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Waste textile recycling is moving towards “new” and “green”

With the global environmental protectionWith the improvement of awareness, green development has become an important trend in global economic and social development. In the textile…

With the global environmental protectionWith the improvement of awareness, green development has become an important trend in global economic and social development. In the textile industry, the positive incentive effect of vigorously promoting green development, circular development, and low-carbon development has become increasingly prominent. More and more companies are on the road to transformation, moving towards “new” and “green”.

“Accelerating the modernization of harmonious coexistence between man and nature has become a textile The new historical mission of the industry.” Duan Xiaoping, vice president of the China Textile Industry Federation (hereinafter referred to as the “China Textile Federation”), spoke at the Xinxiang “Egret” Green Conference held recently discussed at the Sustainable Development Forum.

Waste textile recycling has clear goals

The “Textile Industry “14th Five-Year Plan” Development Outline” clarifies the new positioning of the textile industry, that is, Pillar industries for national economy and social development, basic industries for solving people’s livelihood and beautifying life, and advantageous industries for international cooperation and integrated development. In 2022, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and the National Development and Reform Commission jointly issued the “Guiding Opinions on the Development of High Quality in the Chemical Fiber Industry” to clearly promote the high-end and high-end development of the chemical fiber industry. span style=”color:#FF8040″>Intelligent and green transformation to achieve high-quality development. On August 27 this year, the China Textile Federation officially released the “Action Outline for Building a Modern Textile Industrial System (2022-2035)”, proposing to comprehensively build a green manufacturing system for the textile industry.

Duan Xiaoping emphasized that promoting the green development of the textile industry requires systematic advancement , long-term success, high-end industrial structure, sustainable sources of raw materials, clean production processes, circular resource utilization, collaborative industrial chain value chain, and low-carbon energy structure are important paths to promote the green development of the industry and need to be promoted systematically.

Zong Rui, Deputy Director of the Department of Consumer Goods Industry, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology Long pointed out that the recycling of waste textiles is of great significance for resource conservation, pollution reduction and carbon reduction. It is also important to effectively supplement the supply of raw materials for my country’s textile industry and alleviate resource and environmental constraints. measure.

In March 2022, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Commerce, and The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology issued the “Implementation Opinions on Accelerating the Recycling of Waste Textiles”, proposing that by 2025, a waste textile recycling system will be initially established, recycling capabilities will be greatly improved, the waste textile recycling rate will reach 25%, and waste textiles will be regenerated. Fiber production reached 2 million tons. By 2030, a relatively complete waste textile recycling system will be established, the recycling awareness of producers and consumers will be significantly improved, high-value utilization channels will continue to expand, the level of industrial development will be significantly improved, the waste textile recycling rate will reach 30%, and the waste textile recycling rate will reach 30%. The output of recycled fiber reaches 3 million tons.

Hua Shan, director of the China Textile Industry Department, believes that for resource recycling To understand the utilization system, we must first have the supply and innovation of green fiber and form a recyclable closed loop. The starting point must be design, and at the same time, consumers must be guided to build the concept of green consumption from the consumer level. In addition, a recycling system must be formed, involving standards, information systems, and key technologies. All aspects must be in the context of the digital economy and with the blessing of “Internet +” to make the recycling system more complete.

Shanghai Regional Project Director of World Wildlife Fund (WWF) Ren Wenwei introduced NbS (nature-based solutions) and case guidelines proposed by the World Conservation Union, proposing actions to protect, sustainably manage and restore natural and altered ecosystems while providing human well-being and biodiversity benefits. .

Hotel waste cloth led by China Textile Federation Environmental Resources Committee The industrial pilot work on straw recycling has achieved fruitful results in recent years. Wang Lin, director of the resource comprehensive utilization business of the China Textile Federation Environmental Resources Committee, said that the circular economy is cross-industry and cross-value chain cooperation. Only by strengthening industrial collaboration and forming A complete cyclic system and closed loop can establish a model that is beneficial to all parties.

Feng Jiaping, executive vice president of the China Forestry Industry Federation, believes that there are three main ways to implement nature-based solutions. The first is to protect the natural ecosystem and biodiversity, and the second is to restore and repair the damaged natural ecology. system, and the third is to develop bio-based industries.

  “Jungcao fiber Conversion and conversion of arundodis fiber are conducive to stabilizing the supply of wood pulp raw materials. “Sun Huaibin, former vice president of China Textile Federation, said that establishing and improving the Juncao fiber industry chain will help Juncao fiber become a new fiber and fiber brand favored by consumers.

“As a new type of healthy raw material, Juncao weakens the dilemma of raw materials being controlled by people. “Zhang Jiaqi, deputy general manager and senior engineer of Xinxiang Chemical Fiber Co., Ltd., said that as a production end, Xinxiang Egret must improve through process innovation and further reduce costs. It is hoped that the industry will work together to promote Juncao fiber faster and more widely. Market.

Promoting the transformation of the sustainable fashion industry requires the collaboration of all parties. Help the industry find economical and systematic overall solutions to create a sustainable future for the industry. Cheng Hao, deputy director of the Industry Department of the China Textile and Apparel Federation, suggested that how to reduce carbon and reduce carbon emissions in the production process should be controlled from the source of technology and raw materials. Make good use of green energy and reduce the generation of sewage, and use this as a key consideration standard.


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Author: clsrich
