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Shaanxi Yanchuan: Planting mulberry and raising silkworms has embarked on a new green “silk” road

In the harsh winter, on the mountains of Yanchuan County, Shaanxi Province, there is a scene of mulberry garden construction in full swing. In Fengjiawan Village, Wen’anyi To…

In the harsh winter, on the mountains of Yanchuan County, Shaanxi Province, there is a scene of mulberry garden construction in full swing.

In Fengjiawan Village, Wen’anyi Town, although the outdoor temperature has dropped to minus 9℃, the enthusiasm of the villagers for the new mulberry garden winter pipe has not diminished at all. Everyone divides work and cooperates, and some shovel soil Maintenance, some painted to prevent bacteria, all work was carried out in an orderly manner.

“In accordance with the development requirements of industrial upgrading, we have vigorously developed characteristic agricultural industries on the basis of continuing to consolidate the advantages of traditional agricultural industries. At present, under the careful guidance of the County Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Service Center, the mulberry garden has been completed 470 acres of planting.” Looking at the neat rows of mulberry seedlings, Liu Peiyuan, chairman of the People’s Congress of Wen’anyi Town, said happily.

This year, Wen’anyi Town transformed the inefficient land in Fengjiawan Village into a new mulberry garden through project integration, laying a solid foundation for the villagers to develop the mulberry industry. Villager He Fengliang has long planned to develop silkworm breeding. Now, seeing the mulberry saplings springing up as neatly as bamboo shoots after a rain, He Fengliang is even more motivated.

“Under the guidance of the government and the research and decision of the village committee, the village will develop the sericulture industry this year. We have seen other people’s sericulture in Yangjiaping Village, Guanzhuang Town, which is indeed beneficial to farmers. I am also very confident.” He Fengliang said.

The Yangjiaping Village of Guanzhuang Town mentioned by He Fengliang is a village with better development of the silkworm industry in Yanchuan County. In the village, mulberry tree planting, silkworm breeding, silk quilt weaving, and mulberry leaf tea making have formed a complete system. The industrial chain has brought considerable economic benefits to the villagers. This year, Yangjiaping Village further expanded the mulberry planting area, laying the foundation for the industrial development of mulberry silkworms.

“The efficiency of sericulture in our village is very good, and 300 acres of mulberry gardens have been planted. Village cadres and party members took the lead in breeding, and now some villagers in the village have begun to rush to raise it. This industry is a short-term industry. It takes 28 days to raise one crop, and farmers can raise two crops in their free time, so earning 20,000 yuan is not a problem.” said Hui Shiping, Party branch secretary of Yangjiaping Village, Guanzhuang Town, Yanchuan County.

Winter management of mulberry orchards plays a very important role in developing tree shape, enhancing tree vigor and controlling the source of mulberry tree diseases. It is also crucial for improving the yield and quality of mulberry leaves in the coming year. In Hetuping Village, Dayu Street, Yanchuan County, mulberry seedlings are gathering momentum under the protection of insulation films and mounds of soil. In Yuanliuwan Village, Yongping Town, town government personnel innovatively used nutrient cups to cover the soil with soil, which not only saved labor but also played a role in keeping the seedlings warm.

In recent years, Yanchuan County has actively developed green ecological industries and built an industrial pattern of “apples in the central and western regions, red dates in the east, greenhouses on river roads, and channel breeding”, gradually forming a “one township, one industry, The industrial prospects of “one village, one product, one household, one policy”. The development of the sericulture industry has effectively enhanced the vitality of local industrial development, broadened the channels for people to increase income, and cultivated new industries for making wealth.

“The sericulture industry has the characteristics of low labor intensity, short production cycle and high output efficiency, which can quickly increase farmers’ economic income in the short term. For this reason, our county has chosen to invest in areas where the industry is relatively weak. Villages plant mulberry trees and guide farmers to raise silkworms to solve the problem of low income levels for middle-aged and elderly people who have lived in rural areas for a long time.” Zhang Xiaoping, director of the Yanchuan County Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Service Center, said that this year, Yanchuan County chose to plant mulberry trees in Yongping and Jiajia In 11 villages in Ping, Guanzhuang, Wen’anyi, Dayu Subdistrict and other places, willing farmers were organized to plant 2,600 acres of mulberry trees. Strict technical standards were formulated before planting. Labor was mobilized to level the land, dig a 60 cm deep trench, apply organic fertilizer, and plant according to the standard of 1.5 meters row spacing and 0.4 meters plant spacing. After planting, the ground was leveled, covered with ground cloth, and the poles were cut. Seal, cover and bury them with soil to ensure that each plant can survive.

Up to now, Yanchuan County has developed more than 3,000 acres of mulberry orchards. In the future, the county will, based on county conditions and public opinion, regard the development of the mulberry industry as an important industry that consolidates and expands the results of poverty alleviation and effectively connects rural revitalization. It will continue to expand the area of ​​mulberry gardens, develop and expand the mulberry industry, and help increase the income of the people. Get rich.


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Author: clsrich
