China garment – garment brands, garment information, garment media Garment News 7.4 million acres of cotton are being sown in Aksu area.

7.4 million acres of cotton are being sown in Aksu area.

Farming time waits for no one, spring is better than gold. As the temperature gradually rises, farmers from all over the Aksu region seize the opportunity to sow cotton when the so…

Farming time waits for no one, spring is better than gold. As the temperature gradually rises, farmers from all over the Aksu region seize the opportunity to sow cotton when the soil moisture is good, and the fields are busy.

On March 28, in Chenguang Village, Yaha Town, Kuche City In a high-standard cotton field, four Beidou satellite navigation driverless tractors are sowing seeds. As the tractor slowly moves forward, operations such as sowing seeds and laying drip irrigation tapes are completed in one go.

This year, Kuqa City plans to plant 1.81 million acres of cotton, and is currently Take the time to plant seeds.

Kuqa Lihua Modern Agriculture Co., Ltd. is contracted in Yaha Town More than 30,000 acres of land are planted with cotton. At the end of March, the company used the Beidou satellite navigation automatic driving system seeder to sow cotton, which not only improved the sowing quality and sowing efficiency, but also reduced the cost.

 ”Cotton sowing is now mechanized, saving time and effort.” Zhao Xinmin, a technician at the company, said that in order to increase the cotton seedling emergence rate, they also used double-film covering technology to retain moisture to the maximum extent and ensure high-quality completion of the cotton spring sowing task.

Focusing on reducing costs and improving quality, Kuche City vigorously develops high standards In farmland construction, new equipment and technologies such as Beidou satellite navigation unmanned driving, double film coverage, dry sowing and wet seeding, and one film and three rows are used to improve the level of agricultural mechanization, achieve cost savings and increase efficiency, and help farmers continue to increase their income.

Recently, 1.35 million acres of cotton have been planted in Awati County. Walking into Qiongkuer Aiken Village, Sanhe Town, cotton farmers are sowing cotton using a Beidou satellite navigation automatic driving system seeder.

“Modern mechanical sowing is very efficient. My family has more than 1,700 acres. The cotton fields are expected to be sown in about 10 days,” said Chai Xiaoming, a cotton farmer in Qiongkul Aiken Village.

The reporter learned from the Regional Agriculture and Rural Affairs Bureau that this year, the Aksu region The cotton sowing area is 7.4 million acres. We focus on promoting Beidou satellite navigation, automatic driving, precision seeding and other supporting technologies, striving to achieve refined and mechanized sowing, sowing all seedlings in one go, and ensuring a bumper cotton harvest. This spring, 18,500 units of various types of seeding machinery have been invested in various places, among which Beidou satellite navigation precision seeding technology has a coverage rate of more than 90%.


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Author: clsrich
