China garment – garment brands, garment information, garment media Garment News 2023 Spring Research Report: Improving the high-quality development of industrial clusters and filament weaving continuing to improve

2023 Spring Research Report: Improving the high-quality development of industrial clusters and filament weaving continuing to improve

2023 is the first year to fully implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. It is a critical year for the implementation of the “14th …

2023 is the first year to fully implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. It is a critical year for the implementation of the “14th Five-Year Plan”. In order to understand the production and operation situation, problems faced and development trends of the industry and provide accurate service to the association, in early March, a delegation from the China Filament Weaving Association, led by President Wang Jiayi, visited Xiamen City, Jinjiang City, Fujian Province, and Huaihe City, Henan Province. Bin County, Gushi County, Siyang County, Shuyang County, Jiangsu Province, Hongze District, Shengze Town, Pingwang Town, Huaian City, Wangjiangjing Town, Changxing County, Zhejiang Province and other industrial clusters and key enterprises were visited and investigated. The survey results are as follows:

1. Industrial clusters closely follow the development theme of high quality and vigorously promote the healthy development of industries

In this survey, our association visited more than ten industrial clusters. The results showed that quality improvement and upgrading have become the consensus of each industrial cluster. . Local governments closely follow the 20 “high-quality” development themes and put forward new requirements for the local filament weaving industry.

Based on local development characteristics and specific conditions, each region has formulated long-term In summary, the development direction and goals of the silk weaving industry are as follows:

 1. Pay close attention to the real economy and resolutely encourage and support the development of the filament weaving industry

During the research process, it was pointed out in many places that filament weaving is an important part of the local real industry. It not only provides important support for people’s demand for good clothing, but also provides local economic development and Talent gathering, social prosperity, employment stability, etc. have contributed important forces, and it is one of the important industries that enrich the people. , giving positive recognition to the social contribution rate of the filament weaving industry. They all said that next, the filament weaving industry should be used as an important starting point to resolutely encourage, support and promote the development of the real economy.

 2. Stick to high-quality themes and promote stock improvements and upgrades , encourage incremental and high-level development

Chemical fiber filament weaving industry cluster The scale, development time and level vary, but this survey shows that the overall requirements of local governments and relevant departments for industrial development revolve around high quality. Governments in many places have clearly stated that existing enterprises must work hard on product innovation, technological transformation, and equipment updating, and emphasized that they will do a good job in supporting large, strong, excellent, and elite companies to set an example for other enterprises; as a whole, new enterprises It must have a high level, such as well-equipped equipment, high added value of products, and high management level. Generally speaking, the government’s requirement to upgrade the industry is conducive to the improvement of the technical level, management level and product quality of the entire industry, and is conducive to the high-quality development of the entire industry. It is also the right direction for the regional development of the filament weaving industry.

 3. Pay attention to the creation of high-end textile parks and create opportunities for industrial development Good environment, improve resource sharing and collaboration efficiency

<p style="list-style: none; padding: 0px; margin-top: 10px; margin-bottom: 10px; color: rgb(70, 70, 70 ); font-family: 宋体, Arial, sans-s� Actively transfer industry knowledge to various clusters through symposiums and meetings to help them understand relevant knowledge and information and better promote the development of the local filament weaving industry. As a professional association of filament weaving, we have the unshirkable responsibility for the development of the industry. In the future, we will strengthen our ties with various industrial clusters and do a good job in communicating and sharing knowledge about the filament weaving industry. We also hope that all industrial clusters will actively pay attention to, take the initiative to learn, and jointly promote Industrial Development.

 4. Corporate management and strategic layout need to be deepened

Enterprises are the core subjects of industrial development. Therefore, the filament weaving industry must High-quality development is inseparable from the healthy operation of each enterprise. In this survey, the overall performance of the company was excellent and great progress was made, but there is still room for improvement. Among them, the following points are more prominent: First, the issue of the proportion of reclaimed water reuse. During the visit, it was found that in order to practice the spirit of water conservation and save costs, most regions and enterprises generally implement 100% reuse of reclaimed water, that is, all reclaimed water is used in the weaving process. However, companies have not realized that by merely replenishing the amount of water consumed in the weaving process, the content of sodium, calcium, magnesium and other ions that cannot be removed in sewage treatment will gradually increase, causing damage Machine accessories such as equipment and nozzles affect product quality. This issue requires enterprises to adjust according to their own circumstances. The second is the problem of insufficient management of raw material loss. Compared with natural fibers, chemical fiber filaments have higher yields and lower prices. Therefore, companies do not pay enough attention to the losses in each link during the production process. If this management is not in place, it will not only affect costs, but also affect the standardization of employee operations and the workshop environment to a certain extent. In the refined management of enterprises, this should be included in the management scope and standardized. The third is the issue of corporate strategic shift. Faced with the tightening of resources and high industrial development costs in some parts of the eastern region, some companies are considering moving to emerging industrial clusters. Enterprises need to make strategic planning and adjustments for their own development, but during this process, they must fully conduct research, make arrangements in advance, and find the best areas suitable for the company’s production and operations to ensure long-term development.

In this survey, the association and its delegation fully understood the key cluster industries of the industry development situation, although the industry faces various external uncertainties and internal pressures for quality improvement and upgrading, all companies have shown strong resilience as a whole. Everyone said that pressure is motivation, and challenges come with opportunities. In the future, they will stick to the industry and do a good job as a company. Provide a solid guarantee for a better life for the people and contribute to enhancing the international competitiveness of the industry.


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Author: clsrich
