China garment – garment brands, garment information, garment media Garment News Henan must pay more attention to the textile and clothing industry and not “marginalize” traditional industries

Henan must pay more attention to the textile and clothing industry and not “marginalize” traditional industries

Recently, the first meeting of the 20th Central Financial and Economic Commission proposed: “Insist on promoting traditional industries Transformation and upgrading cannot be…

Recently, the first meeting of the 20th Central Financial and Economic Commission proposed: “Insist on promoting traditional industries Transformation and upgrading cannot be treated as a simple exit from low-end industries.”

For a long time, the contradiction between the development of traditional industries and emerging industries has been It is difficult to overcome the “hump” in the economic competition among various regions. Some people in the industry question that my country’s traditional industries account for about 80% of the added value of designated industries. They are the cornerstone of the industrial economy and the support for improving the modern industrial system in the new era. If we focus on the introduction of high-precision and special new industries and ignore traditional industries, regard traditional industries as “low-end industries”, “marginalize” or even “eliminate” traditional industries, then traditional industries will indeed lose their due status. .

At present, some developed cities and even third- and fourth-tier cities are introducing artificial intelligence with high profile , Yuan Universe, hydrogen energy and other high-precision industries, emerging industries, future industries, trendy industries, etc., the “high-end” preference is extremely obvious, and this “new industry wave” is understandable. However, considering the planning and consideration of the high quality economic development in the new era, local governments often ignore the basic local market conditions and county conditions in the process of paying attention to emerging industries. , blindly pursue industrial “modernization” and underestimate the traditional industries that are the basis of industry. Because the balanced, adequate and coordinated development of the industrial structure is the fundamental of the local government’s economy. The development of many emerging industries and popular industries is still immature, and the risks and benefits are still unclear. Blindly chasing trends without doing preliminary research can easily lead to economic pressure. For cities and counties with a foundation for the development of traditional industries, it is key to think about how to use new technology to find breakthroughs in the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries. This article takes Henan textile and clothing as an example to think about how Henan Province’s traditional industries can achieve development and breakthroughs?

“Re-understanding” of the foundation of Henan’s textile and garment industry

As a traditional industrial province, Henan has a sound manufacturing industry system and has 40 industries. Industry categories, 197 industrial industries. Data shows that in 2022, Henan Province’s traditional industries will account for 49.5% of the designated industries, and high energy-consuming industries will account for 38.6% of the designated industries. This shows that Henan’s traditional industries have a solid foundation. Overall, Henan’s textile and garment industry has three major characteristics:

 一 The textile and apparel industry has a deep foundation. Henan is an important producing area of ​​cotton, linen, wool, silk and other textile raw materials. It has outstanding raw material advantages, which provides innate advantages for the development of textile and clothing. Furthermore, with the advantage of the “rice-shaped” comprehensive transportation hub, the textile and garment industry has taken advantage of its logistics advantages to usher in a period of high dividends for industrial development.

Second, the textile and apparel industry has a large market scale, with chemical fiber and spinning , weaving, printing and dyeing, clothing processing, textile machinery manufacturing and other industrial chains are complete and the industrial foundation is solid. In terms of operating income, in 2021, the annual output value of enterprises above designated size in Henan’s textile and garment industry will exceed 400 billion yuan, accounting for 9% of the country’s textile industry, ranking first in the country in total Sixth, the six central provinces ranked first. In terms of the number of enterprises, Henan has nearly 1.38 million textile and garment enterprises, ranking sixth in the country, second only to eastern coastal cities such as Guangdong, Fujian, Shandong, Zhejiang, and Jiangsu. From the perspective of the industrial chain, relying on the advantages of raw materials, Henan’s cotton yarn output ranked second in the country in 2021, accounting for nearly 18% of the country’s total output; cloth output ranked first in the country Eighth; the output of chemical fiber ranks eighth in the country; the output of clothing ranks sixth in the country.

<p style="list-style: none; padding: 0px; margin-top: 10px; margin-bProduce products with high added value and great market potential, and vigorously develop independent brand manufacturing and promotion.

The fifth is to take multiple measures to introduce high-end talents, build an innovation platform, Accelerate technological research, make up for industrial shortcomings, strengthen the supporting industrial chain, optimize the industrial structure, upgrade the industrial level, and promote the informatization construction, intelligent development and digital transformation of the entire textile and apparel industry.

The sixth is to innovate ideas for industrial undertakings and increase the scale of industrial undertakings and levels, guide the overall transfer of industrial chains and industrial networks in coastal areas, and help the transformation and upgrading of the textile and apparel industry.


Thinking deeply will lead to further progress, and making decisions before taking action. Through research and analysis of the current situation, development bottlenecks and future of the textile and garment industry, which is a representative of Henan’s traditional industries, we draw some inspirations: In the past few decades of development, traditional industries have not only accounted for a relatively heavy share of the industrial base, but also have had a heavy impact on local government tax revenue. , employment, market, consumption and other new areas, it has had a profound and far-reaching impact. This reality shows that the hedging and integration of traditional industries, emerging industries, and future industries play an important role. The key is that traditional industries urgently need to integrate and innovate with emerging industries and future industries in terms of structural adjustment, industrial optimization, industrial chain extension, and development of leading industrial clusters in order to achieve high-quality development. We must not forget the historical contributions and future development of traditional industries, we must not “marginalize” them, let alone “eliminate” them.

Local governments must improve their position and base themselves on the modern industrial system of cities and counties Build the overall situation, use new development concepts and new development methods, face pain points, difficulties, and congestion points, and actively promote the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries. At the same time, we must seize the new opportunities of the new round of technological revolution and industrial transformation, and seek new breakthroughs in the traditional industrial chain and transformation and upgrading under the trend of intelligence, greenness and integration.


This article is from the Internet, does not represent 【】 position, reproduced please specify the source.

Author: clsrich
