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Zhongyuan Institute of Technology: Carry forward the spirit of “Light of Textiles” and jointly promote talent growth and industrial upgrading

Talking about the development history of the Textile Light Science and Technology Education Foundation and its impact on Zhongyuan Institute of Technology, Liu Jiguang, President a…

Talking about the development history of the Textile Light Science and Technology Education Foundation and its impact on Zhongyuan Institute of Technology, Liu Jiguang, President and Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Zhongyuan Institute of Technology, said that Comrade Qian Zhiguang has the courage and wisdom of a communist and his unique His foresight and truth-seeking and pragmatic spirit have made significant contributions to the development of my country’s textile industry. In a relatively short period of time, a complete system has been established, with a strong material foundation, and many valuable legacy have been left behind. spiritual wealth. As the most influential social welfare organization in the textile and garment industry, the Textile Light Science and Technology Education Foundation inherits the mantle of the “Qianzhiguang Science and Technology Education Fund” and has rewarded many units and individuals, outstanding teachers and students who have made outstanding contributions for more than ten years. students, and also provided financial support to scientific research project teams that have a significant impact on the industrial upgrading of the textile industry. Whether they are from undergraduate colleges, higher vocational colleges, or personnel from textile production and scientific research enterprises, they are all proud to receive the Textile Light Award. “Zhongyuan Institute of Technology has a profound relationship with Textile Light. We are both participants and beneficiaries. Textile Light Foundation has contributed more to promoting technological progress in the industry and cultivating professional and comprehensive talents, and has been widely praised by society and enterprises. .” Liu Jiji said.

According to reports, as of now, a total of 39 teachers and many students from Zhongyuan Institute of Technology have received this honor.

As one of the most professional awards in the textile category, the “Light of Textiles” Teacher Award and Student Award continue to increase in status and influence in the hearts of teachers and students in textile colleges, providing scientific and technological progress for the textile industry. reference and direction of efforts. At the same time, it also provides a platform for major textile colleges to learn from each other, which not only directly promotes the accumulation of school-running achievements and the improvement of school-running levels in the textile and clothing major, but also radiates and drives the reform of school-running models and the deepening of teaching reforms in other majors. . Liu Jiji said that teaching is a way for colleges and universities to cultivate students to develop comprehensively in moral, intellectual, physical and aesthetic aspects. The level of teachers directly affects the quality of teaching in schools. Cultivating talents is the foundation of higher education. Therefore, teachers and students are the foundation of the school, and teaching is the link between teachers and students. Winners of the “Light of Textiles” Teacher Award and Student Award can be highly recognized and praised by colleagues and students, which also adds motivation to their future work and study. At the same time, it also has a good guiding role and can drive people around you to make progress together, thereby better promoting the improvement of teaching quality and being more conducive to the cultivation of high-level talents. This creates a virtuous cycle for the school. It is precisely because of the power of these role models that a positive working and learning atmosphere has been formed among teachers and students. This is a healthy educational ecological environment in the university.

Building a high-quality higher education system

Cultivating senior applied professionals

In recent years, my country’s education field has undergone earth-shaking changes. The popularization level of higher education has achieved a historic leap. During the “Thirteenth Five-Year Plan” period, our country built the world’s largest higher education system and entered a stage of universalization recognized by the world. The subject majors and curriculum structure of higher education have been further adjusted and optimized, the level of school running and the quality of talent training have been continuously improved, and the traditional talent training model has been transformed into an innovative education model. “Golden courses”, interdisciplinary courses, academies, large-scale enrollment, getting rid of “only scores, only admissions, only diplomas, only papers, only hats”, stimulating the innovation vitality of scientific researchers, exploring multiple promotion paths, reforming the evaluation system and other new measures keep appearing.

Liu Jiji said that the teaching work of the textile major is based on the fundamental task of cultivating people with moral integrity, and is constantly dynamically adjusted according to the needs of the textile industry. It adheres to the school-running philosophy of “student-oriented, open and integrated”. Following the school-running model of “thick foundation, wide caliber, and differentiated direction”, we strive to cultivate senior application-oriented professionals with coordinated development of knowledge, ability and quality, strong engineering practice and innovation capabilities, and international vision.

In terms of how to promote talents in the textile field, Liu Jiaqi pointed out that the upgrading and transformation of the textile industry will have a negative impact on talent construction and encourage us to continuously adjust to adapt to industry needs. On the one hand, we should strengthen the construction of the teaching staff, reform the evaluation system, deepen the reform of teacher education, change educational ideas, establish an educational concept of cultivating innovative talents, establish an innovative talent training mechanism, actively promote the reform of student management models, and optimize the curriculum structure. The professional foundation, quality and ability should be expanded in parallel, vigorously implement the reform of practical teaching links, highlight the cultivation of students’ innovative spirit and practical ability, deepen the school-enterprise collaborative education mechanism, and jointly promote the healthy and sustainable development of the industry through the above measures.

Award-winning teacher:

The love for textiles stems from the understanding of the industry

Liu Rangtong, who won the Teacher Award in 2010, has never left the textile industry , he started studying woven engineering in college in 1983, and studied textile materials during the postgraduate and doctoral studies. He never deviated from the textile subject and his work content did not deviate from the industry. In 1990, he officially started working in textiles and clothing. Education, it has been more than 30 years. His love for textiles stems from his understanding of the industry. He believes that textiles and clothing are closely integrated with human life. Everyone who is dealing with textiles and clothing products will form a perception of textiles and clothing. This kind of social existence with missing thresholds Sex makes textile clothing not much mysterious at all.It is easy to form an unobjective value perception of textiles and clothing. Liu Rangtong said that it is very necessary to develop textile and clothing education in China. As practitioners, we must constantly transform disciplines and majors according to the needs of social and economic development, be familiar with professional advantages, explore the integration of industry and education, and practice the concepts of “textile +” and “apparel +” Talent training model, this may be a long-term historical task.

