China garment – garment brands, garment information, garment media Garment News Jiangsu Haimen: With “quality” as the foundation, the home textile quality cooperative has become a “booster” for the development of characteristic industries

Jiangsu Haimen: With “quality” as the foundation, the home textile quality cooperative has become a “booster” for the development of characteristic industries

Recently, Haimen District Home Textiles, Nantong City, Jiangsu ProvinceQuality As a typical case of “one-stop” service for quality infrastructure, the cooperative has w…

Recently, Haimen District Home Textiles, Nantong City, Jiangsu ProvinceQuality As a typical case of “one-stop” service for quality infrastructure, the cooperative has welcomed on-site observations from quality experts from provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities, and Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps.

When quality thrives, the enterprise thrives; when the enterprise is strong, the industry is strong . In recent years, Haimen has thoroughly implemented the important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping on the construction of quality infrastructure, taking the strategy of strengthening the quality district as the overall focus, constantly innovating “one-stop” services for quality infrastructure, and taking the lead in establishing the country’s first home textile quality cooperative. , making every effort to solve the industry’s quality management problems and promote the quality improvement of small and micro enterprises. After more than five years of development, Haimen’s relevant experience and practices have been gradually promoted. Currently, 553 home textile cooperative member units have 72 chief quality officers and 481 quality specialists. The in-depth development of quality cooperatives adds momentum to the high-quality development of local characteristic industries.

Innovative model to break the bottleneck of the transformation of the home textile industry

 ”Strive for development with quality, seek benefits from quality” “Relax quality, work for nothing “Success”… Walking into the workshop of Nantong Yuese Home Furnishings Co., Ltd. located in Sanxing Town, Haimen District, various slogans with “quality” as the key word surrounded the workers.

Yuese Home Furnishing was originally an individual industrial and commercial household. For some buyers who are very strict in quality control, companies miss many business opportunities due to deficiencies in this aspect. The transformation began in 2018 when I joined the Haimen Home Textile Quality Cooperative. “The staff’s on-site guidance gave us a new understanding of product quality laws and quality work.” Yuese Home Quality Specialist said that with the help of the cooperative, the company has basically established a quality management system, from raw material purchase acceptance, product acceptance There are a series of quality control processes from production to finished product shipment quality inspection. With “quality” as the foundation, the business is becoming more and more prosperous.

Home textiles are Haimen’s traditional pillar industry. In recent years, home textiles have During the industrial transformation and upgrading, many small and micro enterprises and self-employed individuals have exposed problems such as weak quality awareness, poor product quality, and low management levels, which have hindered the transformation of the overall home textile industry. Upgrading has restricted the development and growth of the home textile industry. In 2017, under the guidance of the State Administration of China and the provincial and municipal supervision bureaus, Haimen conducted a pilot trial to explore the establishment of a Haimen home textile quality cooperative that is government-led, departmental-collaborative, business-oriented, and socially-participated, targeting the development challenges faced by small and medium-sized enterprises and individual industrial and commercial households. Difficulties and bottlenecks, collaborative efforts to leverage the resources of all parties, implement precise quality assistance, and improve quality and efficiency.

Haimen Yidieshiqiao International Home Textile City and surrounding area small businesses Focusing on the standardized management and quality improvement of enterprises and individual industrial and commercial households, the “Implementation Plan for the Home Textile “Quality Cooperative” Management Model” was formulated and issued, which clearly stated that the market supervision and management department will take the lead, coordinate with the local government, promote industry organizations, participate in inspection and testing agencies, and brand The “five-in-one” work pattern driven by enterprises. Member units of the Home Textile Quality Cooperative signed the “Quality Convention” with the common principle of “quality first, operating in compliance with the law, and fulfilling contracts with integrity”, and made every effort to solve the problems of homogeneous products, fierce competition, uneven enterprise development, and quality management capabilities in the home textile industry. Insufficient, low-quality products of small and micro enterprises, weak brand awareness and other problems. In the past five years, the number of member units has expanded from 17 at the beginning to 553. One company has won the Haimen Mayor Quality Award, 97 companies have passed ISO9001 quality management system certification, and a total of 114 companies have passed the standard.

System management, exerting resource sharing superposition effect

Small and micro enterprises can develop in a standardized and healthy manner, and only by gathering industry advantages can they become bigger and stronger, and only local characteristic industries can be full of vitality. In recent years, Haimen has Adhere to high-point positioning and systematic planning, organically integrate quality management, standard formulation, inspection and testing, brand building, intellectual property protection and other projects, and implement the “Six Unifications” The scientific measures have comprehensively promoted the overall improvement of product quality of members of the Home Textile Quality Cooperative.

