China garment – garment brands, garment information, garment media Garment Applications Entering a critical period for improvement! Integrated development of sericulture and silk industry deepens

Entering a critical period for improvement! Integrated development of sericulture and silk industry deepens

 ”Silkworm CocoonSilk industry is my country’s traditional national industry, an important people’s livelihood industry and an industry with international competi…

 ”Silkworm CocoonSilk industry is my country’s traditional national industry, an important people’s livelihood industry and an industry with international competitive advantages. Silk carries Chinese culture. In the next stage, the silk industry will enter an innovation-driven stage to enhance core competitiveness and enhance industryIn the critical period of intelligent manufacturing, my country’s sericulture and silk enterprises must further improve the efficiency of sericulture and cocoon quality, and realize the quality of traditional sericulture. span style=”color:#FF8040″>IntelligenceTransformation and Upgrading, promote the high-quality development of the sericulture, cocoon and silk industry, and accelerate the realization of the strategic goal of becoming a silk powerhouse Lay the foundation.” Tang Lin, president of the China Silk Association, said at the recently held China (Chongqing) High-Quality Development Conference on Sericulture and Silk Industry.

Technology empowers multi-dimensional change

The silk industry is an industry that includes mulberry and silkworm rearing, silk reeling and weaving, finished product manufacturing, and foreign trade. A long and complete industrial chain spanning the primary, secondary and tertiary industries, involving agriculture, industry and commerce. The front-end sericulture production spans planting and breeding industries and is closely dependent on natural conditions and mulberry planting and sericulture technology; the middle- and back-end silk processing industry chain Long, with distinctive outward-looking characteristics. Only by stabilizing the front end, enriching the middle and back ends, and making precise efforts in all aspects can we continue to promote the high-quality development of my country’s sericulture and silk industry.

“In the underdeveloped areas of the central and western regions, the application of labor-saving technology should be vigorously promoted Chemical equipment and technology should be used to reduce labor intensity and improve labor productivity. In relatively developed areas in the east, the scale of full-age artificial feed factory sericulture should be further expanded and the level of production, management and product development and application should be improved. From the middle and back end of the industrial chain Specifically, it is necessary to accelerate the intelligentization of silk reeling equipment and technology, the integration of silk reeling and weaving, the digitization of silk printing and dyeing, and the customization of silk products; accelerate the construction of independent silk brands, and improve the added value and international competitiveness of end products.” Analysis by industry insiders explain.

In recent years, my country’s sericulture and silk industry has acceleratedThe pace of scientific and technological innovation. The process of intelligentization and digitalization of the front-end sericulture production process is accelerating, and the characteristics are obvious: factory-based, large-scale, and intelligent sericulture of artificial feed for all ages has completely changed the traditional mulberry planting and sericulture model for thousands of years, and has also led the way in the country. The rise of the factory-based sericulture model with artificial feed. Marked by baseization, scale, and mechanization, the traditional method of growing mulberry and raising silkworms in the central and western regions is undergoing modern changes.

Cui Weizheng, a former scientist of the National Sericulture Industry Technology System, said that artificial intelligence The core technology of feed sericulture is feed formula improvement and adaptive silkworm breed selection. At present, there is no artificial feed that has a comprehensive sericulture effect that reaches the level of full-age mulberry leaf breeding, and the feed formula needs to be further improved. “The co-culture of artificial feed for small silkworms needs to learn from the factory feed breeding model, build an intensive and mechanized small silkworm breeding factory, realize the co-culture of 1-4-year-old silkworms on feed, and labor-saving mulberry leaf breeding for 5-year-old silkworms, and improve factoryization and intelligence. Year-round feed sericulture technology focuses on improving the quality of cocoons and silk,” Cui Weizheng said.

Xiao Gengsheng, director of the Processing Research Office of the National Sericulture Industry Technology System, said: “At present, my country’s sericulture industry has expanded from the ‘single function’ of silk to a diversified development situation. The diversified utilization technology of sericulture resources has become an important starting point to promote the transformation and upgrading of the traditional sericulture industry. To achieve diversification and high value of sericulture resources , Generally speaking, it is necessary to achieve the integration of the three industries and connect the upstream and downstream to form a complete cycle chain; at the same time, it is necessary to focus on large-scale mulberry and silkworm breeding, intelligent production, and comprehensive utilization industrialization.One person can realize automatic mulching, manual assisted sand removal, disinfection and bunching of a batch of 8-12 silkworms. The equipment adopts a modular design and can be flexibly combined according to the existing site area of ​​large farmers. The product is cost-effective and the investment payback period is about one year. At the same time, the equipment is based on the industrial Internet of Things architecture. Through sensors and data collection base stations, equipment data enters the big data platform, allowing real-time monitoring and post-analysis.

