China garment – garment brands, garment information, garment media Garment News The level of “integration of informatization and informatization” in the textile industry has jumped

The level of “integration of informatization and informatization” in the textile industry has jumped

“The development resilience and competitiveness of the textile industry have largely benefited from the continuous deepening of the integration of informatization and informatizati…

“The development resilience and competitiveness of the textile industry have largely benefited from the continuous deepening of the integration of informatization and informatization over the years and the steady improvement of the industry’s digital capabilities.” At the China Textile Industry Integration of Informatization and Informatization Conference held recently, Xia Lingmin, Secretary-General of China Textile and Apparel Federation, said.

In 2022, the completed fixed asset investment in my country’s textile industry, chemical fiber industry, and clothing industry will increase by 4.7%, 21.4%, and 25.3% respectively year-on-year, and industry investment will achieve steady growth. my country’s total textile and apparel exports reached US$340.95 billion, a year-on-year increase of 2.5%. This has exceeded US$300 billion for three consecutive years, fully demonstrating the resilience and competitiveness of my country’s textile industry.

The integration of informatization and informatization empowers industrial development

“The textile industry is one of the first industries to implement the integration of informatization and informatization, and its digital transformation has made positive progress, especially in the application of digital design tools, The new model of personalized flexible customization and the construction of industrial Internet platforms are at the forefront of the country, and a number of digital factories in the fields of chemical fiber, cotton spinning, wool spinning, printing and dyeing, and clothing have entered the world’s advanced ranks.” said a first official of the Consumer Goods Industry Department of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology Senior inspector Cao Xuejun said.

The “Textile Industry Digital Transformation Development Report” recently released by the China Textile Federation pointed out that the textile industry continues to promote the in-depth integration of the two informatizations and encourages the development of technology, application and model innovation with the new generation of information and communication technology as the core. , has made great progress and provided important technical support for the transformation and development of the textile industry.

“In recent years, the digital construction of enterprises has been rapidly promoted, and the industry’s integration of informatization and informatization indicators have steadily improved. As of December 2022, the overall development level evaluation index of the integration of informatization and informatization in the textile industry has reached 57.1, and the digitization rate of production equipment has reached 55.6 %, the networking rate of digital production equipment is 49%, and the smart manufacturing readiness rate is 14.6%.” Xia Lingmin said that the overall level of integration of informatization and informatization has an obvious upward trend, deepening the integrated development of new generation information technology and textile industry, and promoting the digitalization of the entire textile industry chain Transformation is an important measure for the textile industry to build a new pattern and form a new modern industrial system.

“In view of the industry pain points existing in printing and dyeing fabric trade, weaving research and development, dyeing and processing, etc., the company has created a full-process digital collaboration platform for weaving and dyeing trade, etc., using the ‘intelligent manufacturing’ system of the flexible supply chain to effectively It has realized the enterprise’s agile, flexible and lean production, and achieved intelligent weaving, printing and dyeing, and intelligent trade. Among them, the weaving and dyeing trade Internet cloud platform adopts the ‘platform + APPs’ application model to unify the data platform and APP application platform. It effectively solves the information island and data fusion problems caused by traditional chimney-style vertical applications.” Liu Duanwu, Chairman and General Manager of Foshan Nanhai Tianfu Technology Co., Ltd. said.

In recent years, my country’s textile industry has made new progress in the application of technological innovations such as artificial intelligence and digital twins. Youngor, Xinfengming and other companies have built 5G fully connected smart factories, realized intelligent robot detection, intelligent IGV and other application scenarios, and built full perception systems, which have brought substantial benefits to enterprises.

In addition, the construction and application of industrial Internet platforms in the textile industry have achieved remarkable results. “Regional platforms represented by Fuzhou Changle District Textile Industry Internet Platform, cross-industrial park collaborative platforms represented by Zhejiang Garment Industry Innovation Service Complex, professional platforms represented by Tianfu Textile Printing and Dyeing Industrial Internet, and Huansi Industrial Internet The comprehensive platform represented by the platform has significantly improved in terms of the number of device connections, APP service functions, mechanism model construction, and the number of service companies,” Xia Lingmin said.

It is worth noting that in recent years, the digital public service capabilities of my country’s textile industry have been comprehensively improved. Xia Lingmin said that currently, the digital service system of key industrial clusters is being established; the China Textile Big Data Center is also gradually being implemented; the public service platform for the digital transformation of textile and garment enterprises has been initially built, and promotion and application are being stepped up.

Digital transformation has great potential

“Automation, digital equipment and industrial software are the basis for the integration of informatization and informatization.” Cao Xuejun said, “At present, the main new textile equipment has basically achieved digitalization, but some The high dependence on imports of key components affects the improvement of the level of intelligence. There are still many ‘dumb equipment’ in the existing equipment, and special software cannot meet the process requirements.”

The “Textile Industry Digital Transformation Development Report” also mentioned, Although the textile industry has achieved rapid development in digitalization and networking in recent years, the overall application coverage and application level are still low.

Data show that in 2021, the digitalization rate of production equipment and the networking rate of digital equipment in the textile industry are 53.6% and 46.1% respectively, and the numerical control rate of key processes is 41.7%. Take the cotton spinning industry as an example. The industrial scale of my country’s cotton spinning industry is about 110 million spindles, while the advanced digital production line production capacity is only more than 10 million spindles. The foundation for intelligent evolution and development is still weak, and it is faced with large-scale and deep data collection capabilities, The problem of protocol conversion of heterogeneous data and insufficient edge processing capabilities.

