China garment – garment brands, garment information, garment media Garment News Huanjiang, Guangxi: A silkworm spins out a new silk road for rural revitalization

Huanjiang, Guangxi: A silkworm spins out a new silk road for rural revitalization

In recent years, Huanjiang Maonan Autonomous County, Hechi City, Guangxi has followed the strategic deployment of the national agricultural sericulture standardization demonstratio…

In recent years, Huanjiang Maonan Autonomous County, Hechi City, Guangxi has followed the strategic deployment of the national agricultural sericulture standardization demonstration zone and the autonomous region-level agricultural sericulture technology park, with the main line of promoting high-quality development of the sericulture industry and the core of improving the comprehensive benefits of the industry. Taking the construction of modern agricultural industrial parks as the starting point, we will integrate the construction of sericulture bases into the national green development and rural revitalization strategies, fully promote the transformation and development of the sericulture industry, and create a new situation for the high-quality development of the sericulture industry.

In 2022, there are 116 administrative villages in 12 towns in Huanjiang, 48,700 farmers growing mulberry and raising silkworms, and 118 silkworm breeding rooms. The total area of ​​mulberry gardens in the county reaches 202,000 acres, 888,100 seeds have been produced, the output of fresh cocoons is nearly 40,000 tons, and the income of silkworm farmers from sericulture is nearly 2 billion yuan. The co-breeding rate of silkworms in the county is 100%, the application rate of square clusters is 100%, the penetration rate of automatic clustering technology is 90%, and the penetration rate of labor-saving silkworm raising equipment is 80%.

Up to now, Huanjiang has a processing plant with an annual output of 1,800 tons of edible silkworm pupae, a silkworm breeding farm with an annual output of 400,000 silkworm seeds, and a square cluster (cocoon removal machine) manufacturing enterprise. There are 11 small and micro enterprises in the processing of silk home textiles, which can process and sell more than 10,000 sets of silk quilts annually. There are 3 leading silk reeling enterprises at the autonomous region level, with a production scale of 76 groups and 29,600 threads. The annual production capacity of white factory silk is about 2,000 tons, and 5A and above white factory silk accounts for 80%. It has created “Jiangyuan”, “Guihe” and “Guisi” “Ya” three major brands. In 2022, cocoon silk processing enterprises in the county produced 1629.7 special pieces of Baichang silk, with an output value of 746 million yuan.

High-standard planning and construction to build a sericulture industrial base cluster. Focusing on the goal of strengthening the county in the sericulture industry, we will vigorously promote the construction of national-level and autonomous region-level sericulture advantageous and characteristic industrial cluster projects. In 2022, Huanjiang will build 1,240 acres of mechanized, standardized, high-quality, high-yielding mulberry gardens, and build 6 new standardized silkworm breeding demonstration bases. Actively improve and upgrade the construction of supporting facilities and equipment for the co-breeding of small silkworms and the breeding of large silkworms, complete the installation of 14 temperature and humidity control equipment projects, and complete the upgrade and renovation projects of 12 co-breeding rooms. Completed 4 national-level sericulture advantageous and characteristic industrial cluster projects and 3 autonomous region-level sericulture advantageous and characteristic industrial cluster projects. In recent years, Huanjiang has been rated as a key demonstration county for agricultural (silkworm) industry science and technology in Guangxi, one of the top ten silkworm production base counties in Guangxi, and one of the “China’s high-quality cocoon and silk production bases.”

Strengthen science and technology and focus on technology demonstration and promotion. By promoting technological innovation and achievement transformation of mulberry silkworms, researching and applying new technologies and new methods, introducing improved varieties and methods, and vigorously promoting high-yield and high-quality mulberry tree varieties and high-yield and high-grade silkworm varieties. Implement the project of improving sericulture varieties and vigorously promote high-yield cultivation technology and large-scale, labor-saving and standardized sericulture technology. Establish a four-level sericulture technical service network in the county and villages with the county sericulture technical guidance station as the core and composed of more than 120 county sericulture technical backbones, township sericulture technicians, co-breeders and village planting and breeding experts, covering the whole country. There are 140 administrative villages in 12 townships and towns in the county. Technical experts are responsible for providing one-stop services such as mulberry planting and sericulture skills training, technology promotion, experimental demonstrations, and silkworm seed supply to more than 40,000 sericulture households, improving the level of scientific planting and breeding of sericulture farmers, and pushing the development of the county’s sericulture industry into the fast lane. In 2022, Huanjiang will create a green, high-quality and efficient sericulture project demonstration area of ​​2,500 acres, involving more than 600 farmers.

Cultivation of new business formats and focus on the expansion of sericulture functions. In 2022, Huanjiang cultivated and built the first sericulture culture science and technology park exhibition hall in Hechi City. The exhibition hall comprehensively displays the process from sericulture – leather harvesting – cocoon cooking – drawing – making silk products, creating a silk culture experience center. The exhibition hall of the Sericulture Science and Technology Park combines the new media short video live broadcast business model, relies on Maonan culture, Maonan cuisine, Maonan agricultural tourism, and Pingzhitun “filial piety culture” brands, integrates local live broadcast resources, and creates Guangxi’s first county-level public brand short video live broadcast base. Achieving sustainable development of order production through brand monetization, attracting more social capital to invest in Huanjiang’s sericulture industry, promoting the integration of primary, secondary and tertiary industries of silkworm cocoons and silk, and assisting the high-quality development of the sericulture industry.


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Author: clsrich
