China garment – garment brands, garment information, garment media Garment Applications The trial planting of 1,000 acres of protein mulberry in Wusu City, Xinjiang was a success

The trial planting of 1,000 acres of protein mulberry in Wusu City, Xinjiang was a success

Right now, the first harvest of 1,000 acres of protein mulberry in Wusu City, Xinjiang is a big work The area is expanded, and the average yield per mu reaches more than 450 kilogr…

Right now, the first harvest of 1,000 acres of protein mulberry in Wusu City, Xinjiang is a big work The area is expanded, and the average yield per mu reaches more than 450 kilograms. After testing, the quality and yield of the protein mulberry trees reached the expected targets, marking the success of the trial planting of protein mulberry in Wusu and opening a new path for the integrated development of primary, secondary and tertiary industries.

In 2023, Wusu City will fully rely on the city’s natural resources. Through the investment promotion project, we introduced Hangzhou Printing and EmbroiderySilk Co., Ltd. with a contract value of 10 billion yuan to develop mulberry planting, sericulture, silk reeling and silk weavingIntelligent whole industry chain project to create mulberry cocoon silk industrial cluster. In the first phase of this year, 1,000 acres of protein mulberry planting bases were established in Sulifang, Xihu Town, and Baiquan Town. Since the Sulifang planting base planted mulberry seedlings on April 21 this year, it has been planted in accordance with technical requirements for protein mulberry planting and field management. During the growth period of more than three months, the mulberry trees are currently growing well. After technical appraisal by the agricultural and rural departments, the quality and yield have reached the expected targets.

Reporters at the protein mulberry planting base in Sulifang, Wusu City I saw the mulberry leaf harvester shuttle back and forth to harvest mulberry leaves in the 500 acres of mulberry tree field.

Agricultural machinery driver Bai Long said: “I just learned to drive a mulberry With a leaf harvester, now I can harvest 30 to 50 acres of mulberry trees every day, and the harvest volume is large and fast.”

The mulberry harvester driven by Bai Long is harvesting on one side, while two tractors are busy hauling the leaves on the other side. According to the requirements for harvesting protein mulberries, the harvested fresh branches and leaves must be transported to a fixed drying field for drying as soon as possible.

Our expectations are even better. The first batch of protein mulberry branches and leaves were purchased back at a price of more than 3 yuan per kilogram. In the later period, we will purchase the mulberry leaves and branches separately, and the price will be higher than the current price.”

It is understood that protein mulberry, also called feed mulberry, is a low-investment , fast-acting, high-efficiency economic crops. Alpinia mulberry loves sunshine and begins to take root and sprout in an environment of 12℃. The growth of branches and leaves will be accelerated in an environment of 25-30℃. Wusu City is located in the arid zone of the north temperate zone, with a continental climate and sufficient sunlight. The number of sunshine hours throughout the year reaches 2,600-2,800 hours. The climatic conditions are completely suitable for the growth of mulberry trees. Based on three crops a year and an average yield of 500 kilograms per mu, the annual income from planting protein mulberry per mu will reach 4,500-5,000 yuan, and the economic income far exceeds that of other cash crops.

Member of the Party Leadership Group of Wusu Agriculture and Rural Affairs Bureau, Rural Revitalization Development Shen Jianzhi, director of the center, said: “The trial planting of protein mulberry in the first year of this year was very successful. Now the first crop has entered the harvesting period. The average yield is between 450-500 kilograms, and the average income per mu can reach about 1,500 yuan. We plan to harvest three crops this year. The total output can reach 1.5 tons per mu. In the second and third years, the output of protein mulberry will gradually increase, and the final benefit will be very good.”

Since the beginning of this year, Wusu City has accelerated the adjustment of the agricultural industry structure, seized the national strategy of “moving east to west”, and combined the Yangtze River Delta and the Pearl River Delta Sericulture Industry�Move to the northwest region to accelerate the transformation and upgrading of the planting and breeding industry, improve quality and efficiency, promote the transformation of economic growth mode, realize the integrated development of primary, secondary and tertiary industries, and promote Uzbekistan Su’s economy is developing with high quality.

Ye Qizhen, head of the party group of Wusu Agriculture and Rural Affairs Bureau, said: ” In the future, our Agriculture and Rural Affairs Bureau will work hard on technology and promotion and application, speed up the planting and promotion of protein mulberry, provide a material basis for building a mulberry cocoon and silk industry chain, and at the same time drive farmers to increase their income and become rich, and promote high-quality economic development of the city.”

In order to summarize and exchange experience in protein mulberry planting technology, Wusu City also passed An on-site harvesting meeting was held to make arrangements for the follow-up promotion and planting of protein mulberry. All towns and villages were required to rely on the mulberry cocoon and silk intelligent whole industry chain project promoted by Wusu City through guaranteed acquisitions by “leading enterprises” and “municipal state-owned enterprises”. The new model of “agricultural company + farmer”, which combines agriculture with agriculture and benefits agriculture, carefully summarizes the early planting experience, actively promotes protein mulberry planting, forms a planting management and harvesting model suitable for Wusu, reduces planting management costs, and continuously optimizes and improves Wusu’s agricultural planting structure. and benefits, explore new ways to develop rural industries and increase farmers’ income, effectively assist rural revitalization, and promote the green and high-quality development of the city’s agriculture.

Wu Yi, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Deputy Director of the Municipal People’s Congress Standing Committee, Municipal Wang Yongan, Secretary and Vice Chairman of the CPPCC Party Leadership Group, Liu Jun, Member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, relevant heads of township and municipal departments and business representatives attended the on-site meeting.


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Author: clsrich
