China garment – garment brands, garment information, garment media Garment Applications “Kuan Zao You” + “High Quality Cotton Variety” green efficiency technology helps the high-quality development of the cotton industry in Aksu region

“Kuan Zao You” + “High Quality Cotton Variety” green efficiency technology helps the high-quality development of the cotton industry in Aksu region

On September 7, by the Cotton Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences and the Western Agricultural Research Center An on-site observation meeting on cott…

On September 7, by the Cotton Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences and the Western Agricultural Research Center An on-site observation meeting on cotton green, high-yielding and efficient technology integration and “‘wide early and excellent’ + N” comprehensive cotton planting technology sponsored by the Agricultural and Rural Affairs Bureau of Aksu Prefecture was held at the cotton high-yield and high-efficiency creation demonstration field of Youth Farm, Kizil Town, Wensu County. After expert production testing, the technology was declared a success.

Zhang Jinhai is a cotton farmer in Qingnian New Village, Kizil Town. He has been growing cotton for more than 10 years. This year, he used 175 acres of his land to grow the “Kuanzaoyou” variety. “‘Kuanzaoyou’ cotton management is not only simple and labor-saving, but also saves a lot of investment in seeds, fertilizers, water and other production materials. This year, I am managing these fields myself, and the yield per mu is expected to reach 500 kilograms. I plan to expand it next year planting area.” Zhang Jinhai said.

The Cotton Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences creates “‘Kuan Zao You'” +N” integrated technology system, including the use of high-quality cotton seeds, dry sowing and wet seeding technology, biodegradable membrane technology, green cotton Verticillium wilt prevention and control technology, etc. In order to realize the “good varieties + good methods” matching of the “wide, early and excellent” cotton planting model and jointly promote the high quality development of cotton in southern Xinjiang, the Xinjiang Comprehensive Experimental Base of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences was established The first “wide, early and excellent” cotton research and promotion center in southern Xinjiang was established, and Ma Xiaoyan, a researcher at the Cotton Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, was hired as the chief scientist of the center, dedicated to improving cotton quality and efficiency and increasing cotton farmers’ production and income.

Zhang Xiling, deputy director of the Cotton Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, said: ” Wensu County has a unique geographical location, and the temperature difference in low-temperature areas is relatively obvious. If the ‘wide, early and excellent’ cotton planting model is adopted, the effect of promoting early onset and early maturity is very obvious. At the same time, we use the ‘Chinese Cotton Research Institute’ under the ‘wide, early and excellent’ mode. 96A’, a high-quality cotton variety, contributes to the high-quality development of the cotton industry in the Aksu region.”

The “Kuanzaoyou” + “High-Quality Cotton Variety” green efficiency technology of the “Cotton Green Yield Increase and Efficiency Innovation Team” of the Cotton Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences has improved the boll-bearing space of the group and increased the lighting of the mulch film. The temperature is conducive to the concentration of cotton plants into bolls and wadding, improving the early maturity and fiber quality of cotton. It has four major advantages: increasing temperature and increasing luster, reducing medicine and weight, reducing labor, increasing production and efficiency, and improving green quality.

Introduction by Dai Lu, director of the Extension Station of Aksu Regional Agricultural Technology Extension Center : “In the past two years, we have continuously tracked and investigated the ‘Kuan Zao You’ cultivation model, and found that this cultivation model is very suitable for promotion and application in the region. By reducing the density, we increased the ventilation and light transmission in the field, and the number of bolls per plant was The cotton has grown robustly and rapidly, achieving the goal of early maturity and high yield. We plan to submit the research report to relevant departments to promote this cultivation model on a large scale in the Aksu region to promote high yield and high efficiency of cotton.”


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Author: clsrich