Yashilin Cocoon Silk Biotechnology Co., Ltd. has devoted 12 years of research and development Yashilin’s modern workshop method of sericulture has changed the traditional situation of “depending on the weather” in sericulture. It has cultivated polyphagous silkworm varieties, developed silkworm feed formulas and sterile environment control technologies, and solved the problem of traditional sericulture being affected by weather and mulberry leaves. Due to the constraints of other conditions and the difficulty of raising only 3-4 batches per year, the production efficiency has increased 1,000 times compared with the traditional sericulture model.

Deep cross-domain integration

Deep cross-border integration of multiple fields can be said to be the current trend and focus of the development of my country’s sericulture and silk industry. To further accelerate the international layout, the combination of “going out” and “bringing in” can also, to a certain extent, prepare for the high-quality development of my country’s sericulture and silk industry. able.

Xu Weilin, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and president of Wuhan Textile University, said that silk fiber It has the characteristics of excellent moisturizing performance, excellent skin-friendly properties, promoting cell regeneration, good biocompatibility, good processability, good thermal stability, and good dyeing performance. It has been used in textiles and clothing, industrial fields, smart textiles, and aerospace. Expand applications in multiple fields.

“Consumption should be the main area to increase the amount of silk, and development High-quality products with complementary advantages of multi-fiber raw materials, making full use of long fibers and short fibers of silk, are the most direct and effective way.” Xu Weilin introduced that in using atomic layer deposition technology to prepare multi-functional silk fibers and strong UV-resistant silk fabrics Important progress has been made in the field; the synergy between micro-nano silk powder and pigment particles has essentially solved the problem of pigment sublimation and thermal migration fastness under extreme conditions, enabling the national flag to withstand extreme high vacuum, The purpose of high color fastness color construction under high and low temperature cycles, as well as strong metering UV irradiation and other conditions.

Qian Yonghua, former vice president of Northwest A&F University, pointed out that our country Agriculture faces challenges such as land, water resources, and labor. Faced with these challenges, the sericulture industry needs to accelerate the pace of transformation. While accelerating technological innovation and enhancing the driving force for industrial development, it also needs to strengthen the construction of the industrial chain and realize multi-level utilization of resources. Not only that, but also to improve the level of comprehensive industrial development services, change production methods, and promote the upgrading of traditional industrial chains. “The sericulture industry in the future must be an industry with deep integration across fields.” Qian Yonghua said.

 ”Hold tightOne ​​Belt and One Road Opportunities to build, strengthen international cooperation, and make the sericulture and silk industry bigger and stronger. Through the rational allocation of resources, complementary advantages, and reasonable competition, a win-win new pattern of silk production and trade must be formed. At the height of the world, we will establish a global sericulture and silk development strategic system with safeguarding China’s national interests as the core.” Xiao Gengsheng said.

Tang Lin proposed that my country’s silk industry should focus on three aspects Work hard. First, we must work hard on transformation and upgrading. It is necessary to continue to consolidate the basis of cocoon silk raw materials, continuously improve the mulberry cocoon silk technology innovation service system, make up for shortcomings in key areas, and encourage all regions to use their own advantages to create unique industrial clusters, and strive to build a modern industrial system. Second, efforts should be made to expand domestic demand. It is necessary to deeply tap the potential of the domestic demand market, open up chokepoints in the industrial and supply chains, and accelerate the formation of a strong domestic silk market. It is necessary to strengthen the innovative research and development of new silk products such as functional and machine washable products to better adapt to the new needs of personalized, differentiated and quality consumption. We must vigorously cultivate new types of consumption, seize the new track of the digital economy, and create a new engine for industry economic growth. The third is to work hard to stabilize exports. It is necessary to continue to optimize the structure of export products, extensively carry out exchanges and cooperation with countries along the “Belt and Road”, build bridges for economic and trade exchanges with more countries and regions, accelerate integration into the global textile industry chain, supply chain and value chain system, and further consolidate and improve our country’s International competitiveness of silk.

Work hard on the level. It is necessary to continue to consolidate the basis of cocoon silk raw materials, continuously improve the mulberry cocoon silk technology innovation service system, make up for shortcomings in key areas, and encourage all regions to use their own advantages to create unique industrial clusters, and strive to build a modern industrial system. Second, efforts should be made to expand domestic demand. It is necessary to deeply tap the potential of the domestic demand market, open up chokepoints in the industrial and supply chains, and accelerate the formation of a strong domestic silk market. It is necessary to strengthen the innovative research and development of new silk products such as functional and machine washable products to better adapt to the new needs of personalized, differentiated and quality consumption. We must vigorously cultivate new types of consumption, seize the new track of the digital economy, and create a new engine for industry economic growth. The third is to work hard to stabilize exports. It is necessary to continue to optimize the structure of export products, extensively carry out exchanges and cooperation with countries along the “Belt and Road”, build bridges for economic and trade exchanges with more countries and regions, accelerate integration into the global textile industry chain, supply chain and value chain system, and further consolidate and improve our country’s International competitiveness of silk.


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Author: clsrich
