China garment – garment brands, garment information, garment media Garment News Nanjia Town, Jianhe County: Small silkworms weave the “New Silk Road” to get rich

Nanjia Town, Jianhe County: Small silkworms weave the “New Silk Road” to get rich

Recently, I visited the silkworm breeding base in Chengdong Community, Nanjia Town, Jianhe County , the workers were busy feeding mulberry leaves to the silkworms, rustling… …

Recently, I visited the silkworm breeding base in Chengdong Community, Nanjia Town, Jianhe County , the workers were busy feeding mulberry leaves to the silkworms, rustling… chubby silkworm babies were eating on the mulberry leaves.

 ”We introduced young silkworms from Guangxi, about 50,000 There are many, and now we need to consume about 400 kilograms of fresh mulberry leaves a day. The first batch of spring silkworms will spin silk in a week. It is expected to produce more than 500 kilograms of cocoons, with an output value of more than 15,000 yuan. After the first batch of spring silkworms, we The plan is to expand the scale to 100,000,” said Tao Shaofang, the person in charge of the silkworm breeding base in Nanjia Town.

According to reports, Nanjia Town passed the “Party Branch + Base + The development model of “cooperative + farmer” vigorously develops the mulberry and silkworm breeding industry. The enterprise provides mulberry seedlings and silkworm seedlings and purchases them at a guaranteed price. After the sales are profitable, dividends are distributed in proportion. The dividends will be used to strengthen the village collective economy and develop the village. Level public welfare undertakings.

 ”Silkworms are very picky, and mulberry leaves need to be separated from old leaves. , young leaves, the old silkworms will not spin silk after eating the young leaves, and the young silkworms cannot eat the old leaves. We need to cut the newly picked mulberry leaves into small strips of uniform size, and feed the silkworms through the electric track silkworm feeding cart. Mulberry leaves,” said technician Pan Shengmin who was feeding mulberry leaves to the silkworms.

 ”Relying on electronic terminals to monitor the temperature and humidity of the silkworm room, through The ventilation system controls the temperature of the silkworm room at 26℃-28℃, allowing silkworms to live in a comfortable environment, ensuring good silk production and improving industrial efficiency.” said Yang Yiliao, deputy secretary of the Nanjia Town Party Committee.

It is reported that the Silkworm Breeding Base in Nanjia Town has introduced a batch of automatic intelligent and mechanized equipment such as reeling machines, mobile silkworm feeding machines, and rapid cocoon picking machines provide strong technical support for silkworm breeding and accelerate the advancement of silkworm breeding. The level of industrial modernization helps the industry develop with high quality.

When industry prospers, villages prosper. In recent years, the town has taken the implementation of rural revitalization as the main line, taking increasing farmers’ income as a breakthrough, focusing on advantageous and characteristic industries, optimizing the industrial structure layout, and forming a “party building + cooperative + industry” model based on “one town, one specialty, one village, one product” development trend, and explore a new path for high-quality development of the agricultural industry, so that the industry can prosper and increase farmers’ “money bags”.


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Author: clsrich
