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Lezhi, Sichuan: Green foundation to boost the iterative upgrading of the silkworm industry

The endless mulberry orchards, with mulberry family farms of different sizes standing next to each other… A few days ago, our reporter met with Cheng Demei, who participated …

The endless mulberry orchards, with mulberry family farms of different sizes standing next to each other… A few days ago, our reporter met with Cheng Demei, who participated in the media tour of “Building a High-Quality Ecosystem Together? Drawing a Blueprint for the Urban Area” Visitors from Ziyang and other places visited the Modern Sericulture Industrial Park in Lezhi County, Ziyang City, and learned how the local area promotes the iterative upgrading of the sericulture industry with a green foundation.

Seek transformation and development to promote industrial upgrading

The sericulture production in Lezhi County has 1,500 people With a long history, it is a characteristic leading industry of the county economy. However, with the development of the economy and society, the shortcomings of traditional sericulture in “each group” have become more and more obvious, such as backward technology and difficulty in scaling up. Therefore, the local government and relevant departments began to plan to build a new type of modern sericulture industrial park to allow manual labor. Transform and develop towards mechanization and intelligence, and promote the iterative upgrading of this traditional industry.

The core area of ​​the completed Lezhi County Modern Sericulture Industrial Park is located in Dongshan Town, with 10,000 acres of mulberry gardens. The industrial park has established a “park + leading enterprise + cooperative (family farm) + farmer” model, and has introduced four companies such as Hongqi Silk Factory and Silk Road to settle in the park. The model drives the development of new business entities such as sericulture family farms, college student entrepreneurs, and farmhouses.

“We use new technologies such as mechanization and intelligent breeding, soil testing and formula fertilization, green prevention and control of pests and diseases, and return of silkworm excrement compost to the fields, which can reduce the use of simple chemical fertilizers. and 30% of the pesticide usage, achieving green, organic, ecological and sustainable development.” The person in charge of the Modern Sericulture Industrial Park said that mechanized and intelligent breeding have brought about reductions in labor costs and increases in profits. “Once It takes 50 workers to raise 300 silkworms. Now with professional mechanized equipment, only 5 people can do it.”

Deeply dig into the sericulture culture to accelerate agricultural tourism Fusion

“The birds are singing among the mulberry leaves, and the green strips are soft again.” The unique geographical conditions have created Lezhi County’s patchwork and unique Songhai landscape, and also laid a good foundation for the integrated development of local agriculture and tourism.

“The foundation is good, but planning must keep up.” The person in charge of the Modern Sericulture Industrial Park said that in conjunction with the construction of “China Sangdu” in Lezhi County According to the plan, the industrial park takes the construction of “mulberry sea and mulberry field” as the carrier, and follows the overall idea of ​​”cultivating mulberry as an industry and diversified development” to build a development pattern of “one town, three districts and one ring”, connected in series through the “Sericulture Theme Park Tour Road” The four industrial sectors include the smart sericulture demonstration area, resource development functional area, sericulture agriculture-tourism integrated development area, and Dongshan sericulture town, and vigorously build Sangtian Commune, Sanghai Corridor and other attractions.

Precisely because they are optimistic about the prospects for the integrated development of agriculture and tourism in Lezhi County, college student Deng Rutao and his wife resolutely returned to their hometown to start a business. They contracted a mulberry garden in the park, ran an ecological farm, vigorously developed a full mulberry feast, and also opened projects such as mulberry fruit picking, sericulture experience, and handmade silk quilt making. The annual revenue was considerable.

According to reports, in recent years, Lezhi County has deeply explored the sericulture culture, built the China Sangdu Culture Exhibition Hall, and held the “Hometown of Chinese Pastoral Poetry” Sangdu Activities such as the theme poetry festival, the China Sangdu National Short Novel Essay Contest, and the Rural Tourism Festival Mulberry Fruit Picking Experience Tour promote the Sangtian Commune, Songhai Corridor, lake-wide health care, Sangdu Songhai Theme Park, intangible cultural heritage display, and industry Projects such as heritage tourism receive an average of more than 200,000 tourists per year and generate an income of more than 50 million yuan. </p

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Author: clsrich
