China garment – garment brands, garment information, garment media Garment Applications Improving the efficiency of technological innovation, filament weaving promotes green and low-carbon development of the industry

Improving the efficiency of technological innovation, filament weaving promotes green and low-carbon development of the industry

In order to speed up the construction of a modern textile industrial system, continue to maintain and enhance my country’s filament weaving industry On September 12, the 2023…

In order to speed up the construction of a modern textile industrial system, continue to maintain and enhance my country’s filament weaving industry On September 12, the 2023 China Filament Weaving Industry Technology Innovation Seminar with the theme of “Digital Innovation, Green Empowerment” was held in Wangjiangjing Town, Jiaxing City.

This meeting was organized by China Filament Weaving Association and Jiaxing City Show Sponsored by the People’s Government of Wangjiangjing Town, Zhou District, it is one of the 2023 series of activities to promote high-quality textile and clothing supply and upgrades carried out by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and the Ministry of Commerce. The meeting invited relevant experts, scholars, and upstream and downstream enterprises in the industry chain to exchange and discuss new technologies, new processes, and new equipment in green, low-carbon, digital transformation, etc., focusing on the current industry development situation and the development path of the filament weaving industry. .

Gather strength and focus on collaborative innovation in the industry chain

Wangjiangjing Town is a famous weaving town in China, and it is also the integration of Jiaxing urban area into the Yangtze River Delta Bridgehead. Chen Zheng, deputy director of the People’s Government of Xiuzhou District, Jiaxing City, Zhejiang Province, said that in recent years, Wangjiangjing Town has adhered to the two-wheel drive of modern textiles and smart homes, accelerated the intelligent transformation of traditional textile enterprises, and built a world-class advanced fashion textile manufacturing cluster. . In 2022, the industrial output value of the textile industry in Wangjiangjing Town will reach 11.58 billion yuan, accounting for 58.8% of the total industrial output value of the town. Among them, the output value of the weaving industry exceeded 8.6 billion yuan, the output value of the printing, dyeing and finishing industry exceeded 1.83 billion yuan, and the output value of the chemical fiber industry exceeded 1.15 billion yuan.

Chen Zheng said that the meeting was held in Wangjiangjing Town to build It provides a platform for enterprises to communicate and cooperate, and also establishes a link between the government and enterprises. Xiuzhou District will also take this conference as an opportunity to further strengthen industrial chain cooperation, continue to increase technological transformation and research and development, and promote industrial upgrading and product innovation.

At present, the scientific and technological innovation capabilities of my country’s textile industry are steadily improving, from “following the “Run” fully enters “parallel running” and “leading”. Duan Xiaoping, vice president of the China Textile and Apparel Federation, pointed out that the filament weaving industry is the basic support for the scale advantage of my country’s textile industry, an important component of the global advantage, an important support for the intelligent advantage, and an important manifestation of the intensification advantage. , is not only one of the fastest-growing textile industries, but also has achieved outstanding results in technological innovation. Its overall innovation capabilities have continued to make breakthroughs, and its innovation system has gradually improved.

In view of the current industry development situation, Duan Xiaoping pointed out that due to weak external demand , Insufficient endogenous power, my country’s export situation is under pressure, problems such as slow recovery of corporate profits and unstable market expectations are more prominent, and the foundation for continued economic improvement still needs to be consolidated. Faced with the impact of unexpected factors, how to boost confidence, relieve difficulties, and achieve better recovery are practical issues that urgently need to be solved.

Duan Xiaoping emphasized that the “Building Textile Modernization” issued by the China Textile Federation Industrial System Action Plan (2022-2035)”, which depicts a strategic blueprint for the high-quality development of the textile industry in the process of Chinese modernization. The filament weaving industry must consciously integrate into the construction of a modern textile industrial system and continue to promote the transformation of the industry in the direction of “technology, fashion, and green”. In this regard, he put forward four suggestions: first, strengthen technological leadership and promote industrial innovation and upgrading; second, implement the “double carbon” goal and promote green industrial development; third, accelerate digital innovation and promote industrial transformation and upgrading; fourth, pay attention to talent training , promote industryBends, friction and other effects can easily cause fuzzing, warp breakage, unclear openings, etc., making it difficult to weave smoothly and seriously affecting product quality. Therefore, warp yarns must be sized to improve weaving performance. He said that the first purpose of sizing is to increase the strength of the yarn and improve the bundling of the fibers; the second is to adhere to the hairiness and improve the smoothness of the yarn surface; the third is to improve the wear resistance of the yarn; the fourth is to keep the original yarn as much as possible elasticity, elongation at break and bending properties. He also compared the advantages and disadvantages of single-shaft sizing machines and pulp combiners based on the actual production conditions of the company.

