China garment – garment brands, garment information, garment media Garment News See Shengze as a sample of transformation and upgrading of traditional textile industry

See Shengze as a sample of transformation and upgrading of traditional textile industry

Shengze traditional industry is following the “Promote IndustryIntelligent, green, integrated” transformation path is accelerating. How is “old trees rejuvenated …

Shengze traditional industry is following the “Promote IndustryIntelligent, green, integrated” transformation path is accelerating.

How is “old trees rejuvenated with new shoots” achieved in traditional industries? At the Silk Textile Industry Green Innovation and Development Conference recently held in Wujiang High-tech Zone (Shengze Town), Jiangsu Province, Lu Junjie, general manager of Wujiang Dafei Weaving Factory, said bluntly, ” Upgrading is a hurdle that enterprises must face in their development. In recent years, CMA CGM has taken the initiative to carry out equipment updates and digital transformation, creating a smart factory in Suzhou, effectively utilizing existing land resources, optimizing industrial layout, and achieving independent and organic renewal of the enterprise.

Lu Junjie said, Transformation and upgrading is not only the update of equipment, but also the inevitable way for enterprises to reduce labor and improve efficiency through advanced scientific management and digital, automated and intelligent development. Taking CMA CGM’s intelligent workshop as an example, after the digital transformation of the texturing machine equipment in the workshop, the number of employees has dropped from 70 to 80 to about 10. The yarn quality has been qualitatively improved, and the fabric products produced are among the best in the industry. “Benchmark” and become the designated fabric supplier for global famous brands such as Uniqlo, Shenzhou International, and Nike.

It “coincides” with CMA CGM. Now, Many enterprises in Shengze Town are also improving their internal skills through transformation and upgrading, striving to taste the “sweet” fruits brought by the transformation of traditional industries.

Among them, innovative printing and dyeing will be moved to Wujiang Textile Circular Economy Industrial Park Within the company, the original production process will be “old and new”, and a digital “smart factory” will be introduced to fully realize the digital transformation and upgrading of the enterprise and open a new era of green printing and dyeing; Tutech has put forward higher requirements for the transformation of intelligent workshops and plans to conduct three-layer finished product inspection The workshop and finished product warehouse have implemented fully intelligent MES workshop construction to improve production efficiency while reducing labor costs and risks; Yongkangda Jet Weaving has registered an independent update project with the government and built two modern multi-story factories with a total area of ​​108,000 square meters. , plans to move all the original 500 air-jet looms upstairs and introduce 138 Japanese Murata vortex spinning equipment to achieve high quality development of the enterprise.

Relying on industrial heritage and development tenacity to create a prosperous world The town is the epitome of the national textile industry cutting through waves and rising against the tide. “Currently, both the central and local governments are paying close attention to the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries. Behind this is a rethinking of the ‘reengineering’ of traditional industries.” Chen Mingyuan, deputy director of the Economic Development and Reform Bureau of Shengze Town, said at the meeting held on May 5 The “Five Persistences” proposed at the meeting of the Central Financial and Economic Commission clarified the ideas and paths that traditional industries need to grasp. Each “persistence” contains deep meanings and has profound implications for how to promote the relationship between traditional industries and emerging industries. The relationship between scale and industrial quality is of clear guidance.

According to reports, in recent years, Shengze Town has intensively introduced a number of Policies related to traditional industries – “Shengze Town’s Implementation Plan for Supporting Enterprises’ Independent Updates (Trial)” and “Enterprises’ Independent Updates “One Thing” Plan” and other important documents are formulated to promote the transformation of the textile industry and help enterprises classify The autonomous update plan provides specific guidelines.

Based on “Enterprise Independent Update””Plan” is an example. The Administrative Approval Bureau of Shengze Town took the lead, jointly with the Town Economic Development Bureau and the Construction Bureau, to launch an independent update package for enterprises, “tailor-made” approval processes for different types of projects, and fully realize the project The approval of construction projects has been accelerated and efficiency increased. At the same time, support the registration of sole proprietorships and formulate the “Operational Measures for the Registration of Independent Update Projects of Sole Proprietorships (Trial)”; establish a one-on-one working mechanism of “specialized personnel and special projects” for update projects, from the update of corporate intentions to the final completion and commissioning of the project, Full tracking services and collaboration with multiple departments ensure that projects are updated on time and on schedule, effectively “protecting” the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries.

Technical transformation, digitization, intelligence, etc. are means and methodologies , in the final analysis, it is to promote the development of traditional industries towards high-end development. The “two-way empowerment” of the government and enterprises has enabled traditional industries to move towards the mid-to-high end. This is the inevitable evolution of the textile industry and the trend of conforming to the new development pattern. Therefore, even in the face of a complex and changeable market environment, Shengze’s private economy remains resilient.

The economic list of Shengze Town from the first quarter of this year is indeed Not easy: the town achieved general public budget revenue of 1.014 billion yuan, an increase of 11.2%; total social fixed asset investment was 1.869 billion yuan, an increase of 20.12%, of which industrial investment was 652 million yuan, an increase of 21.87%; progressExports totaled US$637 million, an increase of 0.86%; the transaction volume of China Oriental Silk Market was 29.563 billion yuan, an increase of 6.48%.

As a famous textile city that is open and inclusive, honest and innovative, pragmatic and progressive , the fashion capital, Shengze Town is adhering to the core concept of “the textile industry will always be a sunrise industry and a pillar industry, and it must never be allowed to simply withdraw.” Based on the textile industry and supported by government assistance, Shengze Town is vigorously promoting the real economy Innovative development, sustainable development, leading development, efforts to promote the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries, and strive to achieve industrial transformation during the “turn”.


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Author: clsrich
