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Ningbo Textile and Garment Industry Chain Quality Improvement Action Launched

Recently, “Quality Month” – the launch ceremony of Ningbo Textile and Garment Industry Chain Quality Improvement Action was held at the “one-stop” ser…

Recently, “Quality Month” – the launch ceremony of Ningbo Textile and Garment Industry Chain Quality Improvement Action was held at the “one-stop” service platform of Haishu District Textile and Garment Industry Quality Infrastructure, with more than 120 representatives of textile and garment enterprises participating.

At the launch ceremony, the city’s first “Textile and Clothing Quality Improvement” was released “Industrial Chain Map” and “Textile and Garment Industry Chain Quality Issues Map” comprehensively present the distribution and proportion of the textile and apparel industry chain in 10 districts (counties, cities), 2 functional areas, and 17 towns (streets) in Haishu District in Ningbo. Basic information can accurately identify quality weak links in the regional textile and apparel industry chain, involving fabric functionality, design innovation, brand culture and other aspects.

At the scene, the “chain owner” enterprise representative Consinee Group Co., Ltd. The company, Ningbo Boyang Garment Group Co., Ltd., has signed a quality consistency management and control strategic cooperation agreement with industrial chain supply chain enterprises, integrating small, medium and micro enterprises in the chain into a common supply chain and quality management system, and extending, replenishing and replenishing the industrial chain. Strong links provide support.

 ”The industrial chain directly connects upstream and downstream related enterprises, giving us Small and medium-sized enterprises have pointed out the direction in terms of research and development and quality improvement. It is of great help to enterprises in achieving differentiation and market-oriented operations.” Wang Yunxia, ​​general manager of Zhejiang Shuangdun Textile Technology Co., Ltd., said that as a yarn production company, by participating in the industry Chain quality improvement actions can directly communicate and cooperate with leading companies, which will help companies seize market opportunities faster and better.

 ”We will give full play to the advantages of the supply chain system and supplier management, Starting from building industrial cluster, we will help improve the brand quality and efficiency of the textile and apparel industry chain.” said the relevant person in charge of Ningbo Boyang Garment Group Co., Ltd.

The relevant person in charge of the Quality Development Department of Ningbo Market Supervision Bureau said, This textile and apparel industry chain quality improvement action will rely on the textile and apparel industry quality infrastructure “one-stop” service platform to provide enterprises with measurement, standardization, certification and accreditation, inspection and testing, quality management, Intellectual property rights, brand services, registration, credit financing and other all-round “zero-distance” services guide and help enterprises improve quality management levels, systematically solve a number of technical problems that restrict industrial development, and promote the construction of A modern textile and apparel industry chain and industrial cluster with complete system, optimized structure, independence and safety, and strong quality competitiveness.

“Next step, we will improve the quality of the textile and apparel industry chain Taking this opportunity, we will further plan and implement the city’s industrial chain quality improvement actions, adhere to demand orientation and problem orientation, and strive to solve a number of industrial chain and supply chain quality improvement blocking problems through quality comparison analysis, joint technological research and other measures.” the person in charge said.

At the launching ceremony, the Municipal Institute of Standardization and the Municipal Fiber Inspection Institute , Zhejiang Textile and Clothing Vocational and Technical College, Institute of Materials, Chinese Academy of Sciences (Ningbo), Customs Technology Center, Municipal Consumer Goods Industry Department, Municipal Textile Industry Association, etc. jointly established a joint research group on common quality technologies in the industrial chain. Relevant experts also focus on standard quality control to promote quality improvement, supply chain quality improvement management, energy efficiency management and integrationEnergy saving and emission reduction and other topics shared their views.


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Author: clsrich