“Take the printing and dyeing industry as an example. In order to achieve high-quality development of the industry, the printing and dyeing industry urgently needs to innovate and upgrade the digital economic model to further improve the industry’s innovation capabilities. The digital management and control model is ultimately to realize the control of product life. Collaborative decision-making and optimized management and control throughout the entire cycle.” Wang Zhiguang, deputy director of the R&D Center of Guangzhou Industrial Intelligence Research Institute, said, “Currently, the platform systems of textile printing and dyeing enterprises are based on management software such as ERP and MES.�, There is a scarcity of industry-specific industrial interconnection platforms that integrate data sets, knowledge bases and business component pools to achieve collaborative optimization of business and production. ”

In addition, most of my country’s textile companies are located in villages and towns, and compared with high-tech industries, the overall salary level is lower. It is difficult to recruit and retain talents, and there is a shortage of professional talents, especially those who are familiar with the textile business and Comprehensive technical talents for the application of information technology are even more scarce. In addition, there are a large number of small and medium-sized enterprises in the textile industry, and funds, technology, and talents tend to gather in large enterprises. Small and medium-sized enterprises, especially small and micro enterprises, face difficulties in technology, talents, etc. , the obvious lack of capital investment related to the integration of informatization and informatization is a common problem.

“The textile industry promotes the integration of informatization and informatization, realizes digital and intelligent transformation of enterprises, copes with the current global complex external environment, and strengthens the core of the enterprise. Competitiveness is extremely important. “Cao Xuejun said, “The integration of informatization and digital transformation is a process of continuous evolution and long-term advancement. Although the integration of informatization and informatization in the textile industry has a certain foundation, it also faces difficulties in transforming existing equipment, weak corporate foundation, large human resources and financial constraints, and There are not many affordable and useful system solutions. We must pay more attention to practicality and enhance the sense of gain for enterprises. This also requires the joint efforts of enterprises, industries, and governments at all levels to promote it. “

Integrated innovation services high-quality development

“The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China clearly pointed out that ‘accelerate the development of the digital economy, promote the deep integration of the digital economy and the real economy, and create an internationally competitive digital industry cluster. ’ This puts forward clear goal requirements for the textile industry to accelerate digital transformation, build a modern textile industrial system, and achieve high-quality development. “Xia Lingmin said.

“Comply with the new trend of consumption upgrading, adhere to the concept of ‘digital transformation, integrated innovation’, and do a solid job in ‘strengthening and replenishing chains’, digital empowerment, and ‘integration and sharing’ articles, The textile industry in Sheyang is making every effort to promote the textile industry to extend to both ends of the ‘smile curve’. “Wu Gangyu, Secretary of the Sheyang County Party Committee in Jiangsu Province, said, “Currently, the Sheyang textile industry is implementing the intelligent improvement project of the cotton textile industry, the green transformation project of the printing and dyeing industry, the new fiber material industry cluster development project, and the cultivation project of garment and home textile brand enterprises. Strive to achieve terminal product invoice sales of more than 10 billion yuan by 2025. ”

“It is necessary to further strengthen public services and provide precise services for the digital transformation of small and medium-sized enterprises. Key industrial cluster areas should further improve the digital service system, give full play to the role of existing digital public service platforms, and provide visible, tangible, and tangible digital technology application services to small and medium-sized enterprises. ” Xia Lingmin said, “Enterprises must pay attention to practical results during the digital transformation process. It is necessary to solve the problems existing in the enterprise through the application of digital technology, and to make up for the shortcomings, strengthen the weak points, and extend the board to serve to enhance the competitiveness of the enterprise. ”

Zhai Yanju, chief expert on digitalization of the textile industry from the Ministry of Information Technology of China Textile Federation, believes that in order to achieve the integrated development of the two industries in the textile industry, it is necessary to vigorously promote the digital transformation of textile enterprises and continue to upgrade production equipment, key processes, etc. Digitalization level, improve the interconnection and interoperability of production factors.

Among the 20 typical application scenarios and 10 key industry practices of “5G + Industrial Internet” released by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the textile industry was identified as the key industry practice. One of the pilot industries. Cao Xuejun said that for the majority of small and medium-sized textile enterprises, it is necessary to highlight demand orientation and problem orientation, and promote digital application scenarios with small, light, fast and accurate solutions.

“Different sub-industries, There are also different implementation priorities. Chemical fiber spinning companies should focus on promoting continuous digitization and online monitoring of the production process. Terminal companies such as clothing and home textiles should focus on demand forecasting and efficient matching of resources. The focus should be on flexible customization of production and automated and intelligent warehousing and logistics. “Cao Xuejun said.

In Zhai Yanju’s view, to carry out the digital transformation of the textile industry, we must promote the application of key digital technologies in the industry and improve the role of industrial software in R&D and design, production process monitoring, operation management, and after-sales service. Application coverage of enterprises. Improve the level of digital integration and application of enterprises, and accelerate the construction of digital and intelligent production lines and production workshops.

“For example, the digital transformation of the cotton spinning industry focuses on quality control and improving labor productivity; printing and dyeing The industry focuses on improving the success rate of dyeing and saving energy and reducing consumption; the clothing industry focuses on strengthening the collaboration of R&D, design, production and manufacturing, and marketing; the chemical fiber industry focuses on quality testing, traceability, workshop material transmission, and automatic product packaging etc. “Zhai Yanju said, “In addition, we must guide the cluster to build an industrial Internet platform that serves the regional textile industry, strengthen data collection, mining and innovative applications, and improve the cluster’s capabilities in industrial chain maps, corporate digital portraits, economic operation analysis, green dual carbon, and market Management and service capabilities in supervision and other aspects, and create an industrial Internet demonstration base for the textile industry. ”


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Author: clsrich
