China garment – garment brands, garment information, garment media Garment News Shandong Textile: Stabilize the market, expand consumption, and use strong actions to solidify its “Top Ten” status

Shandong Textile: Stabilize the market, expand consumption, and use strong actions to solidify its “Top Ten” status

Shandong is a major textile province and one of the important bases of China’s textile industry. As an important people’s livelihood industry and a trillion-level key p…

Shandong is a major textile province and one of the important bases of China’s textile industry. As an important people’s livelihood industry and a trillion-level key pillar industry in Shandong Province, Shandong’s textile industry has the advantages of huge size, solid foundation, complete chain, and complete elements. In March this year, the Shandong Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government listed the modern light textile industry among the “top ten” industries for the conversion of old and new kinetic energy to promote the construction of a modern light textile industry system.

As one of the “2022 Textile and Clothing ‘Excellent Supply to Promote Upgrading’ Series of Activities”, the 2022 China Jinan 10th Luokou Clothing Culture and Art Festival and Modern Light Industrial Textile “Three Products” Consumer Season Series Activities, through the launch of special Product promotion activities and the expansion of textile and clothing consumption have to a certain extent become a powerful driver of the conversion of old and new kinetic energy in Shandong’s textile industry, and have become an important “window” to showcase the economic development of Jinan City and even Shandong Province.

When “conversion of old and new driving forces” meets “excellent supply to promote upgrading”

The textile industry is a traditional advantageous industry in Shandong Province. It has the characteristics of a solid foundation, a complete industrial chain, a complete innovation system, and obvious cluster effects. In terms of high-end equipment, intelligent manufacturing, industrial textiles, and new fiber material research and development, Shandong has It is at the leading level in the country and even the world, and plays a decisive role in the economic and social development of the national industry and the province.

In 2022, the Shandong Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government released the “Modern Light Textile Industry 2022 Action Plan” (referred to as the “Action Plan”), and included the modern light textile industry among the “top ten” industries for the conversion of old and new driving forces. The “Action Plan” proposes that in the modern light industrial textile industry, we will carry out industrial chain and supply chain optimization and upgrading actions, carry out scientific and technological research and development innovation and speed up actions, carry out intelligent and green transformation actions, carry out market stabilization and consumption expansion actions, and carry out industrial cluster upgrading actions. Carry out six key tasks including the talent-strengthening enterprise action. Among them, in response to “carrying out actions to stabilize the market and expand consumption”, the “Action Plan” proposes to be demand-oriented, continuously promote supply-side structural reforms, improve the quality of product and service supply, and better meet the consumption needs of the people. The “three products” strategy improves the level of domestic and foreign trade and promotes the transformation of “production, supply and marketing” into the Internet.

In the 2022 textile and clothing “Excellent Supply to Promote Upgrading” activity, it was also proposed to carry out special product promotion activities to expand textile and clothing consumption. Expand the consumption of cotton textiles and clothing by holding shopping festivals and a series of promotional activities “National Trend Cotton Products”; promote innovative textile and clothing products and cultivate new consumption hot spots; support the innovative development of natural fiber textiles such as wool and cashmere, and enhance the consumer appeal of products .

As a major textile province, Shandong has various professional circulation markets represented by Jimo International Trade City, Jinan Luokou Garment City, Weifang Xinghe International Textile City, Linyi Huafeng Garment City, etc. After years of development, these markets have greatly improved in terms of brand building awareness and marketing capabilities. It is believed that in the future, driven by the “Action Plan” and the “Excellent Supply to Promote Upgrading” activities, Shandong will become a powerful promoter of the conversion of old and new driving forces in terms of stabilizing the market and expanding consumption.

Stabilize the market and empower consumption upgrades

2022 will indeed be a difficult year for the textile industry. Affected by the complex and severe macroeconomic situation at home and abroad and multiple unexpected factors, the pressure on both supply and demand sides of my country’s textile industry has been superimposed, the economic operation has shown a slowdown, and the problem of insufficient corporate orders has always been more prominent. As a major textile province, all subdivisions of Shandong’s textile and garment industry have been impacted to varying degrees. Insufficient domestic and foreign orders, insufficient business operations, and operating difficulties have affected the healthy development of enterprises to a certain extent, and the overall situation is not optimistic.

Zhang Chunhua, secretary-general of the Shandong Textile and Garment Industry Association, said that due to the epidemic, various cities in Shandong have been subject to varying degrees of control this year. Upstream wholesale markets at all levels have been closed and closed, and downstream physical sales have been restricted. Distribution channels have been restricted. Encountered resistance. Take Jinan Luokou Garment City, the largest clothing distribution center in Shandong, as an example. Its operating sales fell off a cliff in March and April, and the transaction amount fell seriously. It was irreversibly affected in the spring and summer.

Under such circumstances, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology issued a special document in the textile and apparel industry to promote the “Excellent Supply to Promote Upgrading” activity, continuously strengthening institutional guarantees, and greatly boosting the determination of high-quality development of the province’s textile and apparel industry. and confidence, like a ray of spring breeze, bringing new hope to the development of the industry.

