principles.

1. Cutting: Cutting refers to cutting the fabric according to the clothing design draft pattern to obtain the component parts of different parts. Tailoring includes cutting and buttoning seams of individual parts. Cutting needs to consider the texture, stretch and shrinkage properties of the fabric to ensure that the cut parts meet the design requirements and have the functions required by the garment.

2. Sewing: Sewing refers to connecting and fixing the cut parts through the sewing process. There are two sewing methods: manual sewing and mechanical sewing. Commonly used mechanical sewing methods include flat sewing, chain stitching, cover sewing, etc. During the sewing process, you need to pay attention to factors such as sewing thread selection, stitch length, stiffening treatment, etc. to ensure the firmness and beauty of sewing.

3. Detail processing: Detail processing in clothing construction includes cutting, sewing and decoration of linings, pockets, zippers, buttons and other parts. These details play an important role in the functionality and beauty of the garment and need to be properly handled and installed according to the design requirements.

4. Modification and decoration: Modification and decoration in clothing construction refers to enriching the clothing by adding various decorative elements, such as pleats, ruffles, tassels, etc. shape and expression. Modification decoration can be completed by hand sewing, machine sewing or other decorative processes. Reasonable selection and application are required according to the design requirements and the characteristics of the fabric.

5. Styling processing: Styling processing refers to making the sewn garments maintain the required shape through ironing, embossing, shaping and other processes. Form and effect. Styling processing is of great significance for improving the appearance, comfort and service life of clothing.

The above is a basic introduction to the basics of clothing structure (principles of clothing construction). By understanding the principles of clothing construction, we can better understand the clothing production process and provide support and guidance for the design, production and quality control of clothing.

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Author: clsrich