In a paper entitled “Development of key technologies for the preparation of composite super-imitation natural fibers” and Applications” report, Guo Qiaosheng, assistant to the chairman of Zhejiang Haoneng Technology Co., Ltd., introduced the current status of industry technology, key technologies for the preparation of composite super-imitation natural fibers, the development of series products and applications, and the development prospects of composite fibers. He said that customer and market demand are the ultimate goals of all product development. The key technology of composite super-imitation natural fibers overcomes the inherent defects of traditional natural fibers and also has unique appearance and visual effects. The key points of this technology include: raw material and component selection, pre-spinning spinneret design, post-spinning processing technology and equipment improvement.

Li Changchun, deputy general manager of the Quality Assurance Department of Wujiang Fuhua Weaving Co., Ltd. Based on enterprise practice, with the theme of “Application of Digital Quality Management System”, the digital application and innovation results of enterprise quality management were shared. He introduced that in order to achieve digital intelligence empowerment, Fuhua promotes the digitalization of quality management through a digital excellent quality management model and in accordance with the five high standards of “high standards, high centralized control, high penetration, high visibility, and high traceability”. The results have been remarkable, providing a basic guarantee for the company’s product innovation and mass production. He emphasized that in the future, Fuhua’s digital transformation will transform from a branch center to a centralized control center; from a cost center to a profit center; and from a management center to a service center.

Liu Guangyu, Director of the Information Department of Wujiang Lantian Weaving Co., Ltd. Enterprise practice shared experience on the construction of textile intelligent workshops. He introduced that in view of the characteristics of the company’s products with high weft density, difficult process and high unit price, especially in order to cope with the new market of small batches, multiple varieties, high quality and fast delivery, and to improve the logistics efficiency of the factory, the intelligent workshop built by Lantian , through the application of automation equipment, efficient integration of information systems, and the construction of 12 standards, intelligent management and control of the entire manufacturing process has been effectively realized, greatly improving the company’s market competitiveness and innovation.

Zhang Chentong, general manager of the business unit of Huansi Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd. A report titled “Digital Empowerment of Filament Weaving” elaborated on weaving machines from the aspects of application scenarios and business frameworks, machine networking software functions, machine networking acquisition units, machine networking integrable service providers, and smart warehousing and smart transportation expansion. Networking solution V6.1. She pointed out that full-process digital control has three major advantages: First, production progress information can be checked in real time, and the real-time and accuracy of data are greatly improved, reducing the workload of statisticians and improving the work efficiency of managers; second, the whole process data can be traced, which will The raw materials, machines, personnel, and process information of the product are connected in series, and problems can be traced quickly and accurately; third, employee performance data is authentic and reliable, and the assessment is accurate and quantitative.

In a report titled “Photovoltaics Power Low-Carbon Weaving” Kai Wuzhen, secretary-general of the China Textile Planning and Research Association, introduced the characteristics and development applications of distributed photovoltaics, the needs and application cases of photovoltaic + textile, BIPV solutions for the textile industry and construction benefits. She believes that textile enterprise factories occupy a large area, have a large and flat roof area, have a high utilization rate, and the enterprise consumes large amounts of electricity, which can realize the consumption of real-time power generation (the calculated electricity price can be guaranteed to be the peak electricity price during the day or the flat electricity price) , Spontaneous self-use relieves the pressure of peak electricity consumption, and the sale of surplus electricity on the Internet brings economic benefits to enterprises, maximizing benefits, and at the same time helping enterprises realize their social responsibilities of carbon emission reduction.

Under the background of “dual carbon”, to promote industrial transformation and upgrading, Taking a green, low-carbon, and circular development path is a positive action to achieve high-quality development of enterprises and respond to climate change. Liang Zhiyu, director of the Electrical Instrument Department of Jiangsu Peijie Textile Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd., shared the topic of “Application of Photovoltaic Power Generation in Filament Weaving Enterprises” based on corporate innovation. He said that in order to build a smart factory in the textile industry, distributed photovoltaic projects will be built on the roof of the first phase of the Peijie Textile factory in accordance with the model of “spontaneous self-use and surplus power grid connection”. After the completion of the first phase, the average annual power generation will be 21.45 million kilowatt hours, which is equivalent to It reduces carbon dioxide emissions by approximately 16,800 tons per year, achieving remarkable results in energy conservation and efficiency improvement.

serif; font-size: 14px; line-height: 25px; white-space: normal; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);”>Under the background of “dual carbon”, promote industrial transformation and upgrading and go green , low-carbon, and circular development paths are positive actions to achieve high-quality development of enterprises and respond to climate change. Liang Zhiyu, director of the Electrical Instrument Department of Jiangsu Peijie Textile Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd., combined with enterprise innovation, used “photovoltaic power generation in filament weaving enterprises “Application” was shared under the title. He said that in order to build a smart factory in the textile industry, the roof of the first phase of Peijie Textile’s factory will be built with a distributed photovoltaic project in accordance with the model of “spontaneous self-use and surplus electricity on the grid”. After the completion of the first phase, The average annual power generation is 21.45 million kilowatt-hours, which is equivalent to reducing carbon dioxide emissions by approximately 16,800 tons per year. The results of energy saving and efficiency improvement are remarkable.


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Author: clsrich