Zhang Chunhua introduced that as the local epidemic situation has eased, the Shandong Textile and Garment Industry Association has guided and helped Luokou Garment City actively implement and deploy the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology’s “Excellent Supply to Promote Upgrading” activities through various forms, and jointly launched the “New Light Textile” “Enjoy Life” modern light industrial textile “three products” consumption season activity. Especially after the Shandong Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology launched the iconic event with the theme of “Oriental Aesthetics Qilu Huashang”, Luokou Garment City focused on this event and actively promoted high-quality textiles and clothing into thousands of homes, optimized and upgraded full-process consumer services, and continuously satisfied the needs of consumers. To meet the needs of hierarchical, personalized and high-quality consumption, we are dedicated to improving the quality of a better life, responding to the general public’s new expectations for a better life with new consumption, and focusing on developing…�Fashionable Shandong with excellent brand, bright image and bursting vitality.

As one of the organizers of the Luokou Fashion Culture and Art Festival, the Circulation Branch of the China Textile and Apparel Industry Federation made detailed plans for the event around “quality supply to promote upgrading”. Xu Jianhua, vice president of the Circulation Branch of the China Textile and Apparel Federation, introduced that this Luokou Clothing Culture and Art Festival will present high-quality brands, characteristic regional brands, and innovative products of Shandong’s light industry and textile industry through multiple channels and multiple forms, and give consumers greater price discounts, improve service levels, and thus mobilize more consumers’ shopping enthusiasm, meet consumers’ multi-level, personalized, high-quality consumption needs, and respond to the general public’s new expectations for a better life with new consumption.

During the Luokou Culture and Art Festival, the “New Light Textile Enjoys Life” modern light industrial textile “three products” consumption season activities were also carried out, which brought varying degrees of results to both merchants and consumers. Cheng Jianzheng, deputy general manager of Jinan Lukou Garment Co., Ltd., said that this event carried out activities such as huge discounts on merchandise sales and interactive cultural programs, presenting a “splendid and pleasing” clothing culture feast to consumers, with collective discounts from 5,000 merchants. Promotions, more affordable prices, truly benefiting consumers.

Zhang Defa, the person in charge of the “Tambor” brand at Jinan Luokou Garment City, has been engaged in the clothing business for 30 years. He participates in the Luokou Culture and Art Festival every year and has a particularly deep feeling about the new changes in this year’s event. “Tambor’s down jacket series products have always been the mainstream brand in Shandong’s down jacket collection center in Luokou Garment City. Sales increased year by year during the art festival. Although affected by the epidemic this year, Tambor still created the best sales of the year. This year The retail sales are expected to exceed 50 million yuan.”

Liu Shuai, the brand manager of “Mingsheng Hengshuai Men’s Wear”, a merchant in Jinan Luokou Garment City, also said that the scale and popularity of this year’s event were significantly greater than in previous years.

Seize digital opportunities to create greater value

The launch of the 2022 Textile and Apparel “Excellent Supply to Promote Upgrading” activity has built a service exchange platform for the industry, provided services for companies to find the right direction, make good use of policies, and gather resources, and enhanced confidence in the development of the entire industry.

As for how to further enhance the value of “quality supply to promote upgrading” in the future, Xu Jianhua suggested from the perspective of the circulation field that current digital technology has given birth to new consumption formats and new models, bringing new challenges to the circulation field, which must be grasped in the future. The opportunity of digital and intelligent transformation relies on information technology to promote the digital, informatization, and intelligent transformation of the market, meet the diversified, personalized, and customized consumption needs of consumers, promote the optimization and upgrading of the consumption structure, and empower industrial production links. , providing strong support for consumption upgrades. In terms of expanding domestic demand and stabilizing the economic market, we should give full play to the role of circulation in guiding production and promoting consumption, constantly clearing up blockages, breakpoints and pain points in the circulation field, increasing the sales of branded goods and high-quality goods, and driving more Online platforms and offline commercial and service enterprises participate in this process, and jointly build an omni-channel business platform through digital empowerment to promote the integrated development of online and offline operations, from emphasizing commercial value and industrial value to further extending to better exerting social value. .

Zhang Chunhua also said that in the future, he will actively play the role of the association platform and focus on the theme of “Excellent Supply to Promote Upgrading” to encourage textile and garment enterprises, industrial clusters, scientific research institutions and universities to participate, and guide upstream and downstream enterprises in the textile and garment industry chain in Shandong Province. Open data promotes the evolution of industrial chains and supply chains into industrial networks and supply networks, and actively empowers the development of the entire industry. The association strengthens mutual trust, exchanges and open sharing with enterprises and universities, and is committed to building a community of shared future and interests for the development of the textile and garment industry in Shandong Province through consultation, construction and integration. </p

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Author: clsrich