Unify product standards and labels, compile the “Home Textile Standards Collection”, include the currently valid national standards, industry standards for home textile products and group standards formulated by the Home Textile Chamber of Commerce, and distribute them to every home textile enterprise. Since 2018, a total of Guide relevant enterprises to lead the formulation of 7 industry standards, participate in the formulation of 4 industry standards, and formulate 12 group standards for high-end home textile products, supporting bedding, etc., so that small and micro enterprises can accurately organize production according to the standards. Unify product inspection standards and set up a “Quality Cooperative Inspection and Testing Fund” to conduct free quality inspection and testing of raw and auxiliary materials and finished products for members. The testing items involve 15 key indicators such as fiber content, PH value, and formaldehyde. Huo Zhongping, director of the Samsung Branch of the Haimen District Market Supervision Bureau, said that the cooperative conducts 3 to 5 batches of raw and auxiliary materials and finished product quality inspections for member units free of charge every year to solve the problem of insufficient inspection and testing capabilities of small, medium and micro enterprises. Since the establishment of the Quality Cooperative, the Haimen District Finance Department has allocated 2.25 million yuan in special funds for inspection and testing, and has conducted more than 3,800 batches of free inspections for member companies, with a pass rate of 97.5%.

In addition, the cooperative has also established a quality specialist (chief quality officer) , unified establishment of quality credit system, unified brand development and construction, unified law enforcement supervision. Currently, there are 97 home textile companies that have passed IS09001 quality management system and other certifications. Kaisheng Home Textiles has been awarded the Haimen Mayor Quality Award. Mero Home Textiles has been rated as an AA quality credit enterprise in Jiangsu Province. There are 207 quality credit A-level enterprises. Since 2017, 72 of the home textile quality cooperatives have been transferred to enterprises, 30 are small and above the standard, and the total number of enterprises above the standard has reached 114. The product quality qualification rate of the members has increased to more than 96%.

“Package” guarantee to improve precise and efficient service levels

Promoting quality cooperatives is not only needed to improve the quality of small and micro home textile enterprises, but also A powerful measure to strengthen the construction of quality infrastructure. This year, Haimen has further improved the overall quality level of Haimen’s home textile industry through the work of “three constructions, three services and three guarantees” and continued to innovate to demonstrate the achievements of Haimen Home Textile Quality Cooperative.

Build a “Home Textile Party Building Hall” to lead all parties in the home textile industry chain The main party organization of the business unit starts the party building brand. Build a “home textile quality station” to bring together all the quality elements of the market supervision system such as measurement, standards, certification and accreditation, inspection and testing, and enhance the core competitiveness of the home textile market. Explore the construction of a chief quality officer workstation in the home textile industry, follow the principles of “co-discussion, co-construction, co-management, and sharing” and solve quality development problems in the industry by strengthening communication and exchanges between chief quality officers among enterprises.

Carry out precise free testing services to new members and raw materials Companies that lack limited means for quality management are tilted towards strictly tracking the company’s testing purposes and frequency. Carry out “Su Quality Loan” quality financing services to provide financing and credit for enterprises with quality honors, quality standards, quality certifications, etc. Carry out standard quality improvement services, strengthen the training of standardization staff, standardization service personnel and enterprise standardization personnel in home textile cooperatives, and focus on publicizing and implementing newly released national, industry standards and provincial local standards that are closely related to the home textile industry.

Cooperative coverage is guaranteed, and qualified enterprises are encouraged to join cooperatives, especially Pay attention to e-commerce enterprises, broaden the cooperative’s radiation coverage, and ensure that home textile enterprises in the region progress and develop together. Brand and intellectual property protection, by helping large-scale enterprises register trademarks, plan brand images and logos, and encourage cooperative enterprises to create independent brand trademarks and take the road of brand development. To ensure law enforcement with a combination of leniency and severity, we have explored the “light punishment for first offense” model for members within the society, and implemented policies such as exempting member units from testing fees when they complete rectifications and conduct re-inspections if they fail to pass the sampling inspection at the same level for the first time.

��, providing financing and credit to enterprises with quality honors, quality standards, quality certification, etc. Carry out standard quality improvement services, strengthen the training of standardization staff, standardization service personnel and enterprise standardization personnel in home textile cooperatives, and focus on publicizing and implementing newly released national, industry standards and provincial local standards that are closely related to the home textile industry.

Cooperative coverage is guaranteed, and qualified enterprises are encouraged to join cooperatives, especially Pay attention to e-commerce enterprises, broaden the cooperative’s radiation coverage, and ensure that home textile enterprises in the region progress and develop together. Brand and intellectual property protection, by helping large-scale enterprises register trademarks, plan brand images and logos, and encourage cooperative enterprises to create independent brand trademarks and take the road of brand development. To ensure law enforcement with a combination of leniency and severity, we have explored the “light punishment for first offense” model for members within the society, and implemented policies such as exempting member units from testing fees when they complete rectifications and conduct re-inspections if they fail to pass the sampling inspection at the same level for the first time.


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Author: clsrich
