China garment – garment brands, garment information, garment media Garment News The promotion meeting for improving the quality and production of Guangxi’s sericulture industry in the second half of 2023 was held in Nanning

The promotion meeting for improving the quality and production of Guangxi’s sericulture industry in the second half of 2023 was held in Nanning

In order to thoroughly implement the spirit of the video and telephone conference on agricultural and rural work scheduling in the first half of the year, Remobilize, redeploy, and…

In order to thoroughly implement the spirit of the video and telephone conference on agricultural and rural work scheduling in the first half of the year, Remobilize, redeploy, and implement the relevant instructions from the leaders of the Guangxi Autonomous Region Party Committee and Government and the Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs on strengthening sericulture production, seize the key nodes of autumn cocoon production, and go all out to implement various key work measures. On September 5, the Guangxi Sericulture Technology Promotion Station organized a promotion meeting in Nanning to improve the quality and increase production of the region’s sericulture industry in the second half of 2023. Wei Bo, full-time deputy director of the Agricultural Office of the Autonomous Region Party Committee and member of the Party Group of the Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs; Li Biao, Secretary of the Party Committee and Station Director of the Guangxi Sericulture Technology Promotion Station; leaders in charge of the Agricultural and Rural Affairs Bureaus and Sericulture Stations of 12 major sericulture-producing cities in the region; 24 More than 60 people including heads of sericulture departments in key sericulture production counties (cities and districts), relevant personnel from the Yizhou District Sericulture Circular Economy Development Center and the Autonomous Region Sericulture Technology Promotion Station attended the meeting. The meeting was hosted by the deputy station of the Guangxi Sericulture Technology Promotion Station Chang Huang Hongyan presided over.

This meeting is divided into three agendas. The first is to carry out sericulture. Production technology training, in which experts from relevant business departments of the Guangxi Sericulture Technology Promotion Station share and exchange experience in mulberry orchard production increase technology, sericulture production increase technology, sericulture production disease prevention and loss reduction technology, etc.; second, cities, counties (cities, districts) ) to conduct exchanges and reports on sericulture production; third, arrange and deploy sericulture production work in the second half of the year.

At the meeting, Wei Bo pointed out that with the nationwide Rainfall in the region has increased, the drought has been alleviated, mulberry trees in various places are growing well, and there are fewer pests and diseases. All conditions are conducive to sericulture production. All localities should seize the current favorable situation of high cocoon prices and high farmers’ enthusiasm for planting and breeding, go all out to do a good job in autumn cocoon production, strive to reverse the passive situation of production in the third and fourth quarters, ensure that the annual goals and tasks are achieved, and build a strong agricultural region , comprehensively promote rural revitalization and make greater contributions.


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Author: clsrich
