China garment – garment brands, garment information, garment media Garment News “With one heart, one tendon, and one thread,” this company is the leader in the global fiber industry.

“With one heart, one tendon, and one thread,” this company is the leader in the global fiber industry.

In Tongxiang, Zhejiang Province during the plum rain season, the emerald-like beautiful Phoenix Lake lies to the north. A tall and straight modern building stands here, which is th…

In Tongxiang, Zhejiang Province during the plum rain season, the emerald-like beautiful Phoenix Lake lies to the north. A tall and straight modern building stands here, which is the headquarters building of Tongkun Group.

Chen Shiliang greeted us in the lobby. He is 60 years old this year, about 1.8 meters tall, wearing a white shirt, and very tall. As the chairman of Tongkun Holding Group, he led us to visit the exhibition hall and explained in detail the territory of Tongkun with assets exceeding 100 billion. In the honor exhibition area, various awards and certificates are hung on two walls. The most prominent place displays two second-class National Science and Technology Progress Award certificates. This is not only a reflection of Tongkun’s technical strength, but also highlights Tongkun’s leading position in the industry.

In the corner of the exhibition hall, tubes of dazzlingly white chemical fiber yarns are displayed Rolls, they are all refined from petroleum and made into ubiquitous products in life, such as curtains, bedding, clothing, bags, etc. Swimming in the sea, running on the ground, flying in the sky, Tongkun’s products are now used in all major fields of sea, land and air. “With one heart, one tendon, make a good yarn” and “doing fiber things will benefit the national economy and people’s livelihood”, this is the belief of Chen Shiliang and Tongkun people, which has led Tongkun to grow from a township enterprise on the verge of bankruptcy to a global fiber industry. Industry leader.

In the conference room, Chen Shiliang’s eldest daughter, Tongkun Holding Group Vice Chairman Chen Lei rushed over. She is 36 years old and has a thin figure. She has become busier since being elected as the chairman and president of Tongkun Co., Ltd. in May this year. Because of her 13 years of experience in Tongkun, this young woman in charge of a 100-billion-dollar enterprise exudes confidence and certainty in her facial expressions and words.

Tong Kun, the “giant ship”, the position of the “captain” Chen Shiliang has been standing for more than 30 years. Now he takes his daughter to the steering wheel and guides her to steer. Tongkun Holding Group’s total assets and annual sales exceed 100 billion yuan. It has more than 80 holding companies and more than 36,000 employees. polyester filament production capacity Ranking first in the world; realizing a complete industrial chain from “a drop of oil” to “a piece of cloth”, the industrial territory spans petroleum refining, PTA (purified paraben Dicarboxylic acid), polyester, polyester filament, new materials, new energy, logistics, hotels, real estate, finance, comprehensive investment and other diverse fields.

In the past few decades, Tong Kun has experienced many international economic crises. Why Can Chen Shiliang always lead it to “counter-cyclical development”? When the economy faces downward pressure again, how does he plan to turn crisis into opportunity?

Countercyclical development, from insolvent to global Faucet

In 1963, Chen Shiliang was born in Tongxiangzhou Quan Nongjia is the most remote town in Tongxiang. When he was a boy, his biggest goal was to escape from farming. In 1980, he achieved his goal when he was hired as a substitute teacher at a local elementary school.

Served as a substitute teacher for the first year. In 1981, Tongxiang County Chemical Fiber Company Factory (the predecessor of Tongkun) was established. Chemical fiber was a popular industry at that time. Chen Shiliang was 18 years old when he was admitted to Tongxiang County Chemical Fiber Factory. Being a technician is completely different from being a teacher. He likes to learn and delve into technology and never tires of it. </pThe "four modernizations" development strategy of alienation and intensification.

After running a business for so many years, I concluded that Tong Kun’s spirit Culture includes the following aspects:

Be politically strong. Always stand with the party and the government, abide by laws and regulations, and respect the laws of the market. This is the prerequisite for building a century-old enterprise, and it is also the principle that Tongkun has remained unchanged along the way.

There must be responsibility and structure. For a company to grow, its leaders must have height and breadth, but more importantly, they must have responsibility and structure, a sense of responsibility and a sense of professionalism.

Be open to all rivers and be tolerant. To build a century-old enterprise, there is no perfect individual, only a perfect team. Entrepreneurs must unite all forces.

Be strategic. Strategic planning is very important for the direction and how an enterprise develops. Only when the direction is correct and continuous improvement and adjustment are made during the advancement process can the right thing be done.

Must have the ability, physical strength and mentality to withstand pressure. It is really not easy for entrepreneurs to come along. Tongkun has experienced ups and downs and good times in the past few decades, but more often it has been both ups and downs, no matter how difficult things are.

Scholars discuss the Tao

  Zheng Mingzhi

Deputy President of Zhejiang Business Development Research Institute, former department-level inspector of Zhejiang Federation of Industry and Commerce

In the past 20 years, Tongkun has become a giant ship in the textile and chemical fiber industry. What is the secret of its success?

It lies in the strategic vision of insight into history and the future, “see what others see “Follow the national strategy, follow the government’s planning, and follow the market demand”, stick to the main business, insist on “one heart, one muscle, and make a good thread”, and at the same time continue to extend the industrial chain and “gain gains” resources and expand the market.”

It lies in the ability to withstand stress and remain calm in the face of crisis , is good at turning crises into opportunities, aggressively attacking when others retreat, and with the characteristics of “counter-cyclical development”, he has become a trendsetter of the times and a follower of opportunities.

It lies in the risk control ability of being prepared for danger in times of peace, and with steady and rational operation Known for its style, it strictly adheres to the “five no’s” business principles of no annual losses, no external guaranteed loans, no sales receivables, no back wages and taxes, and no product overstock.

It lies in the inheritance. The helmsman, Chen Shiliang, has a good way of raising children, so that My daughter has developed a love for the company since she was a child. She started as a warehouse manager, experienced in many positions, and then became the chairman of a listed company through democratic recommendation, carefully cultivating the successor.

“Eight Strategies”, giving full play to Zhejiang’s unique industrial advantages and accelerating the construction of advanced manufacturing bases. This is the only way for the high-quality development of private enterprises.

It is famous for its operating style and strictly adheres to the “five no’s” operating principles of no annual losses, no external guaranteed loans, no sales receivables, no back wages and taxes, and no product overstock.

It lies in the inheritance. The helmsman, Chen Shiliang, has a good way of raising children, so that My daughter has developed a love for the company since she was a child. She started as a warehouse manager, experienced in many positions, and then became the chairman of a listed company through democratic recommendation, carefully cultivating the successor.

“Eight Strategies”, giving full play to Zhejiang’s unique industrial advantages and accelerating the construction of advanced manufacturing bases. This is the only way for the high-quality development of private enterprises.


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Author: clsrich
