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Chongqing Qianjiang’s sericulture industry has achieved gratifying results this year

In 2022, under the strong leadership of the Chongqing Qianjiang District Committee and District Government, the sericulture industry in the whole district will work hard, focusing …

In 2022, under the strong leadership of the Chongqing Qianjiang District Committee and District Government, the sericulture industry in the whole district will work hard, focusing on the four major orientations of market, problems, policies, and results, and closely grasp the development of production. The overall management of the whole process promotes the healthy development of sericulture in an orderly manner.

Sericulture production bucked the trend and rose. 150 households in 68 groups of 46 villages in 16 towns in the region have built 1,414.9 acres of mulberry gardens and replanted 230 acres of mulberry gardens. We have comprehensively promoted the winter management of mulberry gardens, focusing on drying, whitewashing, deep plowing, fertilizing, and garden cleaning, and implemented Idle mulberry orchards and basic sericulture households were expanded; 8 newly built silkworm breeding rooms and 1,453 newly renovated outdoor sericulture greenhouses were completed, all of which were invested in sericulture. Faced with the rare high-temperature and drought climate in summer and autumn, the cocoon production in the region increased by 6.56% year-on-year, and the income of sericulture farmers from selling cocoons increased by 5.09% compared with the previous year. Brand creation has been fruitful. Qianjiang’s “Qiang Sang No. 1” has obtained the approval of Chongqing’s improved forest variety. Taiji Town has successfully applied for a municipal-level industrial strong town and been included in the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs’ industrial strong town project library. Qianjiang’s sericulture has been awarded the “Bashu Good Climate Product” in the Chengdu-Chongqing region. title, Haitong Company obtained mulberry organic conversion certification and cocoon and silk organic product certification.

Innovative mulberry cocoon income insurance. In 2022, the region will achieve 100% silkworm seed insurance participation rate, claims coverage rate, and target price fulfillment rate. The direct income from mid-level fresh cocoons will reach 51.8-53.8 yuan/kg, which will enhance the confidence of cadres and the masses in developing the industry. Qianjiang sericulture industry Since then, it has gradually moved towards the track of sustainable and healthy development. The innovative income insurance model has been affirmed by the research team of the General Office of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and has been promoted throughout the country. It has been widely publicized by the central and national ministry websites, urban areas and other media at all levels.

The construction of the entire industry chain continues to extend. In 2022, the District Committee and District Government will include the construction of the sericulture and silk industry chain into the 10 major industrial chains in the district to create a golden chain, guided by the implementation of the rural revitalization strategy, and promote the sericulture towards the goal of “ecological, diversified, high-efficiency, and sustainable” develop. The industrial chain is constantly improving. There are currently 2 leading enterprises in the sericulture base, 3 silk processing enterprises, 7 sericulture biological enterprises, 3 related enterprises, and 2 Sangwen agricultural tourism enterprises in the district. They have successfully applied for municipal high-tech enterprises. 2 and 3 companies have the basic conditions for upgrading regulations, and 3 new business entities have been cultivated. The manufacturing capacity of the silk industry has been significantly improved. In 2022, projects such as the “2000 Thread Reeling Machine Steam Generator and Cleaner Technical Improvement Project” and the “Reeling Equipment Update Project” will be implemented, and the silk processing capacity and efficiency will be greatly improved. The Morchella mulberry industry chain has initially taken shape. Three-by-three Food Company has completed the production of 2,000 acres of Morchella mulberry strains, 500 acres of nutritional bags, 1,200 acres of greenhouse construction, and 500 acres of sowing; Hongfan Company has launched the Mulberry Hericium The winter fallow production in greenhouses has been successfully piloted in Shihui Town, Taiji Town and other places. 12,000 tons of mulberry branches were purchased throughout the year, and 3.05 million mushroom sticks were produced, with an output value of about 13 million yuan. The mulberry culture and tourism industry is booming. Chongqing Wulingshan Silk Museum Co., Ltd. has implemented the “Sericulture Silk Museum Construction Project”, the Tai Chi Sericulture Experience Hall has been put into use, and the Hanzhen Jade Silk Company’s landing stone meeting has launched diversified production of mulberry black tea, mulberry leaf noodles, etc. , Guizhou Shuzhi Traditional Chinese Medicine Planting Cooperative started the construction of a winter mulberry leaf and mulberry branch processing plant in Zhongyuan Village, Shihui.

Consolidate and expand the results of poverty alleviation and effectively connect with rural revitalization. In 2022, 429 poverty-stricken households in 236 groups in 100 villages in the region raised 6,173 silkworms, producing 223,940.8 kilograms of cocoons, a year-on-year increase of 12.3%. The cocoon sales revenue was 11.0287 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 18.9%, and the household income was 25,700 yuan. Yuan. It plays an important role in consolidating the results of poverty alleviation. It has achieved remarkable results in promoting social employment, employing more than 700,000 man-days in mulberry orchard and multiple cropping management, more than 10,000 people in sericulture, and at the same time, it has hired more than 1,000 employees in enterprises. In Jinxi Town, a municipal-level deep-poverty town, 47 households out of poverty in 8 villages (communities) raised 925 silkworms and produced 649.9 tons of cocoons in 2022, a year-on-year increase of 12.62%. The output value was 1.6077 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 19.13%, and the household income was 34,200 yuan. Yuan, silkworm cocoon output ranks third in the region. Taiji Town, a municipal-level key rural revitalization assistance town, was listed as a municipal-level agricultural industry strong town (mulberry cocoon) and a national agricultural industry strong town project library by the Municipal Agricultural Committee and the Municipal Finance Bureau in May. The annual output of cocoons is 5,026 tons, The unit yield of sericulture is 42.45 kilograms and the output value is 12.56 million yuan, driving the average household income of 305 sericulture farmers (including 48 poor households) to increase by 5,000 yuan year-on-year, setting a record high. It has ranked first in cocoon production in the towns and villages in the region for 6 consecutive years. </p

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Author: clsrich