Yang Hongying, who won the Teacher Award in 2014, took over the work of the Textile College in 2017. As the head of the textile major, she led the textile engineering major to participate in the Chinese Engineering Education Professional Certification. After unremitting efforts, from application to self-evaluation , went to on-site inspections, and all passed in one go, achieving a “zero” breakthrough in the school’s engineering education professional certification. Looking back, she felt that it was not easy. It contained many teachers’ love for education and the textile industry, and their passion for education. Feelings and responsibility. In the same year that the certification was passed, that is, 2019, the textile engineering major was also successfully selected into the first batch of national first-class undergraduate major construction sites. These two achievements were enough to make her feel gratified.

Talk about the memorable things she has experienced over the years of teaching, many unforgettable moments flashed through Yang Hongying’s mind. She said, “A good teacher in college is a compass, a beacon, and a good teacher and friend to students. The students I have mentored, even in their first year of teaching, still keep in touch with me, and the students’ joys and anger Sadness and joy will also come to me to share.”

Award-winning student:

Where there is light, there will be hope

Level 13, School of Fashion, Zhongyuan Institute of Technology Zhou Jingying, majoring in clothing and fashion design, compared the “Light of Textile” Student Award to a circular runway, which is both the end and the starting point. Zhou Jingying said, “I am honored to receive the Textile Light Scholarship in 2016. This is not only an honor for me, but also an affirmation of my professional learning progress. It has allowed me to learn more about the textile and clothing major. Motivation and confidence. When I entered the society and entered the textile and clothing industry, I have always adhered to this original intention, hoping to contribute to the development of the textile and clothing industry.”

During college, Zhou Jingying arranged various subjects I often feel stressed due to my assignments. Not only because of the tedious process, or when facing unknown challenges, you always feel powerless and lost. She said that through communication with teachers and guidance from seniors, she slowly developed her ability to solve problems and plan time reasonably, and developed a good learning attitude. She would also patiently think about and solve difficulties and setbacks. .

In 2001, Liang Fangge was admitted to the textile engineering major of Zhongyuan Institute of Technology. During her schooling, she won the student award. She said that in school, most of the time she studied hard in silence without knowing what the results would be, but receiving this scholarship made her understand that as long as she works hard enough, she will get good results, and then be noticed and recognized by others.

Liang Fangge has studied and worked in the textile industry for more than 20 years, and has felt that the domestic textile industry is booming and growing day by day. But at the same time, we also found that there are still many high-tech core technologies that still rely on imports, and there are still many high-performance products from foreign brands. In this regard, she hopes that the entire industry can forge ahead and break through bottlenecks, and hopes that the Textile Light Foundation will continue to play a supporting role in textile technology innovation and talent cultivation. I hope that my alma mater, while focusing on high-tech research, will also go into companies to understand their needs. When teaching, in addition to the theory of textiles, more emphasis is placed on teaching students how to solve practical problems. I hope that the juniors and juniors will love their majors, learn their majors well, and contribute to the development of the textile industry in the future.

Zhi Xiujuan won the “Light of Textile” student award in 2003. She said that receiving the “Light of Textile” student award was recognition of her professional abilities and made her more enthusiastic and determined in professional learning. This gave me confidence to work in the textile industry in the future.

After graduation, Zhi Xiujuan was engaged in patent examination of textile-related technologies. She often applied the textile expertise she learned in college and encountered a lot of knowledge she had not learned in college. At this time, Zhi Xiujuan You can quickly master the required knowledge by looking for professional books.

Zhi Xiujuan hopes that the textile industry can continue to make breakthroughs in the field of national economy and people’s livelihood, and that the Textile Light Foundation can fund more professionals in the textile industry. She hopes that the students will learn professional knowledge down-to-earth and improve their professional competitiveness.

In 2010, Zhou Mengjuan was admitted to the textile engineering major of Zhongyuan Institute of Technology. In 2013, she won the “Textile Light” Student Award. Zhou Mengjuan said that this award is the motivation for her to keep moving forward. Whenever she encounters setbacks in her studies, she will think of having won the “Light of Textile” scholarship, and she will feel proud, proving that she can handle the current difficulties. However, Zhou Mengjuan also reminds herself that the reward only represents the past, and she must continue to Keep moving forward, and take every step with your feet on the ground.

The textile industry is a pillar industry of the national economy and is related to people’s livelihood and well-being. Zhou Mengjuan wishes that the textile industry will continue to lead the trend of the times, be guided by scientific and technological innovation, overcome difficulties, advance steadily, and forge ahead amidst opportunities and challenges. Build a modern textile power. I wish the Textile Light Foundation will continue to lead the textile industry forward, scale new heights, and create greater glories. I wish my alma mater to export more talents and write more glorious chapters in the future. I hope the juniors and juniors will sow the seeds of no regrets on the university campus, work hard, study hard, have a youth without regrets, and contribute to the development of the textile industry.

�, study hard, have a youth without regrets, and contribute to the development of the textile industry.


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Author: clsrich
