Jinjiang printing and dyeing is “green”

In the “three-star” green factory of Fengzhu Textile, there are 200 square meters The m-shaped shaping workshop realizes natural ventilation without the help of equipme…

In the “three-star” green factory of Fengzhu Textile, there are 200 square meters The m-shaped shaping workshop realizes natural ventilation without the help of equipment; in the production workshop of Xiangxing Group, efficient and energy-saving production equipment can be seen everywhere, and the three-dimensional warehouse with linked production lines is full of technology…

In Jinjiang, Fujian, the rise of green printing and dyeing factories is accelerating. Data shows that currently, 7 companies in Jinjiang City have been certified by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology for the Printing and Dyeing Industry standard conditions, accounting for nearly 1/10 of the country, and have been awarded 18 national-level awards in total. , 25 provincial green manufacturing demonstration honors. Jinjiang’s textile printing and dyeing industry, which once relied on “fighting” and “entering” to break out of the world, is writing a new green chapter.

Policy helps lead new changes

Now Jinjiang has gathered nearly 200 printing, dyeing and fabric companiesFinishing enterprise, in addition to meeting the supporting dyeing and finishing processing needs of local textile, shoe and clothing enterprises, the sales network also radiates to major textile production areas across the country. It can be said that the printing and dyeing industry is one of the “trump cards” of Jinjiang’s economic development.

Under the “double carbon” goal, green transformation has become a high-level Quality is a “compulsory course” for development. How should the printing and dyeing industry transform and upgrade?

In 2022, Jinjiang City issued the “Jinjiang City Green Digital Technology Reform” “Special Action Plan”, which builds a framework and rules from the top-level design, proposes to “deepen the implementation of industrial energy-saving and green transformation and upgrading, and build an efficient, clean, low-carbon, and circular green manufacturing system.”

Under this system framework, the plan clarifies the transformation and development Three major priorities: implement energy-saving technological transformation projects, forcing printing, dyeing, leather and other enterprises to speed up the update of equipment and processes; promote comprehensive utilization of resources, focusing on encouraging the implementation of waste heat and pressure utilization projects and reclaimed water reuse projects; cultivate green manufacturing entities and strive to have 8 companies (times) were shortlisted as green manufacturing demonstration enterprises at the provincial level and above for green products, green factories, green supply chains, etc.

 “Jinjiang’s existing land resources are limited and it is necessary to achieve green transformation , It is necessary to optimize the stock and make efforts to increase the increase.” Wang Yefu, deputy mayor of Jinjiang Municipal People’s Government, analyzed that dyeing and finishing is a key link in the deep processing of textiles and increasing added value, and is the key link between Jinjiang’s footwear and clothing and textile industries. It is an indispensable industrial foundation and competitive advantage for a large industrial chain. The focus of future development is to promote the green transformation of the printing and dyeing industry and optimize and upgrade the energy structure.

Under the guidance of target tasks, Jinjiang positive incentives and negative We should work hard to push back and strengthen the policy orientation of green economic industries. On the one hand, on the basis of support policies for energy conservation, circular economy, and green economy at all levels, municipal support policies are superimposed to provide incentives to green manufacturing companies and companies that implement “coal-to-gas” clean energy substitution; on the other hand, , further build and improve the energy consumption evaluation mechanism, continue to expand the scope of cleaner production, and strictly control the development of high-energy-consuming projects.

<p style="list-style: none; padding: 0px; margin-top: 10px; margin-bottom: 10px; color: rgb(70, 70, 70); font-family: 宋体, AriaReuse equipment, insist on using clean energy, and adopt green production processes. Among them, while introducing a large number of high-efficiency, intelligent and low-consumption production equipment, we have strengthened the motor transformation of water-jet looms, introduced digital management technology and 6S lean management model, strengthened the use of low-pollution, low-consumption recyclable raw materials, and improved Increased production of recyclable/degradable products. The company also adopted three-level energy consumption collection and monitoring technology, achieving a new breakthrough in energy conservation and carbon reduction. The water reuse rate reached more than 60%, and the total carbon emissions growth rate was 8.5%, which was far lower than the 35.5% growth rate of printing and dyeing cloth production. The total carbon emissions per unit product have dropped significantly.

The park upgrades to assume a new role

In Jinjiang, Printing and Dyeing Enterprise Green There is a lot of interest, and the industrial park is also booming. In recent years, Jinjiang has actively carried out energy-saving and environmental protection improvements from aspects such as energy-saving transformation and process innovation, solidly promoted the construction of textile and garment industrial parks, encouraged high-quality enterprises to gather in the parks for development, and promoted the park to improve quality, efficiency, and become bigger and stronger.

The green Jinjiang Economic Development Zone is expected to be delivered in October this year The high-end fabric finishing micro-industrial park has attracted companies from Shanghai, Suzhou, Xiamen and other places to settle in. Wang Xin, the person in charge of investment promotion for the project, said that the micro-industrial park project is a key construction project in Fujian Province and the first batch of pilot projects for the standardized construction of Quanzhou Industrial (Industrial) Park. It will build an industrial space of 170,000 square meters and a standard factory building area of ​​130,000 square meters. square meters, it is expected to introduce more than 15 high-quality finishing factories.

Here, the industrial park is not a simple “hodgepodge” of enterprises. Instead of gathering together, we can provide better government services and create a good industrial ecology by building and replenishing chains and extending them. Wang Xin said: “In addition to four 5-story standardized factory buildings, two 10-story employee apartments will be constructed simultaneously in the park, as well as corporate office buildings, smart three-dimensional warehouses, sewage treatment stations, solid waste warehouses, etc. The park will also build It has established a professional R&D center and testing center to serve the green upgrade of enterprises and provide regular testing items for textile garment fabrics and testing services during the production process for enterprises entering the park.”

 ”We intend to settle in a standard factory building of 5000-10000 square meters. Currently , the company is already purchasing production equipment and raw materials, and hopes to enter the park as soon as possible.” Xiao Zhenwang, general manager of Suzhou Funeng Textile Technology Co., Ltd., said that the company has been deeply involved in the textile industry for nearly 30 years and is optimistic about the green high-end fabric finishing micro-industrial park. “Industrial Park The standard factory building has high configuration, is green, low-carbon and environmentally friendly, and has relatively complete supporting facilities such as offices, dormitories, and sewage treatment. For settled companies, it not only saves worry but also reduces investment.”

Jinjiang Municipal Industry and Information Technology Bureau third-level chief clerk and deputy director of the Municipal Park Office said that in the next step, Jinjiang will The Economic Development Zone will organize operators to meet the customized service needs of settled enterprises in a “one enterprise, one case” manner, as well as the needs for high-standard production and R&D space in different output value scales and different industrial chain links, adopting the “standardization + customization” approach. “Cultivated” services allow companies to “put machines into production” without any worries.


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Author: clsrich
